Above the track of the Golden Port International Circuit, Chen Siyu controlled the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to have fun. Her flying speed exceeded 200 kilometers per hour, and she did not strictly follow the track's route.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, Chen Siyu controlled the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to return to the waiting area. When landing, she handed over control to the autonomous driving system, allowing the autonomous driving system to park.

The automatic driving system controls the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to park accurately in a parking space. It still does not cross any lines and the parking is very standard.

Chen Siyu patiently waited for the smart system to issue a notification that the parking was complete. Then she opened the acrylic windshield, then unfastened her seat belt and ran happily to Anliang.

"Husband, this flying motorcycle is awesome!"Chen Siyu said coquettishly,"I want a fight!"

When this big cat in the imperial capital started calling 'husband', An Liang knew that she must have something to ask for.

"After the flight training center is completed, you pass the flight training test and get your pilot's license, I will give you one."An Liang explained.

Chen Siyu immediately turned into a coquettish monster and said,"I flew so well just now. This flying motorcycle is really easy to control. I can definitely pass the test. Give me one first!

An Liang pinched Chen Siyu's face, and he refused again,"No!"

After finishing speaking, An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang,"Shuangshuang, do you want to try flying?"

Ning Ruoshuang said eagerly,"Yeah!" Hu

Xiaoyu answered,"Brother Liang, I want to try it too!" Li Qian kept up the pace without hesitation,"

Brother Liang, can I try?" An Liang responded calmly,"

Ask what Brother Haiyang means."

After responding, An Liang said jokingly,"Brother Haiyang, you have to solve your own affairs.""

Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang couldn't help but smile.

Yun Haiyang looked at An Liang helplessly. He originally thought An Liang could help him avoid disaster, but An Liang didn't accept the move at all.

"Ahem, you have never come across a flying motorcycle before. It looks very simple, but in fact..."Yun Haiyang was about to refuse, but was interrupted by Li Qian

"But you can teach me, can't you?"Li Qian looked at Yun Haiyang.

Li Qian continued,"This flying motorcycle is designed for two people. You can take me to fly together and explain to me how to control it."

There's nothing wrong with that at all!

However, Hu Xiaoyu whispered to the side,"I think it's okay, you can teach me too."

Facing the looks of Li Qian and Hu Xiaoyu, Yun Haiyang felt that it was too difficult for him! An

Liang calmly held Ning Ruoshuang and Chen Siyu, and his heart was filled with joy. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang got along very well, and there was no need for them at all. Li Qian and Hu Xiaoyu have this tit-for-tat problem.

So if Zhao Wanxi joins in, Anliang may become Yun Haiyang, right?

Faced with the tit-for-tat confrontation between Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian, Yun Haiyang will He looked at An Liang for help, hoping that An Liang could save his life.

Chen Siyu also saw Yun Haiyang's look for help. She helped An Liang out,"Master An, Shuang Shuang doesn't know how to drive a flying motorcycle. You can teach Shuang Shuang. Wan and I will Xi also tried flying motorcycles.

An Liang smiled and nodded,"Okay!" Yun

Haiyang looked at Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang with a bitter look on his face.

Li Cunyuan immediately said,"Brother Gangzi, did you just say that your girlfriend is coming over too?"

Qian Xiaogang said affirmatively,"Yeah!" They are stuck in the road. When they come later, I will definitely teach them.

Li Cunyuan responded enviously,"Brother Gangzi is as stable as a mountain!""

Qian Xiaogang studied under An Liang, and he has successfully become a good man. He currently has two girlfriends, Xia Shihan and Huang Beilei. He is a master of learning and has successfully applied it in practice.

Yun Haiyang is a dog that cannot be painted like a tiger, look at it Looking at the situation of Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian, we know that they are asking for trouble.

Li Cunyuan has been defeated repeatedly!

Li Cunyuan, who is obviously very good, always fails again and again. It can only be said that Li Cunyuan is unlucky. ?

Yun Haiyang watched Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang's self-centered exchange. Of course he understood that Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang would not help him, so he had to bear it all alone? Chen

Siyu and Zhao Wanxi walked towards a deluxe edition On the third-generation flying motorcycle, An Liang took Ning Ruoshuang to another deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and began to teach Ning Ruoshuang how to control it. The operation method of the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is purely fool-proof, basically listening to You will understand it once, and then you can control it after a test drive.

After all, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle has a very advanced automatic driving system and an advanced safety system. Even if you don’t know how to operate the flying motorcycle, you can still ensure safety.

Ning After listening to An Liang's explanation, Ruoshuang personally controlled the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and circled around the Golden Port International Circuit.

An Liang sat behind Ning Ruoshuang, holding Ning Ruoshuang in his arms and resting his chin on Ning Ruoshuang's. On his shoulder, he commanded the Life Winner System in his mind to open the high-end lottery gift package that he had previously obtained at the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store. The high-end lottery gift package should be able to draw good things, right?


Update time: March 29, 2021 00:02:57, good night.

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