Yunpo Village, on the edge of the primary school playground.

An Liang lay back on the recliner and checked the information sent by Renyi Security Company.

‘No. 4: We discovered something unusual in the Imperial Capital’


‘No. 4: Nova Pharmaceuticals has a situation. According to the information we intercepted, they are dispatching forces from overseas to enter the Xia Kingdom.’

‘Number Zero: Do ​​you want revenge? ' etc!

If Nova Pharmaceuticals wants to take revenge, whether it is against him or people related to him, then the danger premonition ability will definitely produce a premonition of danger.

An Liang is very confident in his danger premonition ability, because his danger premonition ability has allowed him to avoid danger time and time again. His application of danger premonition ability has reached a subtle level.

Since the danger premonition ability does not predict danger, does that mean Nova Pharmaceuticals is kidding?

‘No. 4: Not sure yet’

‘No. 4: We have closely monitored Nova Pharmaceuticals, both in reality and on the network information level.’

‘No. 4: Once there is the latest situation, we will report it as soon as possible’

‘Zero: Yeah’

‘No. 4: One more thing, Mr. Key sent a message’

‘No. 4: Mr. Keyuan and the Grand Court reached an agreement. Mr. Keyword gave up his right to reputation and chose to remain anonymous. The Grand Court is preparing to publicly promote the technology of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant.’

‘Number Zero: Are you sure it's the message from Mr. Key?’

‘Number 4: OK’

‘No. 4: In order to confirm the information, we personally sent someone to meet with Mr. Keyan and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Mr. Keyuan. An

Liang glanced at the interpersonal relationship scanning system. Judging from the loyalty in the interpersonal relationship scanning system, Sato will have no problems in the future. It seems that the imperial court is ready to show off its talents?

In the past, the great imperial court always kept a low profile and some keyboard warriors on the Internet always criticized the great imperial court for being weak and incompetent. An Liang did not want to express his opinion at all against these trolls.

After all, the level of trolls is too low, and there is a depth problem in thinking.

For trolls, being aggressive and not giving in is what they see as strength.

However, the great court faced too many difficulties at that time, so keeping a low profile and biding time was the right choice.

If you don't have the strength and still make trouble, isn't that humiliating yourself?

As the old saying goes: A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

It is easy for the Great Court to break out, but it is very difficult to suppress it. It is precisely because of the Great Court's ability to hide its capabilities and bide its time and take precautions step by step that the Xia Kingdom is so powerful today.

Only then did Xia Guo say:"We in Xia Guo don't do this!" ''s classic saying

‘No. 0: Pay attention to protecting Mr. Key and prevent accidents’

‘Number 4: Okay. In addition to us protecting him, our allies are also protected 24/7. '

The ally of Renyi Security Company is naturally Huang Guoxiang!

An Liang had just finished communicating with No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator when Huang Guoxiang made a voice call through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software, and An Liang answered it smoothly.

Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"We have finished talking with Mr. Guan Xiang. The specific situation is as follows...."Huang Guoxiang described in detail.

After almost five or six minutes, Huang Guoxiang explained the situation in detail.

"So you guys are really going to make a big deal about it?"Anliang is curious.

"Yes."Huang Guoxiang affirmed

"The reason? An Liang asked again,"If you can tell me, just tell me. If you can't, just pretend I didn't ask.""

"It's not a secret, but the time has come and we should be stronger. After all, the Bald Eagle Country's strategy has changed. It has changed from suppressing and blocking the Northern Bear Country and being wary of Europa to targeting us."Huang Guoxiang explained.

Huang Guoxiang continued to explain,"Currently, the Northern Bear Country is in decline, especially in terms of economy. The situation in the Northern Bear Country is very bad. In addition, the original foundation of the Northern Bear Alliance has almost been exhausted. The potential of the Northern Bear Country is becoming more and more. Small"

"Secondly, Europa has also been torn apart by the Bald Eagle Country. After Great Britain withdrew from Europa, the Europa Alliance has become unstable. After all, if one of the leading eldest brothers runs away, will the remaining two leading eldest brothers run away?"Huang Guoxiang joked.

In the Europa League, there are basically three leading brothers, Great Britain, Germany, and France, who take the other younger brothers to play together. Now that Great Britain is running away, the Europa League is really floating in the hearts of the people.

"The threats from the Northern Bear Country and Europa have been lifted, so the Bald Eagle Country's eyes have naturally turned to us, right?"An Liang responded

"certainly!"Huang Guoxiang affirmed

"Our threat to the Bald Eagle Nation is growing day by day, whether it is economic, military, or international influence, especially military strength. Our research on some cutting-edge weapons has broken through the Bald Eagle Nation's blockade and directly become the world's First degree! Huang Guoxiang said proudly

"So now that the Bald Eagle Country is targeting us, we must be tougher to give confidence to the countries that support us."Huang Guoxiang added.

Xia Guo has now become the leading brother, especially in the countries in Africa. Quite a few follow Xia Guo's lead, so Xia Guo has no choice but to choose a tough attitude.

Otherwise, the leading brother will shrink back. The following Can my little brother still be obedient?

"Our information will not be exposed by you, right?"An Liang asked casually


Update time: April 29, 2021 00:03:33, good night.

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