Baiji dolphin has always been relatively popular.

However, the person who shot this short video did not know the Baiji dolphin. He just shot the video and asked netizens what kind of creature it was.

Netizens are really very powerful. Not to mention popular creatures like the Baiji dolphin, even the unpopular biological school graduates don’t even know about magical species.

Once the identity of the baiji dolphin was confirmed, the popularity of the video naturally skyrocketed.

After all, the Baiji dolphin was not only declared functionally extinct more than ten years ago, but it is also a unique creature in Xia Kingdom. More importantly, the Baiji dolphin is very cute.

Kuai Dao's short video was moved to various online platforms by a large number of netizens. Naturally, there was also a moving video on Weibo, and it aroused heated discussions.

A considerable number of netizens who claim to be professionals or biological experts have expressed doubts.

After all, as early as 2006, the Xia Kingdom's imperial court formed a joint expert team from seven countries to investigate the Baiji dolphin. However, no Baiji dolphin was found, so the Baiji dolphin was declared functionally extinct.

However, more than ten years have passed and there has been no news about the Baiji dolphin.

Now a group of Baiji dolphins suddenly appeared. Especially from the video, it is said that there are more than five Baiji dolphins in the group. How is this possible?

When everyone was questioning, Anliang used the Dream Future Graphene official blog account to publish new information.


Dreaming about future graphene:

#Baiji Dolphin Reappearance#

Judging from the video, it should be a real Baiji Dolphin.

For some friendly science, the shooting location should be Yongshou Lake in Shengqing.

At 17 seconds in the video, the island on the upper left looks familiar. If there are no surprises, it is Dayang Island in Yongshou Lake.

Finally, a friendly reminder, the Baiji dolphin is a national first-level protected animal and a member of the prison family. If found in the wild, please do not capture or harm it.

Finally, I want to ask @深圳tourismbureau: Is Yongshou Lake for sale?

If it is for sale, our group will buy it!

Do not ask!

The question is to buy it for Baiji dolphins to use as a living paradise!

If I ask again, I’m not short of money, I just like Baiji dolphin


After An Liang posted the information on the official blog account of Dreaming of Future Graphene, the news about Baiji Dolphin became more popular on the Internet. After all, An Liang announced the address.

As for publishing the address, will it cause people to go to Yongshou Lake to harm the Baiji dolphins?

That's a complete idiot's dream!

An Liang even recognized it as Yongshou Lake. Could it be that no one from the official department could recognize it?

Besides, even if no one officially recognized Yongshou Lake, after Anliang announced the location of Yongshou Lake, didn't the local court of Yongshou Lake immediately set up a card to protect it?

The baiji dolphin is a member of the Jie Di Si Chuan family, and it is an aquatic creature. Who among ordinary people would find trouble with it?

"Baby, look at this, it seems like the once extinct Baiji dolphin has now appeared in our prosperous Yongshou Lake. An Liang handed the phone to Li Xiyan and motioned for Li Xiyan to check it.

Li Xiyan watched the video of the Baiji dolphin, and she praised it,"This is so cute!""

Fortunately, this little fool didn't ask if this was delicious!

After all, this little fool likes to eat fish, and baiji dolphin is also a fish, right?"

"Is this Baiji dolphin so precious?"Li Xiyan finished reading the introduction of Baiji Dolphin.

"Well, it is a national treasure in our Xia water, and it is indeed very precious."An Liang explained.

Li Xiyan suddenly said worriedly,"Then will they be captured?"

"Don't worry, it won't be. An Liang responded affirmatively.

Li Xiyan added,"Then when Qiqi and Yuqing come over, let's take them to see this national treasure, okay?""

"no problem!"An Liang nodded.

Although after the Baiji Dolphin was discovered, the local court should take protective measures and may even not allow ordinary people to observe it, but An Liang is not an ordinary person.

Relying on Anxin Investment Company as the core, An Liang's relationship in Shengqing The network is quite stable!

It was close to four o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Xiyan was pillowing on An Liang's thigh. An Liang was looking at his phone and squeezing Li Xiyan's face with his hand. He suddenly found that his hand was bitten by Li Xiyan..Is this little fool provocative?

"Oh, are you provocative?" An Liang looked at Li Xiyan teasingly, then picked up Li Xiyan and walked to her suite.

Almost an hour later, Li Xiyan nestled in An Liang's arms. She closed her eyes and listened to An Liang's strong heartbeat. The two rested for almost half an hour before Li Xiyan punched An Liang and said,"Get up quickly. Mom will be back later. What should we eat for dinner?""

"What do you want to eat?"An Liang asked back.

Today is another day for An Liang to be spoiled by Sun Xia. An Liang has to prepare dinner by himself.

Before Li Xiyan answered, An Liang added,"Don't say you want to eat the steamed fish for lunch again, that Steamed fish is really not delicious!"

"I also want to eat fish."Li Xiyan said pretending to be pitiful.

"Then we eat baby fish."An Liang responded

"Okay, okay, I like to eat giant salamander. My mother always said it was expensive before! Li Xiyan said cheeringly.

The salamanders used in Heyuan Fish Village, a subsidiary of Chengyuan Real Estate, are all salamanders raised in natural mountain spring water in Guizhou. The breeding cycle lasts for three years, almost completely imitating the wild environment.

This kind of breeding The sales price of the giant salamanders cultivated under the model is naturally a bit high, with the unit price reaching 680 yuan per pound. According to Liu Ling's current income, even though Liu Ling helped Ansheng Construction acquire Sail Power and received a large bonus , she still felt it was very luxurious.

An Liang smiled and rubbed Li Xiyan's little face,"Just order it secretly. I'm a member there. Please tell me my name and it will be recorded directly.""

"Wow! Li Xiyan responded happily,"Okay, okay, then I will tell you your name from now on!""

"Um!"An Liang hugged Li Xiyan and even gave away top-level real estate in the Magic City worth hundreds of millions., what’s the point of just keeping track of meals?

"By the way, honey, ask your mother if she will come back for dinner."An Liang asked.

If Liu Ling is going to come back for dinner, and after eating, they are going to swim in the infinity pool on the roof for exercise, then will An Liang want to go with them?

Thinking about such a thing makes me very excited!


Update time: May 4, 2021 00:06:58, good night;

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