In the infinity swimming pool on the rooftop garden of Li Xiyan's house, Liu Ling was swimming for exercise. Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing were lying next to the infinity swimming pool and looking into the distance.

"The scenery is so nice!"Yao Qi sighed.

The flower source is located on Butterfly Ridge, plus there is a rooftop garden on the top floor of the 30th floor. The overall view is quite broad. Looking out is the Jiasheng River and the rolling mountains.

Yao Qi seconded He said,"The scenery is really good. At a glance, it seems like there is no end."

"Well, I also like to watch the scenery, especially after it gets dark and all the lights are on. It feels very relaxing to watch it then."Li Xiyan expressed her feelings.

An Liang was communicating with No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, and No. 4 responded to An Liang's inquiry.

‘Number 4: As long as we break through the Neon Intelligence Bureau's network security system, we can forge a document and pass it off as a document stolen from the Neon Intelligence Bureau.’

‘No. 4: We can definitely use this forged document made out of nothing.Harm the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, and then involve the Neon Court.’

‘Zero: How sure are you?’

‘No. 4: Except for the final goal, everything else is fine. We can unite other hacker organizations through the Dongming Shengwang organization to collectively target the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau.’

‘No. 4: But it is not yet certain whether the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau can be breached in the end.’

‘Number Zero: No problem, then execute this plan’

‘Zero: What is the budget for this operation?’

‘Number 4: Up to $10 million’

‘No. 4: We use Bitcoin for settlement, thereby eliminating the worries of other hacker groups and allowing them to participate in the war in the name of the Dongming Shengwang Organization’

‘Number Zero: Okay, execute the plan!’

‘No. 4: Received, I will arrange this action immediately. '

An Liang was just about to put away his phone when he received a message from Zhao Wanxi

‘Zhao Wanxi: When will you come to the Imperial Capital?’

‘An Liang: What's the matter?’

‘Zhao Wanxi:? ? ?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The establishment of Dream Future Energy Group still needs to be handled by you personally’

‘An Liang: Hasn’t the equity distribution plan been determined?’

‘An Liang: Everyone agrees with this equity distribution’

‘An Liang: Just watch and deal with it?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: In the future, Sato must ask for your presence in person before accepting it. What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into him?’

‘An Liang: Do you want to drink?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [roll eyes]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: When you have time, come to the Imperial Capital as soon as possible. We will solve the matter of Dream Future Energy Group.’

‘An Liang: You can do other things first. I’m a little busy recently.’

‘An Liang: You can think that Dream Future Energy Group has been established, and you can do whatever you should do. I guarantee this.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Humph!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you want a guarantee?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Then you send a message to the club. Those guys are more willing to believe you. What I said doesn’t count.’

‘An Liang: Even what you said doesn’t count?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Asking questions knowingly!’

‘An Liang: [smile] '

Although Zhao Wanxi's family is on the first level in the imperial capital circle, Zhao Wanxi is really not as good as An Liang in the Bai Yujing Club.

For example, the matter of Dream Future Energy Group has been delayed because An Liang was not present.

An Liang now explained the matter of Dream Future Energy Group in the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, asking the club members to cooperate with Zhao Wanxi in working, and then posted about Shiliwan Maotao.

‘An Liang: I would like to add one thing by the way.’

‘An Liang: The peach trees from Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum have produced fruit. Those peaches taste delicious and have super high vitamin content.’

‘An Liang: I personally feel that after eating it, it has the effect of strengthening my body.’

‘An Liang: So give us the benefit of being a formal member’

‘Anliang: Official members can exchange for 1 catty based on 10 contribution points, up to 20 catties.’

‘Anliang: Due to the limited quantity, this benefit is only available to full members, and the redemption time is limited to three days.’

‘An Liang: @胡小鱼: Xiaoyu, please do some statistics and send me the results.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: No problem’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I want all 20 pounds!’

‘Lin Yili: Same!’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: I became interested when I heard about physical fitness. Do you understand?’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Peach gum can restore energy, and peaches can strengthen the body. There is obviously no problem with this!’

‘Liu Neng: Oh no, no, there are only 42 contribution points left, so I can’t exchange them for much at all.’

‘Li Mingfei: There are still 90 points of contribution left.’

‘Li Mingfei: @云海海: Brother Haiyang, take pity on me and reward me with some contribution points. '

Li Mingfei's sister Li Qian has a relationship with Yun Haiyang, so Li Mingfei can naturally joke about it.

As for whether Yun Haiyang gives contribution points or not, it actually doesn’t matter whether he gives it or not, but what if he does?

‘Cloud Ocean:...’

‘Li Cunyuan: @云海海: Brother Haiyang, I want it too!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @云海海: I don’t care, I don’t care, if you want to give it to her, then I want it too!’

‘An Liang: @青小gang: Fortunately, I opened the display group nickname, otherwise I would have recognized the wrong person!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @胡小鱼’

‘Hu Xiaoyu:...’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Xiaoyu, I want to sign up, I want 20 pounds! '

This Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang are obviously causing trouble and deliberately imitating Hu Xiaoyu's speech!


Yun Haiyang: Just treat yourself as an individual!


Update time: May 23, 2021 00:04:20, good night.

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