The night approaches early morning.

Yang Maoyi yawned. She lay lazily on An Liang's chest, listening to An Liang's strong heartbeat. She felt a little sleepy.

The righteous giant Taoist An once again defeated the little vixen with his powerful dual talents and Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum.

When Yang Maoyi was a little sleepy, An Liang was checking the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

Under the investigation of Renyi Security Company, whether it is Yuan Hao or Bai Feng, their identities have nowhere to hide.

Yuan Hao and Bai Feng are both from Zhaolin, Xiguang. Yuan Hao is 19 years old and a student of the Department of Computer Science at Jinling University. His resume in high school is quite impressive.

When I was a sophomore in high school, I participated in the NOIP National Informatics Mathematical Olympiad and won first place.

In my senior year of high school, I also won first place in the IOI International Informatics Mathematical Olympiad.

In addition to this clear information, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation confirmed that Yuan Hao was a hacker. During the test process, he found that Yuan Hao's hacking skills were quite good.

Bai Feng is three years older than Yuan Hao and is 22 years old this year. However, Bai Feng comes from a children's welfare home in Zhaolin City. He participated in a fight before his 18th birthday and caused the other party to be slightly disabled, thus entering prison.

In the investigation data of Renyi Security Company, there is more detailed information. The reason why Bai Feng participated in the fight was because of Yuan Hao.

Bai Feng and Yuan Hao are good friends. At that time, Yuan Hao was bullied, so Bai Feng naturally wanted to help his friend, and then something unexpected happened.

But Bai Feng chose to surrender, and since he was underage, he was ultimately sentenced to only four years. In view of Bai Feng's good behavior during detention, his sentence was reduced by one year, so Bai Feng was released early.

However, after coming out, Bai Feng's life was a bit difficult because of his criminal record. Under such circumstances, Bai Feng chose to come to Beihe for development.

Renyi Security Company did not investigate further, because further investigation would involve Decheng. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Renyi Security Company did not act without authorization.

After An Liang read the information, he began to think about it secretly.

Yuan Hao is a hacker?

Is it possible that Yuan Hao learned more information through the security monitoring system, so he didn't notify the patrol in Decheng?

Bai Feng knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so he chose to go to the tiger mountain for a reason. Because Bai Feng had a criminal record of being imprisoned, he could only take risks?

As for why Yuan Hao asked Yang Maoyi for help, An Liang couldn't figure it out for the time being, but An Liang could ask directly!

When Renyi Security Company investigated Yuan Hao, they obtained Yuan Hao’s contact information.

‘No. 0: No. 4, contact Yuan Hao through a safe method’

‘No. 4: OK, please wait.’



In an express hotel, Yuan Hao is processing security monitoring records through a laptop. Judging from the information displayed on the laptop screen, this security monitoring record is the record of Decheng Railway Station.

"There is no security monitoring record for that day, so just package it and delete it?"Yuan Hao said to himself.

The next moment, Yuan Hao's mobile phone received a message

‘Unknown number: [Link: Yuan Hao, Room 1502, West Season Hotel, Decheng Railway Station] '

This address and room number are exactly where Yuan Hao is!

The moment he saw the message, Yuan Hao was ready to run away, but he calmed down the next moment.

Because Yuan Hao knows that since the other party has sent him the message, he is not afraid of him running away.

‘I'm afraid the other party is already outside the door, right? Yuan Hao hesitated secretly in his heart. He didn't know who was targeting him, but he had no choice but to click on the link to see what the other party's purpose was.

Yuan Hao clicked on the link in the message, and a new message appeared.

‘【Download], verification code: TV123!@#’

Yuan Hao looked at the corresponding information. He had no other choice but to download it.

After a while, a software called 'Non-Exi' was installed.

Yuan Hao directly clicked on the software. There were no secrets in this mobile phone. He was not afraid that the other party would invade his mobile phone through this 'Non-Exi' software.

After opening the Non-Exi software, he was first asked to enter a verification code. Yuan Hao entered the verification code in the message, and then a chat interface appeared.

‘Anonymous 1: Hello, Yuan Hao’

‘Yuan Hao: Who are you?’

‘Anonymous 1: Have you hacked into the security monitoring system of Decheng Railway Station? Yuan Hao was secretly shocked.

He guessed the identity of the other party. When guessing, Yuan Hao directly gave negative information.

‘Yuan Hao: I didn’t do anything like that’

‘Anonymous 1: Don’t be nervous’

‘Anonymous 1: You are very defensive, but we have no ill intentions’

‘Anonymous 1: In order to express that we have no ill intentions and put your mind at ease, we first express our sincerity’

‘Yuan Hao: What sincerity? '

After Yuan Hao sent the message, he heard a knock on the door. Such a knock on the door directly hit Yuan Hao's heart like a midnight bell, making Yuan Hao startled!


Update time: June 15, 2021 00:03:58, good night

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