In the first round of secret shooting of Millennium Astragalus slices, Hu Xiaoyu won with a dramatic quotation.

After Hu Xiaoyu arranged the transfer, An Liang reminded,"The second round of secret auction is about to begin. It is now 11:40, and the quotation time for the second round of secret auction is 12 o'clock sharp."

An Liang said as he spoke , while sending the corresponding information to the confidential group of Tiantian Baiyujing Club

"All of you have twenty minutes to prepare and think. When making the final quotation, you need to record a video quotation. The content of the video recording includes the time information provided by the Internet search engine and the information of your own handwritten quotation."An Liang explained again and personally filmed a video demonstration for Li Cunyuan.

"You may need help when shooting a video quote. An Liang added,"There is still nearly twenty minutes of preparation time. I believe everyone can make a quotation that complies with the rules.""

"If the quotation does not comply with the rules, the quotation qualification will be cancelled. Please be prepared to quote on time at twelve o'clock and send the video to @胡小鱼."An Liang added, and sent it to the confidential group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club.

Twenty minutes passed in a hurry, and every member of Tianshang Baiyujing Club sent the quotation video in accordance with the rules, and the members at the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters also So.

Huang Guoxiang and Zhong Guangrong were allowed to participate in the second round of secret auctions as an exception.

Hu Xiaoyu is responsible for the daily work of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. Statistical work similar to the current one is naturally handled by Hu Xiaoyu. She quickly processed the quotation information , and then reported the situation to An Liang

"Brother Liang, a total of forty-six valid bids were received. In view of Brother Liang abstaining from voting, Sister Wanxi only occupies one seat, and two non-staff members are allowed to participate in the bidding, so every member of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has participated, and there is no Any person abstains and is absent."Hu Xiaoyu reported.

Qian Xiaogang joked casually,"Of course no one is absent from this kind of thing."

Thousand-year-old astragalus is a scarce resource that cannot be bought even if you have money, and the effect of slicing the thousand-year-old astragalus is very good. Under such circumstances, if you can buy it with money, is it not a welfare?

A member of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club Of course it’s impossible not to participate!

"Among the forty-six quotations, the highest quotation was 68.88 million yuan, the lowest quotation was 5.55 million yuan, and the average quotation was 21.084525.8 yuan."Hu Xiaoyu continued to report.

After Hu Xiaoyu reported, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu both smiled. They copied the homework, and their quotations were both 22,222,222 yuan.

If they were randomly selected, then Their quotations exceeded the average quotation, and according to the rules, the transaction was successfully completed.

Li Cunyuan and the other three also breathed a sigh of relief. They all chose 30 million for their quotations. Although the quotations were a little high, the purpose was to exceed the average price and break through the first place. A restriction.

In Li Cunyuan's view, the guy who quoted 5.55 million was completely out of his mind. How could such a price break the average?

Huang Guoxiang became distressed. His quote was the same as in the first round, and he still chose 1990 million.

The same is true for Zhong Guangrong. His quotation has not changed, still 19.99 million.

The two were successfully eliminated!

Zhao Wanxi also copied the homework and added an additional 10 million to ensure that it exceeded the average price and avoided being ranked first. Can't break through

"Brother Liang, how do we randomly select these quotes?"Hu Xiaoyu asked

"Sort according to the quotation from low to high. If it is the same quotation, then sort according to the time when you received the message, with the one with the earliest quotation at the front. An Liang suggested.

An Liang added,"We can hold a live broadcast to randomly draw. Xiaoyu, you can do the random draw in person.""

"ah? Hu Xiaoyu hesitated,"How do I draw randomly?""

"There are a total of forty-six quotations. The first step is to throw a dice and select the odd and even numbers, thereby directly eliminating 50%. An Liang explained.

Hu Xiaoyu responded affirmatively,"Throwing dice is fair!""

"The remaining twenty-three quotations will be divided into four intervals, with every six quotations being one interval, and a total of four intervals."An Liang explained

"Set the four intervals corresponding to 1 to 4 o'clock on the dice, throw the dice again, and select the corresponding intervals. If the dice is thrown to 5 o'clock or 6 o'clock, re-throw." An Liang added.

Then he continued,"There are only five quotes in the last range. If the throw reaches 6 o'clock, it will be re-thrown as well."

"By throwing dice in this way to choose the final lucky person, and the dice are being thrown live, I don’t think anyone thinks it’s unfair, right? An Liang asked teasingly.

Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"I think it's okay!""

Zhong Guangrong seconded,"This is already a very fair rule."

"Xiaoyu, please start a group video live broadcast to explain the situation."An Liang ordered

"OK"Hu Xiaoyu immediately used a group video live broadcast to explain the rules that An Liang just described.

After Hu Xiaoyu finished speaking, she followed An Liang's instructions and asked,"If anyone has objections to this randomly selected rule, please raise it now."

The members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club naturally have no objection, because they also feel that this dice throwing plan is indeed a very fair random selection. The reason why An Liang proposed this fair method is because An Liang knows fairness The importance of it.

He knows when fairness should be reflected and when the contribution system can be used to crush fairness. This is a complex knowledge, and An Liang consciously controls it very accurately!


Update time: April 15, 2021 00:02:17. How tiring is it to go out to pick strawberries during the day and eat strawberries at night?

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