The commercial street behind the Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank.

Li Xiyan and Liu Ling walked in front, and they took An Liang to a shop called 'Sanhao Steam Pot Fish'.

An Liang looked at the advertisement on the sign in front of the store. Steamed fish is a new type of spicy fish cooked with 120 degrees Celsius steam. Because the temperature of the steam is higher, the cooking time is shorter, the freshness-locking ability is stronger, and the meat is tender and smooth.

When Anliang and the others walked into the store, there happened to be a table cooking fish on site. The steam boiler was connected to the stone pot on the table through a pipe, so that the fish could be steamed directly in the stone pot on the table.

Seeing the conical straw hat-like pot lid covering the stone pot, listening to the whirring sound of steam, and the steam seeping out from the conical straw hat pot lid, An Liang just thought it was too fancy!

Isn’t it just a simple Shengqing Spicy Fish?

Why do so many fancy operations?

An Liang, Li Xiyan, and Liu Ling sat down respectively. Li Xiyan naturally followed Liu Ling and sat on one side.

"Anliang, what fish do you want to eat? Li Xiyan asked.

An Liang responded casually,"It doesn't matter. I'm not picky about food. You decide.""

Li Xiyan looked at the menu and then asked inquiringly,"How about we eat silver carp? They only have silver carp and silver carp. I don't think silver carp is very delicious."

"no problem." An Liang nodded in response.

Li Xiyan continued to order the dishes.

An Liang looked at Liu Ling, and he asked with a natural and generous expression,"Auntie, I heard that there is a problem with the loan approval of our Ansheng Construction and your Beiyu branch. It's still undecided. What's going on? Liu

Ling frowned slightly.

An Liang asked further,"According to the relationship between our two families, a loan of two to three billion, and disbursed in batches, should be no problem at all, right?""

Liu Ling was silent.

Li Xiyan put down the menu on the side and looked at Liu Ling.

As soon as An Liang saw Li Xiyan's movements, he continued to ask,"What happened?"

Liu Ling sighed,"There was a little problem, and we both had some differences about the loan interest rate."

"Tell me in detail?"An Liang asked.

This time Liu Ling didn't hide anything. Since he had chosen to speak, he naturally wouldn't say half-hidden. That kind of secretive attitude made people uncomfortable.

"Your newly appointed financial director denied our original negotiation content and insisted that the annual loan interest rate be reduced to 4%. Because of this, our cooperation has been temporarily shelved."Liu Ling only mentioned this point.

In fact, it was only this point.

An Liang understood what Liu Ling meant. The annual interest rate for the loan was only 4%, and it was a long-term loan of more than five years, which was still over one billion. A large loan.

The annual interest rate of such a loan is indeed a bit excessive!

If it is a billion-level large-denomination certificate of deposit, the bank may provide an annual rate of return of 4%. After all, the normal annual interest rate of a five-year large deposit is It will exceed 3%, and ultra-large time deposits are indeed eligible for negotiation.

As for those short video apps that say 500,000 or 1 million fixed deposits are subject to bank conditions, it is recommended to block such self-media creations Or, because they don’t even have one million, they still have the nerve to talk nonsense?

One million funds to negotiate conditions with the bank?

Could it be that they regard the bank as a beggar?

"Wait a minute, I'll ask my dad to see what's going on."An Liang responded.

An Liang was really curious, why did this happen?

As for the financial director changing his mind?


How can the financial director decide on such a loan involving two or three billion yuan?

It must be AXA Yu was involved.

But An Shengyu knew that Liu Ling was Li Xiyan's mother, and he knew that Li Xiyan was An Liang's girlfriend. He would definitely not set up a card without reason. There must be An Shengyu's own reasons.

So An Liang did not immediately He assured Liu Ling that he would not do everything for him, but would first ask An Shengyu about the specific situation. After determining the situation, he would then deal with it according to the specific situation.

‘An Liang: Dad, why did our family’s cooperation with Gongshang Bank fail?’

‘An Shengyu: Where is your little girlfriend’s mother?’

‘An Liang: Well, what's going on?’

‘An Shengyu: I got stuck on purpose’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Shengyu: You are really a stupid son of a landlord. Of course I do this for your own good.’

‘An Shengyu: If everything goes smoothly, the other party will take it for granted, so how can they cherish it?’

‘An Shengyu: Make things difficult, make things not easy, and make things have twists and turns, so that the other party can remember this thing and think of you, instead of taking it for granted.’

‘An Shengyu: Now that we have deliberately blocked the loan issue, you can be a hero and save the beauty. How about your father's move? '

Is this the reason?

An Liang thinks his father is self-defeating?

But it's strange that this hero saves the beauty. Is he saving it through Li Xiyan, or directly?...

‘An Liang: Then...This matter...What should I say? '

You can't just say it directly, right?

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