Almost an hour later, at the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters, Li Yang drove smoothly through the access control to the underground parking garage and parked the car next to Huang Guoxiang's parking space.

An Liang swiped his face to enter the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau. He did it in the true sense of the word, because the access control of the National Security Investigation Bureau has been upgraded to the level of facial recognition.

At the door of Huang Guoxiang's office, An Liang asked Li Yang to guard the door while he entered Huang Guoxiang's office himself.

Huang Guoxiang was reading a paper document. When An Liang came in, Huang Guoxiang properly put the paper document into a kraft paper bag to avoid the possibility of leaking the secret.

An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang's movements and said jokingly,"Are you so defensive of me?"

"Such are the rules and regulations! Huang Guoxiang responded calmly, and then immediately changed the subject,"What do you want when you come here?""

"I asked you to go fishing, do you want to go?"An Liang responded.


Huang Guoxiang had a question mark on his face, An Liang asked him to go fishing?

"My dad is an old fishing friend for more than 20 years, you should know that, right?"An Liang asked casually.

Huang Guoxiang naturally knew that An Liang's information had been studied countless times by the National Security Investigation Bureau, so he naturally knew about An Shengyu's situation.

"What exactly is your purpose?"Huang Guoxiang couldn't guess what An Liang was thinking, so he simply asked An Liang's true purpose.

"I told you, I asked you to go fishing, will you go? An Liang asked teasingly.

Huang Guoxiang followed An Liang's topic and responded,"Where do you want to go fishing?""

"What do you think of the high seas area?" An Liang suggested.

Before Huang Guoxiang asked again, An Liang added,"I want to organize a fishing activity in the high seas area, but I am worried that the wind and waves in the high seas area are relatively large, so the boats should be larger and the number should be larger. In order to ensure the safety of fishing players, it is best to arrange a salvage boat to avoid the trouble of falling into the water."

"Say what you have to say!"Huang Guoxiang complained

"I found a sunken treasure. The specific location is a little secret. It is located in the high seas and I can't retrieve it myself, so we can work together to do it?"An Liang suggested.

"We don't have a boat!"Huang Guoxiang made it clear his attitude of rejection.

"You will be given a share of the sunken treasure. You only need to contact the people, mainly the Donghai Navy. What do you think? An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated a little,"How big is the scale of this sunken treasure?""

"you guess?"An Liang asked back.

An Liang continued,"I can only tell you that the scale of this shipwreck treasure is relatively large, and I will definitely not do a loss-making business."

"Which country does the corresponding shipwreck belong to?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Are you worried about the retroactive sovereignty of the country to which the ship belongs?"An Liang said with a sneer,"Although there is such a precedent, according to international practice, the sunken ship in the high seas belongs to the people who discovered and salvaged it. Huang Guoxiang took a deep breath and said,"

How sure are you?"

He continued to add,"How many ships do you want and how many people do you want?""

"The more the merrier! An Liang responded,"It would be best if an aircraft carrier could be arranged to go over. I like aircraft carriers. Their hulls are stable and fishing is convenient!""

"Don't dream, that's impossible. The cost of dispatching an aircraft carrier once is quite high!"Huang Guoxiang refused.

Huang Guoxiang added,"I will reveal a set of data to you. Previously, our aircraft carrier flew over to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Hongkang Island's return for activities. A total of 125 million was spent on one trip."

"Our aircraft carrier only costs 16 million to refuel, but its range is only 6,000 nautical miles. This is only the fuel cost of the aircraft carrier. If the entire fleet is set off together and moves a little, it will cost tens of millions."Huang Guoxiang explained for Anliang

"So how valuable does your shipwreck treasure have to be to use an aircraft carrier?"Huang Guoxiang snorted,"If you want to play the treasure game, I can introduce you to the Donghai Navy and ask them to rent a boat to you, and you can play slowly by yourself."

"Is it so expensive?" An Liang secretly laughed, and he cooperated with Huang Guoxiang's performance,"Anyway, the aircraft carrier also needs daily training. If we change the voyage, how about I go whoring for free?"

"dream!"Huang Guoxiang refused and said,"Wait a moment, I will contact the Donghai Navy for you. You can negotiate the conditions slowly and let the Donghai Navy play with you. I don't have time!"

"Fine!"An Liang said reluctantly, but in fact, An Liang was overjoyed, because An Liang went to Huang Guoxiang with the intention of tricking Huang Guoxiang. The

National Security Investigation Bureau is not a necessary resource in the sunken treasure, the largest Its function is to introduce the Donghai Navy.

In fact, the Dalin family has such resources, but if the resources of the Dalin family are used, a share must be given to the Dalin family. Anyway, the resources can be obtained from Huang Guoxiang for free, and Anliang is naturally more willing to do so for free.

After a while, Huang Guoxiang called and contacted the Donghai Navy personnel,"I have made arrangements for you. The other party is the spokesperson of the Donghai Navy, and the other party also knows your identity, so this cooperation, as long as the conditions are right, there is basically no any problem"

"Thanks, Lao Huang, you are a good person."An Liang issued a good person card to Huang Guoxiang.

"The contact information has been pushed to you. You can contact me yourself. If there is nothing else, I still need to handle the work."Huang Guoxiang expressed his intention to see off the guests.

"Okay, I'll leave quickly. Goodbye!"An Liang said jokingly.

This Huang Guoxiang didn't realize at all that he was being prostituted for free. Instead, he thought he was getting rid of trouble. However, in fact, he was tricked by An Liang again!

Probably the longest road Huang Guoxiang has ever walked is An Liang's routine. Bar?

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