
‘Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of annihilating the Takar family, annihilating foreseeable threats, and nipping danger in the cradle!’

‘Mission reward: [Thousand-year-old Astragalus GPS range coordinates]*3’

‘Special note: This reward will be discovered in the encrypted files of the Thakar family's internal server by Renyi Security Company No. 4 Tianji Shensuan. '

An Liang checked the reward information in his mind. There were three thousand-year-old Astragalus GPS range coordinates?

Could it be that An Liang strategized and solved the Thakar family with minimal cost and consequences, so the winner system in life doubled the reward?

An Liang soon realized that he was thinking too much!

The Life Winner System does not reward more Millennium Astragalus at all. The three Millennium Astragalus GPS range coordinates are to provide more realistic feedback on the Thakar family's search for Millennium Astragalus.

If you directly give an accurate GPS coordinate point, there will be a problem that is terrifying to think about.

Now that the Thakar family has found the location of the thousand-year-old astragalus, why haven't they dug it yet?

The Life Winner System will always make some rationalizations when giving rewards. Even if An Liang insists on making a show, the Life Winner System will make amends in the subsequent time.

After all, it is a winning system in life!

When the Life Winner System issued a prompt, in the secret temporary command room of the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator issued a voice prompt,"BOSS, we found a latest news in the encrypted files of the Thakar family."

"what news?"An Liang asked back.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded,"The Takar family's search for thousand-year-old Astragalus has produced results. They have designated three unsearched areas in Kerishan, and the other areas have been completely searched."

"Send the information over."An Liang ordered.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator sent the information, and Shi Feng immediately searched for the corresponding GPS coordinate information and displayed the corresponding location on the screen wall.

"Lao Huang, are any of you around?"An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang looked at the three marked areas and nodded affirmatively,"We have people nearby, but the problem is that Krishan has been blocked by the Thakar family. Even if the Thakar family is finished now, these blockades still exist."

"I have told you before that there are even infrared thermal radiation detectors at the Krishan blockade. It is very difficult for us to sneak into it! Huang Guoxiang added. An Liang responded calmly,"Don't worry, we have already made arrangements!""

"On the fourth day, arrange for the violent bear to play."An Liang ordered

"receive."No. 4 responded immediately.

Huang Guoxiang was stunned for a moment,"Violent Bear...That mercenary organization composed of retired special combatants from the Northern Bear Country?"

"Wasn't this action planned by them?"An Liang threw the blame casually.

Huang Guoxiang suddenly remembered what An Liang said in his office before. If the National Security Investigation Bureau does not have the weapons of the North Bear Country, then there is no need for military support.

"BOSS, the Violent Bear takes action and is expected to clear all blockades within 90 seconds."Explanation of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"Please wait a moment, the remote video is expected to be linked and broadcast within thirty seconds."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 continued to add.

After more than 20 seconds, the screen displayed on the screen wall was divided into two, and Tianji Shensuan No. 4 introduced,"We are now using drones to shoot two kilometers away, and the violent bears will use EMP. Attack the Krishan blockade, and the entire Krishan blockade will fall apart."

Huang Guoxiang listened silently to the introduction of No. 4's Tianji Shensuan, and he grasped the key point. No. 4's Xia Guoyu was so good that he could even use the idiom"fall apart" proficiently, so Huang Guoxiang suspected that No. 4 was from Xia Guo.

So-called‘EMP’It is the abbreviation of electromagnetic pulse weapon. It can effectively kill electronic equipment and naturally solve infrared thermal radiation detectors.

The biggest reason why the drone shoots from two kilometers away is that it may be accidentally injured by EMP because of the close-range shooting.

Almost forty seconds later, several bright lights broke through the night, and they all flew towards Mount Keri. The drone faithfully recorded these images and transmitted them to the secret temporary command room of the National Security Investigation Agency.

In the darkness, at the foot of Mount Keri, several bright lights flashed away.

Number 4 Tianji Shensuan continued,"The EMP attack is successful, the violent bears are about to enter and clamp down on the blockade personnel, and our people are also rushing to the center."

"Lao Huang, how do your people climb mountains? An Liang seemed to ask casually.

Huang Guoxiang paused and then realized the question,"Do your people carry flying motorcycles?""

"certainly!"Anliang did not hide anything," the fire-fighting version of the flying motorcycle has long battery life, high reliability, and can provide a field power supply platform."

"How did you get them across the border? Huang Guoxiang asked doubtfully.

An Liang said jokingly,"I suggest you take a good look at the technical parameters of the flying motorcycle, especially the information related to the safety system. Just set the autopilot mode and drop it from a high altitude. The safety system It will start at a suitable height, stabilize the fuselage, and finally go to the preset location."

"this..."Huang Guoxiang expressed his surprise, can flying motorcycles be played like this?


PS: Which of you restarted time? It was obviously updated in the early morning, but it disappeared? You have a problem!

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