The plan negotiated by the management of Renyi Security Company may seem fine on the surface, but if you dig deeper, you will find a huge problem.

The huge problem is that the entire plan is predicated on killing Noor Thakar, the patriarch of the Thakar family.

But how to kill him?

According to No. 1 Tang Jinsheng, this step was performed by No. 3 Death Knell Raoul Metz.

Raoul Metz is a virus expert. He is good at creating various biological viruses to kill a person silently and disguise it as an accident.

But the problem is that there is no way to get close to Noor Thakar, let alone a suitable opportunity. After killing Noel Thakar, he can successfully hide Noor Thakar's body and then pretend to be Nour Thakar.

‘Zero: How to kill Noor Thakar and then impersonate him?’

‘Number 3: If we can get Noor Thakar's genetic sample, I can design a virus specifically for him based on his genes, and then kill him through the genetic virus.’

‘No. 1: BOSS, we found that our collaborators are also operating in Silabon. Based on their analysis of the situation where they obtained intelligence about the Thakar family in advance, we believe that they have deep lurking personnel in the Thakar family.’

‘Number 1: If our collaborator has someone deeply embedded in the Takar family, he can provide us with operational assistance.’

‘Number 4: I have investigated the Thakar family’s residence. Their security systems all use physically isolated internal networks, so they cannot be interfered with from the outside.’

‘Number 4: But if there is an internal agent, I can crack the other party's security system and create conditions for sneaking in secretly.’

‘No. 6: If we can figure out the security system and sneak in secretly, we can execute the plan smoothly. '

No. 6 John Dean, codenamed 'Joker', is a behaviorist and psychologist. With the cooperation of No. 9, the ever-changing enchantress Jia Sizhen, he can disguise himself as Noel Thakar.

‘No. 9: I have no problem and will fully support this operation!’

‘Number 8: I will lock down the whereabouts of all members of the Takar family in advance and work with Number 4 to provide real-time tracking’

‘Number 4: No problem!’

‘No. 1: In this mission against the Takar family, except No. 5, who is performing a mission in Europa, all of us will be involved.’

‘Number 1: BOSS, can we get support from our collaborators’ deep lurking personnel?’

‘Zero: Let me discuss it with my collaborator first. '

This time, the deep infiltrators of the National Security Investigation Agency turned out to be the key to the plan against the Thakar family!

Without the involvement of deep dive personnel from the National Security Bureau, it would be difficult for Renyi Security's plan to succeed.

An Liang glanced at the time. It was already after midnight. He thought about it before contacting Huang Guoxiang via the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software.

Huang Guoxiang did not sleep!

This guy is also a master at staying up late. After all, he is a workaholic who has lived in the National Security Investigation Bureau for a long time. Isn't it normal to stay up late and work overtime?

Waiting for the voice communication to connect, Huang Guoxiang asked first,"What's the matter?"

"You do have a deep infiltrator there, right?"An Liang asked

"Didn’t you know this before? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"We have a matter for your deep dive staff to attend to. An Liang responded directly.

Huang Guoxiang asked,"What happened?""

"Matters against the Thakar family."An Liang briefly explained Renyi Security Company's plan, but did not reveal the details in detail. He only said that it was necessary to physically isolate the internal network security system.

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a moment before responding,"This matter is very dangerous.!"

"Very dangerous indeed. An Liang affirmed,"But this matter is very important. If he has an accident, we will provide all follow-up protection.""

Huang Guoxiang did not refuse. At present, the issue of pensions for some unconventional injured and retired personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau is hanging in the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

"When to start taking action?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Give us the other party's contact information?"An Liang suggested

"I think joint action is more appropriate."Huang Guoxiang did not agree.

No matter how good the relationship between Huang Guoxiang and An Liang was, it was impossible to agree to this kind of thing, because it was a matter of principle.

An Liang was just testing it. He knew that Huang Guoxiang could not agree.

"No problem, joint operations will be joint operations. I will inform you after we have arranged the arrangements here."An Liang agreed.

"OK, my mobile phone is on 24 hours a day, you can contact me at any time."Huang Guoxiang responded

"Um!"An Liang responded and hung up the phone.

Now with Huang Guoxiang's guarantee and the support of the National Security Investigation Bureau's deep dive personnel, Renyi Security Company's plan can start to be prepared.

When everything is ready and only the east wind is needed, then Activate the deep sleeper operatives of the National Security Investigation Agency to start the plan to destroy the Thakar family!

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