The neon stock market opens from 8:00 to 10:00 Imperial City time, takes an hour and a half break, and then ends from 11:30 to 14:00.

The professional traders of Anxin Investment Company have entered the Neon stock market with four small goals according to the information provided by Anliang. Their target is naturally Shiseido.

As soon as the market opened in the morning, Shiseido's stock opened high and soared!

Because after the promotional documentary [Anaishai

This data continues to rise today, and the rate of increase is extremely exaggerated!

In view of the performance of the Tianmiao flagship store yesterday, Shiseido began to promote the [Anaisun

Such hot sales and good advertising naturally caused Shiseido's stock price to rise. The original price of 7,000 yen soared by 10%.

But Anxin Investment Company’s operation on Shiseido is short selling!

That is, Shiseido’s stock price has to fall to make money!

Just in the opening wave of gains, the four small targets lost 10%, which is equivalent to a net loss of 40 million.

An Liang was not anxious at all!

Because the Anliang You Life Winner System feedbacks the Shiseido stock trend information in the next three days, the current situation is normal. With the sales conversion brought by the [Anliang X Military Training] promotional documentary, Shiseido's stock price should indeed rise.

An hour after the market opened, Shiseido's stock had risen by 14%, and this figure is still rising slowly.

Li Gang couldn't help but send a WeChat message to An Liang, hoping that An Liang would consider cutting his losses.

In the stock market, it is very important to stop losses in time.

But Anliang was not in a hurry!

Is there anyone who can still lose with the winning system in life? joke!

Before the market closed in the morning, Shiseido's stock price finally stabilized at a 12% increase. Although there was a slight drop, the overall increase was 12%, which meant that Anxin Investment Company lost 12%..

When the Neon Stock Market was closed, An Liang paid attention to Bald Eagle Country's social networking site information. At 10:30, he finally saw the information he wanted to see. He forwarded this information to Li Gang



Shiseido’s latest global promotional video [Anaisan X Military Training] is suspected of seed discrimination!

In the promotional documentary"An Naishan

For example, the male protagonist of the documentary repeatedly expressed that he respected whiteness. After the military training, he was thankful that he was not tanned by the sun because of the protection of Anai Sunscreen.

This is the main theme of the entire promotional video!

The meaning of seed discrimination is too strong!

Calling on Black Seeds to stand up,We must boycott Shiseido’s discriminatory behavior and strongly demand that Shiseido completely remove the promotional video of [Anaisun X Military Training] from the shelves and publicly apologize.


This news spread rapidly in the Bald Eagle Country. Although this country is free, it is obviously that the freedom that Uncle Xinzhe said has gone too far, and some problems are always dealt with on the top of the line.

For example, is there really any kind of seed discrimination in the promotional documentary [An Naishan X Military Training]?

Actually no!

The people of Xia Kingdom do prefer fairer skin. In the general environment of Xia Kingdom, there is no problem at all, right?

However, it is a big problem if it is placed in the Bald Eagle Country!

Features of Bald Eagle Country: Seed discrimination is no small matter!

This matter of seed discrimination spread quickly on social networks, and then quickly spread to the world. In just one hour, the news that Shiseido was in trouble with seed discrimination spread.

When the Neon Stock Market reopened after the break, Shiseido, which had been so vigorous, fell rapidly. The stock price fell back to its original price of 7,000 yen just after the opening, and continued to fall.

The problem of seed discrimination in Bald Eagle Country is obviously real, but it just can’t be spoken out.

It cannot be said!

It cannot be said!

It’s wrong to say it!

At 13:40 in the afternoon, there were still 20 minutes before the Neon Stock Market closed. Shiseido’s stock price had dropped from the initial 7,000 yen to more than 6,200 yen. According to this situation, if Anxin Investment Company liquidates its position, they will gain more than 10%. profit.

Ascended directly from hell to heaven?

The original loss was more than 40 million, but now it has been transferred directly to more than 40 million!

In fact, An Liang was very aware of the situation of the high opening red market, but he could not buy Shiseido's stock after the start, and Shiseido's stock kept rising, so An Liang did not take the first wave of dividends, and simply sold short with peace of mind.

It is impossible to clear out today!

The matter of seed discrimination is still fermenting. After a night of brewing, that is, a day of brewing in Bald Eagle Country, it will have a greater impact!

After all, the time difference between Daxia and Neon is different from that of Bald Eagle Country.

After a whole day of deliberation in Bald Eagle Country, Shiseido’s latest global promotional documentary [Anaisun X Military Training] has indeed been labeled as seed discrimination!

The wave of criticism against Shiseido is getting bigger and bigger!

So can Shiseido’s stock price hold up?

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