At nearly ten o'clock in the morning, An Liang received a message from Li Xiyan

‘Li Xiyan: Good morning~’

‘An Liang: Not early at all’

‘An Liang: It's almost ten o'clock, you guys just woke up?’

‘Li Xiyan: Yeah!’

‘Li Xiyan: I was just woken up by my mother’

‘An Liang: Auntie is not at work? '

Today is neither a Saturday nor a holiday, so Liu Ling didn't go to work?

‘Li Xiyan: She asked for leave today. '

I see!

Liu Ling secured the cooperation between Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch and AXA Construction, and was in charge of subsequent cooperation projects, including fund use review, project progress review, financial review, etc.

She is now a powerful figure in Beiyu Branch, so naturally she does not need to work

‘Li Xiyan: An Liang, I’m panicking now’

‘An Liang: Why are you panicking?’

‘Li Xiyan: My mother just brought back a lot of vegetables, including meat and fish. I’m so panicked now. I suspect she’s going to cook for lunch.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Does your mother have any wrong understanding of her cooking skills? '

Liu Ling's cooking skills are really bad!

‘Li Xiyan: Come and save us!’

‘Li Xiyan: Let’s go out to eat casually at noon’

‘An Liang: As you just said, Auntie brought back a lot of vegetables. If we go out to eat again, wouldn’t that make Auntie sad?’

‘An Liang: I won’t take the blame for this.’

‘Li Xiyan: Then come over and eat with us’

‘An Liang: Goodbye, honey, I still have things to deal with at noon today’

‘An Liang: You guys suffer slowly, I’ll come back in the afternoon’

‘Li Xiyan: What should I do?’

‘An Liang: There are Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing. Let them eat more. After all, they are guests, so it’s okay to take care of them, right?’

‘Li Xiyan: Wow! You are so bad!’

‘An Liang: You like it very much, right?’

‘Li Xiyan: Humph!’

‘Li Xiyan: I'm going to help in the kitchen first. Are you coming over in the afternoon?’

‘An Liang: Yeah! '

Li Xiyan goes to help in the kitchen?


An Liang can already think of the situation in Li Xiyan's family. Liu Ling can't cook, and Li Xiyan can't cook either. Double the set menu with dark cuisine?

A moment of silence for Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing!

These two unlucky children had no idea what they were about to face.

Yun Xiyue saw An Liang sending a message on her mobile phone. She took the initiative to pull Yun Xin over, and then took Yun Xin to pack twenty-three kilograms of Shiliwan peaches.

When An Liang put away her phone, Yun Xiyue took the initiative to ask,"Is there anything about work?"

An Liang shook his head in the negative, and then asked Yun Xin,"Xinxin, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Yun Xin looked thoughtful, she He thought for a moment before responding,"Can we have fried chicken?"

"cannot. An Liang refused directly,"Children should eat less fried chicken.""

An Liang has no prejudice against fried chicken. An Liang is prejudice against children and thinks that children should eat less fried chicken."

"That...Can I eat Chuan Chuan Xiang? Yun Xin asked again.

An Liang denied again,"No!""

An Liang can eat Chuan Chuan Xiang himself, but for children with relatively low resistance, An Liang does not recommend Chuan Chuan Xiang.

"I know a restaurant with cold fish, and Xinxin happens to like it very much." Yun Xiyue interrupted at the side, and she was secretly happy because An Liang wanted to accompany them for dinner at noon.

Yun Xiyue just took the initiative to ask An Liang if he had anything to do with work, which was to leave a step for herself, because she felt that An Liang would have dinner with them at noon. Maybe he wouldn't accompany them to eat.

Did Yun Xiyue know about Li Xiyan's existence!

So An Liang stayed to eat with them at noon, which made Yun Xiyue secretly happy.

After Yun Xin heard about the fish salad, she said happily,"I I want to eat cold fish and show it off"

"Okay, then we'll have fish salad for lunch. An Liang confirmed first, then asked,"Where is this store?""

"It's at the nearby Bamboo Forest Sea, by the Jiasheng River, and it takes at most twenty minutes from Muling Mountain." Yun Xiyue explained.

An Liang asked back,"Zhuhai Fish Village?"

"you know too?"Yun Xiyue was surprised.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi have been to this Zhuhai Fish Restaurant several times. Their cooking level is indeed quite high.

"certainly! An Liang nodded in response,"Let's put the peaches here to refrigerate them first, and then come back and take them back after eating.""

Yun Xiyue naturally had no objection.

An Liang greeted the naughty child, and then placed the naughty child on the temporarily installed child safety seat in the back seat.

An Liang attaches great importance to safety issues. If the naughty child wants to ride in his car today, he will Remove the child safety seat from Yun Xiyue's car to ensure the safety of the naughty child.

About twenty minutes later, the black Audi A8L arrived at Zhuhai Fish Village from Mulingshan Entrepreneurship Incubator. Fortunately, the proprietress here did not Remember Anliang.

In the summer of Shengqing, the weather was too hot. Zhuhai Fish Restaurant updated the menu and added a choice of cold fish, with multiple flavors to choose from.

Anliang chose the long-kissed fish with cold pepper, and in Shengqing Dialect Among them, the long-snouted catfish is also called 'jiangtuanyu', which is a freshwater fish with no fine spines and delicate meat.

Yun Xiyue chose the boneless spicy loach, which is also a new dish of Zhuhai Fish Restaurant.

Yun Xin This naughty kid clamored to eat spicy crayfish, but An Liang did not agree immediately. He went to the kitchen to check the varieties of crayfish in person, and made sure that the hygienic treatment of crayfish at Zhuhai Fish Village was very good before he agreed to Yun. This is the request of Xin, a naughty child.

After all, children have relatively weak resistance, and Anliang attaches great importance to health and safety.

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