Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, Press Conference Hall.

When NHK TV reporters appeared to make things difficult for Intelligence Minister Kazama Yuki, reporters from other news media chose to watch the show.

It is true that NHK TV station does have the title of spy TV station, but for reporters from other news media, wouldn’t that be better?

Because they can reap the benefits!

They only need to wait for NHK TV reporters to do something, and then they can get breaking news.

After all, it’s the NHK TV reporters who are the bad guys. They are just taking advantage of the hot spots. What’s wrong with that?

So after the NHK reporter asked the question, the other reporters were all silent, waiting for the NHK reporter to continue making trouble.

The NHK TV reporter also lived up to expectations and once again asked more pointed questions.

"There should be some contradiction in Mr. Kazama’s statement. If the treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater meets drinking standards, why not directly pass it through the drinking water plant for secondary treatment and then supply it as drinking water?"The news reporter from NHK TV station asked.

This question is very sharp!

But in fact, many people know this question. An Liang has also analyzed it before. This question is something that can be understood with a little in-depth thinking. There are many understanding people in this world. It’s gone, but most sensible people know how to pretend to be confused.

Especially sensible people in Neon, how can they reveal the mystery?

However, the news reporter of NHK TV station revealed the mystery and exposed the most acute issues.

Yuuki Kazama frowned slightly. The reporter from NHK TV station continued to ask,"Last year, the First Minister, His Excellency Guan Yiwei, inspected the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. At that time, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant aftermath treatment project team collected purified nuclear-contaminated wastewater I gave it to His Excellency Guan Yiwei to taste Fudao’s new specialty tritium water, but His Excellency Guan Yiwei directly refused, didn’t he?"

"Even the First Minister, Guan Yiwei, thinks tritium water is unsafe. Since Mr. Fengjian thinks tritium water is safe, would Mr. Fengjian dare to taste it?"The news reporter of NHK TV station launched a fatal blow.

This knife simply pierced Yuuki Kazama's heart!

The news reporter of NHK TV station first exposed Yuuki Kazama's cliché, and then brought the current First Minister out to whip the corpse. , and finally used the method to target Yuuki Kazama.

If Yuuki Kazama really dares to drink tritium water, then the NHK TV reporter can only say that he lost, Yuuki Kazama is a werewolf.

If Yuuki Kazama doesn't If you dare to drink tritium water, why are you talking nonsense?

This time, the news reporter of NHK TV station really made a big news!

Reporters from other news media also recorded excitedly. They all admired the news reporters of NHK TV station. After all, NHK TV station Who among them doesn’t know what the news reporter said?

They all know it.

It’s just that they don’t say it!

After all, if such a thing is said out, isn’t it to arouse people

’s hatred? Faced with the fatal blow from the NHK TV reporter, Feng Yuuki Kazama is in a dilemma.

Whether it is to admit that there are problems with the nuclear wastewater discharge plan, or to accept the provocation to drink tritium water, these are not the results Yuuki Kazama is willing to choose.

Especially drinking tritium water, that is simply impossible!

Yuuki Kazama is the Minister of Intelligence, and he is very aware of how harmful tritium water is to the human body.

The host of the press conference saw Yuuki Kazama in trouble, and he stood up and announced,"Today's press conference is over. This ends."

Kazama Yuuki also took the opportunity to leave.

The news media present took pictures of Kazama Yuuki's back as he left. This was breaking news material!

"Mabu-kun, you are so cruel!"The Yomiuri Shimbun reporter gave a thumbs up.

The Asahi Shimbun reporter also praised,"Mabe-kun is indeed a super newcomer to NHK TV!"

Mabe Mingrei looked at his two colleagues and sneered,"I am contributing to Neon, but you only see breaking news. How sad!"After saying that, Mabe Akei left directly.

Other news media reporters didn't care. Anyway, they had gotten the breaking news, so what else could they be dissatisfied with?

Within the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Intelligence Minister Yu Kazama Shu said with an indifferent expression,"Who was the news reporter from NHK TV station just now?"

Assistant to the Minister of Intelligence Motokyo Kikai responded,"His name is Mabe Akei. He is a super newcomer on NHK TV and has reported many major news."

"Let people investigate the details of this person. I suspect that he has connections with overseas forces and is trying to smear the image of our Neon Court." Kazama Yushu ordered

"Hi!"Chenghai Motokyo responded.

Faced with Kazama Yuuki's instructions, Chenghai Motokyo was not surprised at all. After all, he knew that Kazama Yuuki was not a generous guy.

He could even guess that if this NHK TV station If a journalist has any criminal records or unusual circumstances, he may be fatally struck by Yuuki Kazama!

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