The residence of the Thakar family estate.

Lal walked into the security lounge with three cups of coffee. Shah Rukh and Baha, who were in the same group, were smoking. Lal greeted them,"Shah Rukh, Baha, come and have a cup of coffee.

" Luke took one of the cups of coffee, and Baha was not polite.

"Do you want to run out again? Shah Rukh asked.

Baha smiled strangely on the side,"I guess it's Amiya.""

"I think it’s Freida! Shah Rukh said enviously,"Lal, you are a lucky guy, you have found such a good friend on the Internet.""

The image Lal created in the Thakar family is that he likes to surf the Internet and flirt with girls online, so he doesn't have too many scruples when playing with his mobile phone.

Lal said with a smile,"It's Amiya!"

"I’ll leave the night shift to you two tonight. I’ll treat you to dinner later and bring you cigarettes by the way."Lal said with assurance.

Shah Rukh nodded,"Okay!

Baha also said with certainty,"Come back early in the morning to avoid being discovered.""

"Then please!"Lal nodded in agreement, and then took a sip of coffee.

Shah Rukh and Bahar also took a sip of coffee. Lal turned and left the lounge, but he did not go far. He only walked out for a short distance and then returned to the lounge. Lock Shah Rukh and Bahar, who had fallen on the ground, into their own lockers to prevent them from being discovered in advance.

After doing these things, Lal immediately contacted No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation to report

"I have done what you asked me to do."Lal reported

"I found it through the security monitoring system. Don't worry, I have deleted all these records. Now you can pretend everything is normal and leave. We will wait for you outside."Explanation of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"OK"Lal responded affirmatively.

Nearly ten minutes later, Lal arrived at a two-story building in accordance with the instructions of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. After he walked into the room, he saw a person who was almost exactly the same as himself, but Lal did not Any panic as this is their plan.

Lal discussed a plan with the God of Death No. 4, Lal takes out Shah Rukh and Bahar through the poison of Death Knell No. 3, Death Knell No. 3 of Renyi Security Company, No. 6 The clown, Theseus No. 7, disguised himself as Lal and the other three, and then escorted the enchantress No. 9, disguised as Noel's lover, into the Takar family manor.

Through this method, they will successfully contact Noel Takar , and then Clown No. 6 disguises himself as Noel Takar, and finally summons everyone in the Takar family.

This plan may seem crazy, but if it is calculated mentally and unintentionally, and the inside and outside are coordinated, the success rate will be very high.

After all, there is mental calculation. Unintentional!

Who would have thought that someone would use such a plan to deal with the Takar family?

"Mr. Lal, we are about to take action. Next, you have two options. The first is to meet up with your colleagues. We will help you contact your staff near Mount Keri. After you meet up with them, you can choose the next step. action."The other 'Lal' said to Lal, and used Xia Guoyu, so that Lal could not determine the other party's identity. Lal did not ask the other party's identity, he asked,"What about the second option?"

"We will send you directly back to Xia Kingdom."Another 'Lal' responded.

Lal hesitated for a moment before responding,"If you go back to China directly, what arrangements are you going to make?"

Before another 'Lal' answered, Lal spoke first,"I am a staff member of the Thakar family. Whether I take a plane or a train, I will definitely be reported to the Thakar family, so I can't do it now. Walk"

"Then wait until we take action. If the Takar family disappears, all these troubles will naturally disappear. We will give you a new identity and take you away by land."Another 'Lal' responded.

Lal responded affirmatively,"I choose this one!"

"Okay, you stay here now, we will give you a mobile phone. If everything goes well, there will be results tonight. Even if the operation fails, we will contact you in advance and let our people take you away."Another 'Lal' added

"OK!"Lal agreed.

After Lal agreed, another 'Lal', as well as senior executives of Renyi Security Company disguised as Shah Rukh and Baha, brought the enchantress No. 9 disguised as Noor Thakar's lover. Leave.

The four of them drove all the way to the Thakar Family Manor. When passing the gate, Clown No. 6, John Dean, easily handled it.

"No. 4, where is the first target?" asked No. 3 disguised as Shah Rukh.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan did not personally participate in the operation. He was responsible for providing remote support, including shielding security monitoring systems, motion sensors, gravity sensors and other security alarms.

"The first target is in Building No. 3 in the backyard. I have blocked the relevant security monitoring system. Except for the fixed guards at the door of Building No. 3, other patrol guards, please follow my instructions and pass."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation explains

"no problem!"No. 3 responded.

As the operation began, a storm has formed against the Takar family....

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