The imperial capital, Zhaoyang.

Inside the headquarters of Xiongzhang Company, Li Hongyan personally took An Liang to visit Xiongzhang Company.

Faced with Li Hongyan's remarks, An Liang responded with a smile,"Our main business at Anxin Media is not advertising. We currently adopt a light advertising operation plan."

Anxin Media is indeed not prepared to vigorously develop the advertising business. Anliang's requirements for Anxin Media Very low, only a small profit is needed, unlike Bear Paw Company, which pursues high advertising revenue.

After all, if you pursue advertising revenue excessively, you will inevitably do some disgusting things for the sake of advertising fees.

That was not the result An Liang wanted.

Li Hongyan also understood An Liang's subtext. He smiled noncommittally and continued to introduce the situation of the advertising business department.

An Liang listened for a while and then sighed,"Mr. Li is so lucky!"

"oh?"Li Hongyan looked at An Liang hesitantly.

"Everyone talks about how Mr. Li and Bear Paw Company are doing evil, but who knows that the core business of Bear Paw Company is not advertising business at all?"An Liang is a bit straight to the point.

"Mr. An knows? Li Hongyan asked back

"Quantum computers, artificial intelligence systems, smart city projects, driverless driving projects, digital medical projects, these businesses are the core of your business!"An Liang cut through the fog and saw the true knowledge.

When ordinary melon-eating people mention Bear Paw Company, they have nothing more than a bad feeling for Bear Paw Company.

However, the hidden background of Bear Paw Company behind the scenes is very powerful!

Even if Bear Paw Company appears on the surface, It has lagged behind other Internet giants, but in terms of cutting-edge technology, Xiongzhang Company has far more knowledge than companies that focus on games and companies that focus on selling goods.

Taking the artificial intelligence system as an example, Xiongzhang Company is definitely on the leading edge. In the most cutting-edge category.

After all, Li Hongyan himself is a standard technical geek. The cornerstone of Xiongzhang Company is the search program written by Li Hongyan. His enthusiasm for technology exploration far exceeds that of a store teacher.

As for the other one I'm a pseudo-technical geek, so I guess I'm researching how to make more skins, right?

"As expected of Mr. An, he silently investigated our Xiongzhang Company from top to bottom."Li Hongyan responded calmly.

"It’s no wonder that members of our artificial intelligence project team are constantly being poached! Li Hongyan looked at An Liang,"Mr. An is also planning to enter the field of artificial intelligence?""

"The future must be the era of artificial intelligence!" An Liang responded to Li Hongyan sideways.

Li Hongyan seconded,"The future is indeed the era of artificial intelligence."

There is no doubt about this!

Although various artificial intelligence threat theories are emerging one after another, who among the world's top large companies and countries has stopped developing artificial intelligence?

The advantages of artificial intelligence systems are becoming more and more obvious, from simple financial statistics to In the complex medical field, the application scope of artificial intelligence is becoming more and more extensive. An artificial intelligence system like AlphaGo that only plays Go is just for demonstration purposes.

Watson, the artificial intelligence doctor of Big Blue Company, has a high performance in diagnosis rate and In terms of efficiency, it completely beats human doctors. These are all excellent applications of artificial intelligence systems.

In the future era, artificial intelligence will inevitably take the stage.

World-class giant companies are obviously aware of this prospect, so globally, the world's top Giant companies are all developing artificial intelligence systems.

Because that is the next digital revolution!

An Liang naturally did not want to let go of such an opportunity, but it was too late for An Liang to intervene and he could not start from scratch, so An Liang seized it Bear Palm Company sucks blood and poaches from Bear Palm Company

"Mr. An, are you interested in cooperating on the artificial intelligence project? Li Hongyan suddenly suggested.

An Liang asked,"If we cooperate and the artificial intelligence system is successfully developed, then whose will it belong to?""

"Although I don’t understand computer systems, I know that computer systems should have super permissions. Super permissions can control everything. Artificial intelligence also has super permissions, right?"An Liang continued to ask.

Li Hongyan remained silent.

"In my understanding, if the artificial intelligence system has two super permissions, it should be a very bad thing. For example, what should I do through the artificial intelligence system, and what if the other super permission blocks it?"An Liang raised the controversial point again.

"Even if another super authority does not prevent it, what if another super authority secretly obtains information?"An Liang mentioned another possibility.

Li Hongyan sighed,"It seems that Mr. An has no plan to cooperate."

"A friendly reminder to Mr. An, in the artificial intelligence project of our Xiongzhang Company, the core members have very high liquidated damages and non-compete agreements."Li Hongyan added

"Even if Mr. An is willing to pay high liquidated damages, the non-compete agreement will restrict the other party from continuing to engage in new work in the direction of artificial intelligence."Li Hongyan added.

Non-compete agreements are standard in the field of cutting-edge R&D!

Of course, for top talents, it is impossible to sign a non-compete agreement.

After all, if there is a non-competition agreement, top talents will not sign at all!

"To be honest, Mr. An, you guys are really not authentic this time! Li Hongyan looked at An Liang and said


Update time: April 3, 2021 00:04:04, good night.

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