If Anliang does not have a winning system in life, then his future is destined to inherit the family business.

But Anliang has a winning system in life, and his own companies far exceed the family business in terms of scale, so Anliang doesn't want to inherit the family business.

Anliang once tried to encourage his parents to continue working hard and arrange another heir for the family business, but was ruthlessly rejected.

So in the distant future, when An Shengyu really reaches the age of retirement, An Liang can only take over the family business, but definitely not now!

After stopping An Shengyu's unrealistic fantasy, An Liang recalled the filming team of Shengqing TV Station's Shengqing Focus News to record the unearthed golden Tai Sui and its transfer to the aquarium.

The whole process lasted very short, and in less than five minutes, the Golden Tai Sui was transferred from the soil to the aquarium, and covered with three layers of black cloth to create a dark light environment.

The Shengqing Focus news filming team recorded the entire process, and Li Xiyan still reported.

Cai Mingzhe, the director of the news channel, particularly flattered An Liang, saying that the news about the unearthed Golden Tai Sui would also be added to the Shengqing focus news, and Li Xiyan was asked to arrange two photogenic news on the same day.

An Liang naturally did not refuse the other party's kindness. After all, he had previously sponsored an excess of three million in 'advertising fees'. Isn't it normal for the other party to take the initiative to build a relationship?

Cai Mingzhe knew very well that as long as Li Xiyan and An Liang did not break up, similar cooperation would definitely happen in the future, so he had to please An Liang.

After the Golden Tai Sui was unearthed, it was transported by Sun Shizhong and the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to Shili Bay for research. An Liang was very relieved to leave it to Sun Shizhong to handle. After all, Sun Shizhong was a member of the Renyi Security Company system and his loyalty could be guaranteed.

If it is left to others to study, if others also find out that Golden Tai Sui has the effect of prolonging life, will they truthfully tell An Liang the truth?

I’m afraid it’s really a big problem!

At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, in the living room of Li Xiyan's home, Li Xiyan was leaning on An Liang's thigh. She was playing with her mobile phone, while An Liang was checking the financial report of An Liang Investment Company.

Anxin Investment Company is the core cornerstone of the rewards of the Life Winner System. There is no problem at all. However, Anliang still often checks the financial reports of Anxin Investment to understand the daily operation status of Anxin Investment Company.

"Huh? Li Xiyan, who was resting on An Liang's lap, exclaimed,"An Liang, Shengqing TV Station has finished editing the news. Do you want to take a look?""

Li Xiyan said, sitting up straight, and then clicked on the news sent by Shengqing TV Station on her mobile phone.

The first news was the groundbreaking ceremony of Maosen Center. In this news, Li Xiyan was wearing a white shirt. The professional attire of casual trousers and casual trousers looks full of maturity of working women. In An Liang's eyes, Li Xiyan is almost exactly the same as Liu Ling.

Even watching the news video, An Liang said that his genes are shamefully moved. Yes!

The second news is of course that the golden Tai Sui was unearthed. In this news, Li Xiyan is wearing sportswear, full of youthful feeling.

"Not bad! An Liang said with praise,"My baby is so beautiful!""

After finishing speaking, An Liang held Li Xiyan in his arms.

Li Xiyan's face turned red. She rolled her eyes at An Liang and reminded her,"It's almost five o'clock. Mom is going to get off work. Don't mess around."

However, it was okay if Li Xiyan didn't say anything. When she said this, the image of her in professional attire wearing a white shirt and casual trousers appeared in An Liang's mind. An Liang directly picked up Li Xiyan and walked to the bedroom.

"ah!"Li Xiyan exclaimed,"No, no, no, you bad guy, mother will be back later!""

How could Anliang let Li Xiyan go?

In Li Xiyan's bedroom, Anliang took Li Xiyan to quickly take a bath and change clothes, and then joined the double queue in the alliance game.


At Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank, Liu Ling got off work on time at 5:30 in the afternoon. She had secured a big customer, AXA Construction, and her status in the branch was very high. It was impossible to work overtime.

After get off work, Liu Ling drove the lava orange Porsche Cayenne S-Coupe directly home. When she got home, she naturally saw An Liang's shoes at the door.

Liu Ling first looked at the living room, but An Liang was not there. She went to the kitchen to check, and also looked at the guest bathroom, but she couldn't find An Liang. Her expression was a little helpless.

There is no one in these areas, so the only possibility is Li Xiyan's bedroom, right?

Liu Ling took a deep breath and prepared to return to her bedroom to change clothes and practice yoga before having dinner. However, when passing by Li Xiyan's bedroom, she discovered that the bedroom door was not completely closed, leaving a small gap.

In alliance games, fierce battles always break out during double row. Liu Ling vaguely heard a little sound, and her face suddenly turned red. She didn't dare to close Li Xiyan's bedroom door, so she could only quietly Retreat to the living room and go out again.

After going out again, Liu Ling shook her head vigorously, as if to shake off some messy thoughts. She took a deep breath, and then took the elevator back to the underground garage. She planned to go to the supermarket to buy some fruit to kill time.

After all, it’s easy to be embarrassed to go home now.

When it was approaching a quarter past six, Li Xiyan punched An Liang's chest first, and then she hummed and said,"Look, I told you that mommy was going to get off work, but you just didn't listen!"

Li Xiyan The home smart system on the mobile phone was shown to An Liang for review. The door opening record showed that Liu Ling opened the door at 5:51, and then left again less than two minutes later.

These two records fully illustrate the problem...

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