The fourth generation nuclear power plant technology is the key to unlocking the destiny of the country in the past fifty years!

Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is successfully operated, it will have a series of lasting impacts, and its influence will be no less than that of nuclear fusion technology, and may even kick off a new round of industrial revolution.

After all, fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology will provide explosive amounts of cheap and safe energy.

In the modern world, energy means everything.

The reason why the current third-generation nuclear power plants have not changed the world but only provided a new energy option is because the utilization rate of the current third-generation nuclear power plants is too low.

The third generation nuclear power plant adopts the principle of nuclear fission. It can only use uranium 235, but the content of uranium 235 is very small, only about 0.7%, and it is very troublesome to separate. Therefore, the energy utilization efficiency of the third generation nuclear power plant is low and the cost is high. It is relatively high and cannot provide cheap clean energy on a large scale.

However, the fourth generation nuclear power plant is different!

Although the fourth-generation nuclear power plant also uses nuclear fission, it can burn uranium 238 safely, which is equivalent to increasing the power generation efficiency of the third-generation nuclear power plant by more than a hundred times.

Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is successfully implemented, Xia State will have a large amount of cheap and clean energy. With the support of these energy sources, Xia State's development will inevitably continue to accelerate.

This is indeed the national destiny of Xia Kingdom!

Originally, this share of the national fortune should be neon, but now it has been intercepted by An Liang and taken to the Xia Kingdom. With this share of credit, should An Liang get 15%?

Anliang assigned a 15% share to himself, then assigned a 15% share to Xia Guo Power Grid, and finally assigned a 1% share to Sato Mirai.

This is in reference to the distribution plan of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. As the owner of graphene battery technology, Wu Chunsheng received one percent of the equity share of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

As the owner of Mirai Sato's fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology, Anliang naturally wants to allocate him a one percent equity share.

As for saying that technology owners only have one percent share, it is too small?

This is actually a false proposition.

Even if Sato stays in Neon in the future, or even stays at Kyoto Electric Power Company, he developed the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology at Kyoto Electric Power Company, and that technology also belongs to Kyoto Electric Power Company. Sato may only receive a reward in the future, not Kyoto Equity shares in electric power companies.

This world is beautiful, but this world is not that simple either.

If one has no strength and possesses a valuable treasure, it can only be a crime of harboring a jade.

At least Sato will definitely end up worse if he doesn't have Anliang's protection in the future.

An Liang sent his distribution plan to Zhao Wanxi and made supplements.

‘An Liang: We can open the remaining 14% for limited redemption and subscription in the Tianshang Baiyujing Club.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: How much is the subscription valuation calculated?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: At what valuation will our share be paid? '

Dream Future Energy Group is an asset-heavy enterprise with a huge initial investment. To establish a fourth-generation nuclear power plant requires extremely huge financial requirements. At the beginning, it cannot directly establish a fourth-generation nuclear power plant for commercial operation. It must be an experimental one. authenticating.

Next is the laying of ultra-high voltage urban internal power grids and the establishment of ultra-fast charging stations, which require huge capital requirements.

You can’t just leave it empty-handed, right?

An Liang had already thought of the answer, and he immediately replied to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: In the first batch of investments, except for Sato Mirai, the other nine companies need to invest real money, but we are an angel round. Based on the valuation of one trillion Xia Guoyuan, is it okay? '

The angel round is valued at one trillion Xia Guoyuan, which seems very exaggerated, but for fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology, it is actually not exaggerated at all.

‘An Liang: In terms of capital investment, we can postpone the investment and invest in installments. When Dream Future Energy Group has capital needs and there is no funds on the books, we will allocate funds.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: No problem’

‘Yasuhiro: Sato’s future investments will be deducted from future dividends, which will not cause anyone any loss.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: You are so thoughtful!’

‘An Liang: The A round of financing is limited to official members of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club. Only one percentage point is released. Financing is carried out at 0.01% for one share. The financing valuation is two trillion Xia Guoyuan. Each financing amount is 200 million Xia Guoyuan, but one subscription Financing requires one thousand contribution points’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Can our angel round shareholders still subscribe?’

‘An Liang: Of course not!’

‘An Liang: If you can still subscribe, wouldn’t that mean meat buns beating dogs?’

‘If the angel round shareholders were allowed to participate in the financing of a mere one percent share, wouldn't it be snapped up in minutes?

The valuation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, whether it is one trillion Xia Guoyuan or two trillion Xia Guoyuan, is a hugely profitable thing in Zhao Wanxi's opinion.

After all, in the future, the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology will be able to completely replace the existing energy structure of Xia State, which is equivalent to the dream that the future energy group’s customers are the people of the entire Xia State. It is a market of more than one billion, and it is still happening every day. A market that consumes electrical energy!

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