Thakar Family Manor Residence, Building No. 3 in the backyard.

Clown No. 6, disguised as Noel, came out and told Siam,"Everyone in the family will come over in a while. You are responsible for putting away everyone's mobile phones. Do you understand?"

Siam asked cautiously,"Including Yi. Ms. Walla?"

"certainly!"Noel snorted, then turned around and returned to Building 3.

When Noel re-entered Building 3, Siam whispered,"Is Mr. Noel going to show off his cards and make Ms. Editha's matter public?"

Pala, another security guard, warned,"Don't make random guesses, we just need to follow Mr. Noel's instructions."

"I'm just curious."Siam still whispered.

Parra hummed,"Be careful if Mr. Noel finds out, you will be in trouble!"

In less than ten minutes, Noor's third brother Santos, the third branch of the Thakar family, arrived with his family. Naturally, he was stopped by Siam and Parra at the door, and then took away the mobile phones of the Santos family of five..

In the study, Santos saw Edisha first. He also knew Edisha and also knew that Edisha was Noel’s lover. He and Siam had the same guess.

In fact, such a guess is benevolence and righteousness. The security company deliberately guided it in order to attract attention and make the atmosphere awkward, so as to avoid the Takar family personnel from communicating with Clown No. 6 disguised as Noel after they arrived.

After all, if you say too much, you will be wrong. What if Clown No. 6 leaks something? If you shut your mouth, wouldn't all your previous efforts be wasted?

That's why the Variety Enchantress No. 9 was asked to disguise herself as Edisha and attract all the attention on the bright side.

Santos looked at Noel, and he said worriedly,"Brother, this is..."

Clown No. 6 raised his hand to stop Santos from continuing,"Wait until everyone is here."

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Noel's wife Ibarra arrived. She was the second to last person to arrive, except for Noel's only son Virat. Everyone else has arrived at the scene.

After Ibarra walked into the study, she naturally saw Editha. She said angrily on the spot,"Noel, what do you mean?"

Noel didn't say anything. He just looked at the No. 9 Variety Demon disguised as Editha. Ji.

The versatile Enchantress No. 9 took the initiative to speak,"Ms. Ibarra, hello, my name is Editha."

"I know who you are!"Ibarra responded very unkindly.

Everyone focused their attention on Ibarra and the Variety Enchantress No. 9. None of them noticed that the ventilation system was quietly inputting comatose gas.

In order to To reduce the chaos as much as possible, the coma and other substances mixed in the ventilation system can effectively make people comatose, but it takes a certain amount of time, so the enchantress No. 9 is responsible for delaying the time. In order to prevent the clown No. 6 from being pulled by Ibarra as soon as he opens his mouth. See through.

Ibarra does not know Editha, but only knows about her existence. Now that Ibarra and Editha are facing each other, it will naturally be difficult to see through, and the confrontation is full of anger, which makes it easier to delay time. and attracting others to watch the show

"I don’t know what promises he made to you, but I tell you, none of that is possible!"Ibarra said preemptively.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded calmly,"Why can't Ms. Ibarra be more tolerant?"

"tolerant? Ibarra was furious as if her tail had been stepped on,"Am I tolerant to let you and my husband steal the sun?""

Change Enchantress No. 9 shook her head,"That's not what I meant...."

"Then what do you mean?"Ibarra snorted.

The Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9 stood up, and she walked towards Ibarra.

Ibarra looked at the Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9 without showing any weakness. She stared at the Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9. , as if it would be a great shame to give in.

But Ibarra focused on looking at the enchantress No. 9, making her ignore the surrounding situation. The other members of the Takal family were already drowsy, and only those who had just entered Ibarra, in addition to being emotionally excited, stayed awake.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 walked to the opposite side of Ibarra, she looked at Ibarra and whispered,"I mean...Of course I want you to die!"

When she said the second half of the sentence, the Variety Enchantress No. 9 held a spray bottle in her right hand and aimed it at Ibarra and sprayed it three times. It was a high-concentration coma gas.

""Ibarra never thought that the versatile Enchantress No. 9 would dare to commit murder in front of Noel, but this Noel was simply a fake, and everything was a trap.

When Ibarra fell into a coma, other members of the Thakar family also fell into a coma.

Death Knell No. 3 immediately ordered,"No. 4, we've got it done here, you can implement the riot plan over there."

"Hold on."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 immediately overloaded the smart home through the internal network, overloading the smart electric water heater, causing a fire, and then controlled the security system to execute a false alarm, attracting the security forces within the Takar family. The Takar family manor is located in Tianji Shensuan No. 4 During the commotion, several fire locations and foreign invasions appeared.

Clown No. 6, disguised as Noel, personally came to the door of Building 3 in the backyard and ordered,"Go and see what happened, and join in the firefighting.""

Siam and Parra responded immediately, then left Building 3 and went to the location where the problem occurred to check the situation.

After the two left, Noel immediately returned to Building 3, and the Variety Enchantress No. 9 quickly and roughly Change the makeup of Joker No. 6 and restore him to the image of Lal.

This operation only took two minutes, because the Takar family is now in chaos and does not require very delicate makeup.

Plus wait a moment When they leave, the No. 4 Divine Calculus will also remotely interrupt the power supply system at the Thakar Family Manor, thereby causing further chaos, so there is no problem with simple makeup.

"Number 4, carry out the next step of the plan and let Building 3 burn to the ground!"Instructions of Death Knell No. 3

"No problem, you leave first, I will solve the problem in thirty seconds."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded.

When Deathstroke and the four of them left Building No. 3, Tianji Shensuan first blocked the access control of the entire No. 3 Building, and then overloaded the smart home again and caused a fire, which finally ignited Building No. 3.

More importantly, After the No. 4 fortune-telling ignited the No. 3 building in the backyard, he immediately cut off the power supply system and disabled the active fire protection system. Coupled with the chaos after the power outage, the rescue work became more difficult. The leaderless Thakar family was in chaos. Deathstroke No. 3, disguised as Lal, led the team to leave the Thakar family in the chaos. The actual controller of Silabon was almost wiped out in one fell swoop in this conspiracy led by Renyi Security Company.

Now the Thakar family Only Noor Thakar's only son was left, but Anliang had already made a backup plan in advance. How could Virat Thakar escape?

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