At this moment, Yang Maoyi didn't know that a large number of restaurants in the Imperial Capital area were applying for Fox Fairy Food Review, and she was sleeping next to An Liang!

Yesterday, the little vixen insisted on provoking the righteous master An Daozhang. After repeated defeats, the little vixen naturally slept in.

An Liang is a dual-talented warrior. After easily suppressing the little vixen, An Liang still has some strength left.

So An Liang got up carefully. After having breakfast, he checked the messages sent by Qin Tianxiang.

Although Qin Tianxiang is already drifting in the vast sea, he maintains contact with the Internet through the satellite network, and Anliang even plans to build his own satellite network.

But the time is not ripe yet

‘Qin Tianxiang: Mr. An, we have already set off’

‘Qin Tianxiang: The thugs and guards are also online’

‘Qin Tianxiang: We have arrived at the first target location and are waiting for the thugs to arrive.’

‘Qin Tianxiang: The thugs are expected to arrive in another two hours. An

Liang checked the time and saw that a little more than an hour and a half had passed since Qin Tianxiang's last message. He guessed that the thugs from the North Bear Country were already arriving, right?

‘An Liang: Have the thugs arrived?’

‘Qin Tianxiang: Not yet, but the guards said they have found the thugs and they will be able to meet up in ten minutes at most.’

‘An Liang: [The second coordinate】’

‘An Liang: This is the second coordinate, and it is also the final coordinate. When salvaging the sunken treasure, everything will be carried out according to the predetermined plan.’

‘Qin Tianxiang: Got it. '

An Liang ended his communication with Qin Tianxiang. He saw someone @ him in the WeChat group. It was Li Cunyuan sending a message to the Imperial Capital friends group.

‘Li Cunyuan: @安梁: Brother Liang, what are you doing?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Li Cunyuan: [Link: Fox Fairy Food Review is grandly launched, and the food review system may receive a huge impact】’

‘Li Cunyuan: [Link: Michelin and Black Pearl’s rivals! Why does Fox Fairy Food Review challenge the traditional power?】’

‘Li Cunyuan: [Link: Originated in Shengqing, grew up overseas, the network anchor has undergone a gorgeous transformation, and provides an in-depth analysis of Fox Fairy Food Review!】’

‘Li Cunyuan: The Internet is full of news like this’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, you can’t expect Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to not see you, right?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I remember that your girlfriend in Rongcheng seemed to run a catering company. '

An Liang first read the link sent by Li Cunyuan. All news reports were information released by self-media.

I usually like to start with a picture, and the content is all based on self-media news compiled by me. This time, I actually dug out a lot of real news.

For example, Yang Maoyi was indeed a host, and some self-media even captured screenshots of Yang Maoyi’s video of visiting food stores.

As for Yang Maoyi’s current food documentaries on Youtube, Beer Station, and Peer Video, they are all clearly listed.

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: These unscrupulous self-media!

After An Liang complained, he immediately sent a message to Xue Zhongrui, who is responsible for the operation of Anxin Media, asking Xue Zhongrui to resolve the messages as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble.

As for what Li Cunyuan said, when Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and the two Xia sisters saw it, An Liang was really not worried, because An Liang knew that they knew more or less what they knew, but they just didn't say it out loud.

In addition, the danger premonition ability did not issue any warning, so An Liang was very calm.

‘An Liang: I have already asked people to start processing this information’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, I’m really worried about you overturning your car.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, please take it easy’

‘Yun Haiyang: Wait for the car to overturn!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I can’t be the only one in this tragedy, right?’

‘An Liang: Are you still dealing with Xiaoyu and Li Qian?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Let me tell you secretly, please add a new heroine. It seems that Ye Zhiyi from the Ye family has also joined in.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang and Brother Xiangyu have a very good relationship, so Ye Zhiyi recently started to contact Brother Haiyang’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Saint of Love·Yun Haiyang! '

An Liang still remembers Ye Zhiyi. Her appearance was rated at 85 points, which is a good level among the best in a thousand, but her figure was a bit poor, and she was only rated at 70 points.

However, the status of the Ye family is very high, below the first floor and above the second floor, surpassing Yun Haiyang's family. This Yun Haiyang seems to have something?

‘An Liang: Brother Haiyang, I advise you to take it easy!’

‘Yun Haiyang: No...’

‘Yun Haiyang: It was Brother Liang who was about to overturn the car, why did it involve me again?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Mainly because you are more likely to overturn’

‘Li Cunyuan: Although Brother Liang seems to be in trouble, I think Brother Liang can solve it.’

‘An Liang: Because I know it in my heart, but you don’t.’

‘An Liang: Hu Xiaoyu, Ye Zhiyi, Li Qian, hey, which one of these people is easy to mess with?’

‘Yun Haiyang: At this time, Zhao Wanxi raised a question mark’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: So I have nothing to do with Zhao Wanxi’

‘Yun Haiyang: I believe it!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’m not afraid anyway, I’m waiting for Brother Liang to roll over together’

‘An Liang: Can’t you think of the good?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Let’s talk about something serious first.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, we need help’

‘Li Cunyuan: Rumor has it that Neon spies have entered the imperial capital and are trying to steal slices of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus. We have arranged for people to investigate, but we don’t think it is safe, so we hope that Brother Liang will also join the investigation.’

‘An Liang: Is there really a neon guy sneaking in? '

If it was Neon's spy, Anliang guessed it was arranged by former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan, right?

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