There is no problem with Xia Ruyi’s understanding!

"Yes, theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible to trade in stocks, including stocks related to electric power and energy, but the problem is that the bookmakers will not give you a chance."An Liang said calmly.

Opportunities that ordinary people can see, but professionals cannot see?

Regarding the world's largest leek market, as one of the professionals, An Liang does not recommend ordinary people to participate in it.

After all, in this leek field, ordinary people cannot The opponents are professionals.

An Liang has said countless times that the rules of the leek field are zero-sum games.

Under the rules of the zero-sum game, if professionals make money, ordinary people will definitely lose money.

After all, the leek field will not create wealth on its own. , just waiting for the leeks to come in, and then harvesting the leeks.

An Liang has also said countless times that the stock price is only a measured value, not a real value. The measured value in the leek field is virtual. Only after real transactions, money will fall into the bag. Only by doing so can the measured value be converted into a real value.

Therefore, the news about the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology this time is destined to be a carnival of bookmakers composed of professionals. A small number of ordinary people can make money with good luck, but more ordinary people can only Just leeks

"Ruyi, have you ever felt like you are like a leek? An Liang said jokingly,"He's still like the Leek King!""

Xia Ruyi slapped An Liang coquettishly. She really has no experience in stock trading, so it is easy for her to be a leek, so Xia Ruyi will not participate.

As long as she does not participate, she will naturally not be a leek.

The Xia Guo news broadcast has not ended yet. On the Internet, about the fourth generation The topic of nuclear power plant technology is overwhelming. Whether it is Weibo Super Chat or various short video apps, there is dense discussion and analysis of fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology.

From discussions on the technical parameters of fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology to environmental protection, and then to Comprehensive applications, development potential, etc.

Regarding the large-scale heated discussion about the fourth-generation nuclear power plant, An Liang guessed that it was promoted by the imperial court.

An Liang clicked on a very hot topic on Weibo


《What can fourth-generation nuclear power plants change? 》

First tell the answer directly!

Fourth-generation nuclear power plants can change the world!

The introduction of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Xia Guo News is still a bit conservative. As a relevant practitioner, in order to avoid causing trouble, I chose to break the news anonymously.

First of all, the first application of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant, I guess, should be aircraft carriers, thus making up for the biggest shortcoming of our country’s maritime power.

Friendly science, currently in the world, only the Bald Eagle Country and France have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and even the Polar Bear Country does not have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

It is rumored that the North Bear Nation plans to start developing its first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in 2023.

As for our Xia Kingdom?

It used to be a long way off. After all, there is a huge difficulty difference between ship-based nuclear reactors and nuclear reactors on land.

However, with the fourth generation nuclear power plant technology now, and it is traveling wave reactor technology, I guess our Xia State will directly launch the research and development of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

To further popularize science, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers based on fourth-generation nuclear power technology will definitely far surpass Bald Eagle Country and France in terms of technology, so wait and see, the future is promising!

Secondly, in view of the safety and reliability of fourth-generation nuclear power plants and the efficient utilization of uranium fuel based on traveling wave reactor technology, the uranium fuel utilization rate of fourth-generation nuclear power plants will be increased by more than a hundred times.

Using the same quality of uranium fuel, the power generation capacity of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is more than a hundred times that of the third-generation nuclear power plant. What does this mean, I believe I don’t need to say it?

Let’s talk about a fantasy application solution.

Our country’s planned Tiangong Space Station is expected to begin construction in January next year and be put into use before completion in 2022.

What if our fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology is mature enough to allow the Tiangong Space Station to carry a fourth-generation nuclear power plant?

That means there are more possibilities for Tiangong Space Station!

If fourth-generation nuclear power technology develops further in the more distant future, we can even rely on the Tiangong Space Station to directly establish deep-space vehicles with fourth-generation nuclear power technology in outer space to carry out deep space exploration missions.

While these applications are still far off, fourth-generation nuclear power technology creates a possibility for them that was once only science fiction.

Finally, let’s talk about the benefits that fourth-generation nuclear power technology brings to ordinary people. First of all, in the future, electricity prices may fall further, and various power facilities and power equipment may further develop at a high speed.

Including but not limited to new energy vehicles, as well as the currently popular flying motorcycles, as well as various electric equipment in the future.

Let me add another secret, the stocks of companies related to nuclear power technology may skyrocket after the market opens on Monday!


After An Liang read the discussion topic, he secretly recognized that this blogger should be a real practitioner, because the other party's analysis results were correct, and he was even very scientific in the analysis of near future development.

An Liang thought about it for a moment and then started the sexy operation!


Happy Labor Day!

Update time: May 1, 2021 00:04:16, good night. I have to travel on Labor Day. I really can’t bear it. I wish you all a happy trip.

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