Zhaowen Zhongshi chose to give in. After all, normal people will not fight with drunken lunatics!

In the missile destroyer leader of the North Bear Kingdom, Koloff watched the three neon local self-defense force warships leave, and he smiled disdainfully,"These little dwarfs are still as timid as mice!"

"The captain is right!"First Officer Trotsky seconded the proposal.

The conflict between the warships of the North Bear Country and the Neon Country naturally attracted the attention of the Xia Kingdom. Sun Xin watched the three Neon Home Self-Defense Force warships leave directly. He couldn't help but sigh. in one breath

"These neon people really bully the weak and fear the strong!"Sun Xin sighed.

Qiao Zhuangzhi definitely agreed,"The main reason is that they know that the guys from the North Bear Country are really capable of taking action."

That is also the characteristic of the North Bear Country!

The relationship between the North Bear Country and the Xia Country is quite good, but there is a huge difference in decision-making between the two. For example, when the Xia Country makes public statements, it has always stated that it will not be the first to use the final weapon.

The external statement of the North Bear Country stated that there is no restriction on the use of the final weapon. If it feels that the opponent is too threatening, the North Bear Country will even use the final weapon first. The two styles are completely different.

However, this time Sun Xin did not guess The guys who went to the North Bear Country were so active because of the extra bounty.

After the three warships of the Neon Local Self-Defense Force were driven away, Koloff immediately reported the situation to Seminović, allowing Semi Norwich went to ask for the reward.

Naturally, Seminovich immediately submitted the relevant proof to An Liang, thus receiving a reward of 20 million Xia Guoyuan.

In fact, this reward was already very high, because it was just to expel Ni. There were only three warships of the Hong Imperial Court.

When the thugs of the North Bear Kingdom drove away the warships of the Neon Imperial Court, the divers of Renyi Security Company finally discovered an abnormality on the seabed. They detected a large number of metal reactions on the seabed through metal detectors.

After some manual exploration, wooden boxes buried in the sand were finally discovered on the seabed.

In these wooden boxes, in addition to gold bars, there were also silver coins wrapped in oil paper, stacks of porcelain, and decayed Ship wood, the situation at the scene seemed to be that the hull structure was broken, a large amount of cargo was scattered on the seabed, and was buried in the seabed mud, so it was not discovered.

When the divers of Renyi Safety Company discovered these things, they immediately Report to Qin Tianxiang, who immediately reports to An Liang

‘Suzaku Six: Boss, we found the sunken treasure! '

Qin Tianxiang reported the specific situation, including the broken hull and a large number of sunken treasure items scattered on the seabed, thus proving An Liang's previous guesses.

But is it actually a wooden boat?

An Liang was a little curious, but he didn't look into it in detail.

‘No. 0: Follow the original plan’

‘Zero: Keep all salvage items secret’

‘Suzaku Six: Got it. After the exchange, Anliang breathed a long sigh of relief. He finally found the sunken treasure. He only hoped that the salvage work of the sunken treasure would go smoothly this time.

It's about six o'clock in the evening.

Yang Maoyi completed the filming of the food documentary in Sandaomen Old Kitchen. Generally speaking, everything went smoothly. Luo Yun was indeed fully prepared.

When the photography team was packing up their equipment, Luo Yun took the initiative to ask,"Ms. Yang, when will our family's food documentary be completed?"

Yang Maoyi thought about it for a moment before responding,"Because it needs to be produced in multiple languages. copywriting, so the speed will be a little slower, and we can't determine the specific time."

An Liang added on the side,"If Boss Luo is more anxious, we can notify you in advance after we have completed the copywriting of Xia Guoyu, and you can hire a translation team by yourself. , translating Xia Mandarin copywriting into English, Neon, Russian, French, German and other mainstream languages ​​​​in the world."

Translation work has always taken up a lot of Yang Maoyi's time, especially translation work in other languages.

Yang Maoyi is an English major. She can handle English translation by herself. However, translation work in other languages ​​is currently done by students majoring in other languages ​​for a fee.

Luo Yun thought about it for a moment, then agreed,"No problem! I would also like to trouble Ms. Yang to hand over the food documentary to me after she completes the copywriting. I will contact the translation company to produce the copywriting in other languages."

Yang Maoyi nodded and agreed," Okay."

An Liang refused,"We will only give you the copy information, and we can only release the specific documentary in the end."

This is called guarding against others!

What if this Luo Yun released their food documentary in advance?

Although the probability of this kind of thing is relatively low, since there is a probability, An Liang is willing to nip the trouble in the bud.

Luo Yun suddenly realized, he understood what An Liang meant, and nodded affirmatively,"No problem, Mr. An is right, we only need the copy information."

An Liang nodded with satisfaction, this Luo Yun was very measured.

Near seven o'clock, An Liang and Yang Maoyi left the old kitchen of Sandaomen. They were going to shoot the next food documentary, roasting mutton in Luqiao by the Yong'an River.

While on the road, An Liang received news from Huang Guoxiang

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you have time?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: There is a small change in the Yagu Gold Mine. '

Are there any changes in Yagu Gold Mine?

An Liang thought to himself, there should be no variables in the Yagu Gold Mine, right?


Update time: July 1, 2021 00:03:43, very late, honey, good night.

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