Inside the black Audi A8L car, Guo Yuqing was sitting in the back seat and asked An Liang if he could post the pictures and videos taken in the air today on WeChat Moments.

Guo Yuqing is very good at this!

Guo Yuqing and Li Xiyan had the same major, and she was obviously aware of the supervision issues, so she asked An Liang if she could post on WeChat Moments instead of just posting on WeChat Moments.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Of course!"

"Our flight route today is actually semi-fixed, so the photos and videos you take can be posted to WeChat Moments."An Liang added the explanation.

Guo Yuqing responded,"Then I'm not welcome!"

"I have to show off this special flying experience in my circle of friends!"Guo Yuqing openly explained her mood of showing off.

Yao Qi seconded,"I'm also going to post it on Moments. Although I have flown in a helicopter before, the experience of a helicopter is much worse than that of a flying motorcycle."

The fire-fighting version of the flying motorcycle is also a third-generation flying motorcycle. It uses an all-electric power supply solution and a ducted fan design. The noise during flight is very small, much lower than that of traditional helicopters.

In addition, it is open The unique design allows for zero-distance contact with the sky. The experience in tourism and sightseeing really beats helicopters.

Li Xiyan, the co-pilot, turned around and responded,"I also want to post it on Moments. This flying motorcycle is so fun, Anliang , I don’t want to learn to drive, I want to learn to fly a motorcycle.

An Liang complained in response,"You?" Let me forget it!"

"Hahaha!"Yao Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Killing me!"Guo Yuqing's performance is even more straightforward.

Li Xiyan, a little fool, scared the instructor when he was learning to drive. He has not passed the driver's license test yet. How can he learn to fly a motorcycle?

Isn't that a new level of suicide?

Li Xiyan Xiyan hummed and said,"The traffic situation on the ground is too complicated, and the sky is very wide. I think it will be fine.""

"I don’t want what you think, I want what I feel!"An Liang refused forcefully.

"I advise you to learn to drive honestly. When you pass the driver's license test and have no problems driving, we will then consider flying motorcycles."An Liang added.

No matter what Li Xiyan, a little fool, said, An Liang would never agree. After all,

Li Xiyan had just asked to learn how to get a flying motorcycle driver's license, and a faint warning of danger came from his danger premonition ability. , apparently even the danger premonition ability was afraid of Li Xiyan.

After a while, An Liang drove Li Xiyan and the three of them to the Real Steamed Fish Restaurant. An Liang casually ordered a stir-fried rose lobster, then put down the menu and took out his mobile phone Check out the Moments sent by Li Xiyan and the others.

An Liang naturally has the WeChat accounts of Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing.

An Liang is an open and honest person, so what’s the problem with adding the WeChat accounts of his girlfriends and close friends?

All three of them have posted Jiugongge in their Moments. All photos were taken from the air. Whether it was Li Xiyan, Yao Qi or Guo Yuqing, their photography skills were relatively high, and they captured the grand celebration beautifully from the aerial angle.


After the rain, the sky shines:

Have you ever seen such a grand celebration?

Get a bird's eye view of the magnificence of Shengqing!

Thank you to my bestie and my bestie’s boyfriend for their warm hospitality.


Guo Yuqing's WeChat nickname is"After the rain, the sky is clear", and the first and last names are included in her name.

An Liang saw an acquaintance in Guo Yuqing’s circle of friends. Classmate Ma Yingjun liked Guo Yuqing’s circle of friends and posted a comment.

‘Ma Yingjun: Yuqing, have you gone to Shengqing to find classmates Li Xiyan and An Liang? '

An Liang looked at Ma Yingjun's comments and sighed in his heart. This Ma Yingjun is really an unqualified licker.

First of all, he is asking for trouble by using the nickname"Yuqing" in Guo Yuqing's circle of friends.

This kind of nickname seems very intimate, and even means to declare sovereignty, but in fact it will only arouse Guo Yuqing's dislike, and may even block Ma Yingjun in the future.

Secondly, Ma Yingjun’s question is completely nonsense!

This kind of question is meaningless. Besides Li Xiyan, who else can Guo Yuqing have in Shengqing?

There is something wrong with Yao Qi’s Moments copywriting


In fact, it’s Qi:

I came to your city, walked on the embankment you walked on, saw the scenery you saw, and breathed the same air....


There’s something about this copywriting!

But An Liang discovered a problem the next moment, because Yao Qi posted two WeChat Moments, and the second WeChat Moment was normal. It had the same copywriting as Guo Yuqing, and it also had a nine-square grid. Thanks to Li Xiyan and An Liang.

So one circle of friends is visible to all, and the other circle of friends is only visible to Anliang?

This operation is a bit naughty!

An Liang pretended not to notice. He took Li Xiyan's phone and unlocked it and opened WeChat.

Li Xiyan didn't care at all that An Liang took her mobile phone. She had already told An Liang the unlock password of her mobile phone, and also set up a replacement appearance to be An Liang.

Yao Qi caught An Liang's actions under her eyes, and also discovered that Li Xiyan didn't care about An Liang's actions in taking her mobile phone, which proved that there were no secrets in Li Xiyan's mobile phone.

An Liang clicked on Li Xiyan's circle of friends, and sure enough he could only see one circle of friends for Yao Qi.

So Yao Qi’s other circle of friends is really only visible to An Liang!

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