At half past five in the evening, An Liang, Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian had dinner at the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store.

Song Qian did not work as hard as Chen Siyu. She enjoyed the leisure time during the summer vacation and worked hard to be a salted fish.

"Master An, long time no see!"Song Qian said with a natural expression. She has now restored her former personality. When facing An Liang, she no longer deliberately lowered her attitude.

An Liang said teasingly,"I'll count on my fingers. The last time we met It's only been more than half a month, and you're telling me it's been a long time no see?"

"Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns? Song Qian flirted with An Liang in turn.

An Liang let out a 'cut' sound, and he hummed,"Have you been acting like a salted fish lately?""

"Otherwise? Song Qian said helplessly,"My piano talent is a little different from Siyu's, so I'd better be a salty fish!""

While Anliang and the four were chatting, the proprietress of the dried pot fish and miscellaneous shop came over with a hand of dried pot fish and miscellaneous food. She smiled and said hello,"Classmate, long time no see."

"So the boss lady wants a discount?"An responded jokingly

"no problem!"The boss lady agreed directly,"Classmate, if you kiss the female classmate next to you, you will get a 20% discount on the meal; if you kiss the female classmate opposite you, you will get a 50% discount; if you kiss all three female classmates, , this meal is free!"


An Liang had a question mark on his face, what is this boss lady doing?

Song Qian spoke first,"I don't mind eating the King's meal!"

Chen Siyu agreed,"Since the boss lady is treating us to dinner, we're welcome!""

Ning Ruoshuang nodded,"I have no objection. The landlady looked at An Liang teasingly,"Classmate, three female classmates have agreed. What do you think?""

"I see with my eyes!"An Liang said seriously.


‘Random bonus: Isn’t it good to have sex for free?’

‘Description: The proprietress of the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store offers a free meal, so you can get a free meal!’

‘Reward: A premium raffle gift pack! '

Yo ho?

It turned out to be a premium lottery gift package!

Originally, An Liang thought it was not good to let the proprietress of the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store work in vain. After all, it was a small business and it was not easy to make money.

But since there is a high-end lottery gift package, An Liang is not welcome.

After all, free prostitution is so delicious!

"How much discount do students want to get?"The proprietress of the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store teased.

An Liang said with a hum,"Proprietress, you asked for this!"

After finishing speaking, An Liang first kissed Chen Siyu on the cheek next to him, then stood up and walked to the opposite side, then kissed Ning Ruoshuang on the cheek, and finally kissed Song Qian on the cheek.

"Free of charge, right? An Liang said provocatively.

The proprietress of the dry pot fish shop nodded,"Okay, free of charge!""

"Since it’s free, let’s add another fish egg! An Liang chuckled,"It's fragrant for free. I'll eat more today.""

"Okay, classmate, come right away."The landlady is willing to admit defeat.

After the landlady leaves, An Liang continues,"This landlady is too naive. She is afraid she will go bankrupt if she does this business!"

Ning Ruoshuang responded in denial,"No, I heard that this proprietress also opened a branch at the Sports College."

"..."An Liang choked

"cough! An Liang coughed dryly and forcibly changed the topic,"By the way, Song Qian, we are going to the Golden Port International Circuit tonight. Do you want to go with us?""

"OK! Song Qian responded,"I told my dad that Siyu, Siyu, and Shuangshuang and I are playing together. It doesn't matter if we don't go back at night.""As she said this, she looked at An Liang provocatively.

An Liang in turn teased,"A talkative player?"

An Liang used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to check Song Qian's friendliness value data. Her friendliness value was still 99 points. In addition, Song Qian has restored her original mentality, so can she really stay in Yunjing International Apartment for the night?

"Wow! Song Qian lowered her voice and whispered,"Master An likes talkative players?""

"..."An Liang looked at Song Qian speechlessly. What happened to this person? Did he drive suddenly?

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang also smiled, and they both looked at An Liang with half-smiles.

An Liang first looked at the props in the Life Winner System, and there was also a reward card with no return date for billions of descendants. So the gold content of the talkative player was very high, right?

At around 6:30, after finishing a meal of dry-pot fish and offal, Anliang and the other two drove back to Yunjing International Apartment respectively.

In the lobby of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang contacted Qin Tianxiang. After waiting for the connection, he asked,"Have the night test been arranged?" After

Qin Tianxiang was exposed in the life extension plan, he is currently positioned as An Liang's all-round assistant. He is a driver, a security guard, a work assistant, and a part-time life assistant.

"Li Wen, who is responsible for the flying motorcycle project of the Technology Department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, is already at the Jingang International Circuit. The relevant night test projects have also been arranged and can start testing at any time."Qin Tianxiang responded

"Okay, let's go there now."An Liang responded.

After ending the call, An Liang sent a message to the friends group of the Imperial City

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Brothers, there will be a night test of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle at the Golden Port International Circuit tonight. Will you participate?’


Update time: March 27, 2021 00:36:02. I just watched Skeleton Boy and Hammer Lizard. I am getting ready to take a bath and change clothes. Good night.

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