An Liang is very clear about the rules of the game in the world, as well as the power of business resources and money.

Business resources and money are powerful!

But the premise is based on huge business resources and huge amounts of money.

An Liang ordered Anxin Investment Company to investigate the Wan Shi Feng Ping Shipping Group's information, which showed that a management struggle broke out between the Wan family and other shareholders of the group. The Wan family simply could not control Wan Shi Feng Ping Shipping Group 100%.

Under such circumstances, some things were suppressed, but I'm afraid it was only temporarily suppressed, which was just an act of burying the hatchet.

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Qian Xiaogang shook his head,"I'm not too sure. The time was too short and I didn't investigate enough information.""

"I will arrange for someone to deal with him first and uncover all the bad things in the past." Qian Xiaogang added.

He and An Liang had the same idea. Those things that were suppressed in the past were all hidden unstable factors. Now we need to dig out these unstable factors again.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Okay!"

If Wanfeng's matter can be resolved openly and openly through conventional means, or through legal channels, Anliang will naturally be unwilling to use unconventional means.

From the current point of view, this Wanfeng is an egg with cracks, and will inevitably get into trouble. Flies.

Outside the Magic City International Circuit, Wanfeng drove away in a Ferrari 458. Although he had just apologized and Anliang graciously forgave him, Wanfeng's heart was still filled with resentment. Wanfeng was resenting Anliang, who was obviously a big shot. , why didn’t he declare his family status at the beginning?

If Anliang knew Wanfeng’s thoughts, he would definitely laugh out loud. How could he have such a magical logic?

After Wanfeng left the Magic City International Circuit, another thought came to his mind Li Xiyan was looking forward to her appearance. He secretly felt that even if An Liang was a big shot, he was not easy to mess with!

After thinking about it clearly, Wanfeng was ready to investigate Li Xiyan's situation.

However, Wanfeng did not find out that he When he left, Little Tail was already following behind him.

The field staff of Renyi Security Company had followed An Liang's instructions and began to collect Wanfeng's intelligence information. If necessary, Renyi Security Company would not mind taking unconventional measures. To solve Wanfeng.

An Liang has never been a soft-hearted person!

In the past, An Liang was decisive in killing, but now An Liang is even less likely to be kind.

After all, the danger premonition ability has warned of danger, and An Liang's favorite thing to do is Nip the danger in the cradle so that the danger has no chance to grow.

This is also the place where the ability to predict danger is the strongest!

Magic City International Circuit.

The lap race organized by Qin Feng and Yang Biao continued, An Liang was in the stands Looking at the results of the lap race, his expression was very relaxed, because all the current contestants were novices pecking each other.

In fact, the final result was the same.

Even if there were two opponents who were comparable to professional drivers, Anliang was still beaten. It was easy to kill. After all, An Liang's driving skills had reached the level of professional elites.

At the evening celebration banquet, An Liang took Li Xiyan to attend, and Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing also participated.

Li Xiyan, a little fool, turned into a food hunter, and she pulled While Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi tasted various delicacies, An Liang and Qian Xiaogang communicated quietly in the corner, but An Liang often looked at Li Xiyan

"Brother Gangzi, do you know anything about the Dalin family?"An Liang asked casually

"Is Brother Yili’s home?..."Qian Xiaogang pondered for a moment,"He has a very good relationship with Brother Yuan."

"How strong is the Dalin family in the navy?"An Liang asked

"Very strong! Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively,"Brother Liang needs help from the navy?""

"I want to go fishing!"An Liang responded casually.


Qian Xiaogang had a black question mark on his face, is he going to go fishing with a navy?

"No, Brother Liang, what kind of fish do you want to catch? Qian Xiaogang complained,"Do we have to catch whales?"

An Liang responded with a smile,"I'm going to go fishing on the high seas.""

"high seas?"Qian Xiaogang was even more confused.

Even though Qian Xiaogang is not a fishing friend, Qian Xiaogang also knows that fishing on the high seas is not fun.

"Well, I'm going to go fishing on the high seas. If I ask the Dalin family to make arrangements, can they handle it? An Liang asked.

Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively first,"They can definitely handle it!" It’s nothing more than arranging a cruise on the high seas and fishing on the way."

"However, I don’t recommend letting the Dalin family handle it!"Qian Xiaogang responded

"oh?"An Liang motioned Qian Xiaogang to continue.

Qian Xiaogang responded,"If you let the Dalin family handle it, you will definitely have to pay a contribution, but if you let the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group handle it, this matter will be easier!"

The largest partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is the military. A large number of graphene batteries are supplied to the military at ultra-low prices, thus bringing huge benefits to the military.

Under such circumstances, if through Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s solution to fishing on the high seas is indeed simpler, and it even requires only one sentence!

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