An Liang is indeed very measured and knows what to do and what not to do.

After all, An Liang did not come from the grassroots class in the real sense. Originally, An Liang's family was also middle class, and they were in the real estate-related construction industry. In this industry, there was a mixture of good and bad. An Liang had learned a lot of information since he was a child.

Coupled with An Shengyu's education, An Liang has developed a willingness to share, a willingness to think, and a good analysis, so as to see the essence through phenomena.

If An Liang had shown a solitary attitude from the very beginning, even with the help of the Life Winner System, he would not have been able to reach this point today.

Anliang and the winner system in life are mutually beneficial to each other.

Anliang goes higher and further through the life winner system, and the life winner system embodies the value of existence through Anliang.

Both are indispensable!

Not everyone who gets the Life Winner System can replicate An Liang's achievements. That is completely impossible.

Unless the Life Winner System uses a constant global intelligence trick when choosing a host?

While Zhao Xingguo and Huang Guoxiang were 'smoking' outside the hospital, Mr. Zhao's condition became better in the ICU ward, and various vital signs parameters became closer and closer to those of healthy and normal people.

Such situations shocked Sun Jingye again and again.

As Sun Jingye said before, this was the first time he encountered such a situation in more than ten years of medical practice. He became more and more curious about what Chinese medicinal materials caused such a situation.

Although Sun Jingye is not a major in traditional Chinese medicine, he naturally knows Astragalus, but Sun Jingye does not think it is ordinary Astragalus.

Common astragalus has now been dug up into a national third-level protected plant. Wild astragalus is almost extinct, and it can only be artificially grown to meet the needs of the traditional Chinese medicine market.

If Astragalus has such an effect, is it a 'merely' national third-level protected plant?

I'm afraid it won't directly rise to level one!

And there is no problem if the price skyrockets a hundred times!

After the astragalus aqueous solution was atomized for forty minutes, Sun Jingye reminded him,"Mr. Zhao, according to the current situation, Mr. Zhao has fully recovered.""

"you sure?" Zhao Dongliang asked back.

Sun Jingye said affirmatively,"I'm sure! Mr. Zhao, look at Mr. Zhao’s condition. His face has turned rosy again!"

Zhao Dongliang took a look at his grandfather's condition through the glass observation window. Sure enough, it was exactly as Sun Jingye said. Zhao Zhuangkang's face returned to rosy!

‘Is the effect of thousand-year-old astragalus so powerful? ' Zhao Dongliang sighed secretly in his heart.

The next moment, Zhao Dongliang found that Zhao Zhuangkang opened his eyes!

Zhao Dongliang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Xingguo's number. After waiting for the connection, he quickly said,"Dad, grandpa is awake. Come back soon.""

"good!"Zhao Xingguo responded affirmatively.

Zhao Dongliang hung up the phone directly. He said to Sun Jingye,"I want to go in and see grandpa. Can I go in now? Sun

Jingye looked at the vital signs monitoring data and responded affirmatively,"No problem. Although I don't understand what happened, judging from the data fed back by the vital signs detection equipment, Mr. Zhao's situation is completely fine." Zhao

Wanxi naturally noticed that Zhao Zhuangkang opened his eyes. She asked An Liang,"Is there really nothing wrong with Grandpa?""

"You just read the experimental records. One of the experimental subjects is almost the same as your grandfather, and the corresponding experimental results are indeed very good, so there is no need to worry." An Liang explained.

After An Liang responded to Zhao Wanxi, he ordered,"Doctor Sun, please check Mr. Zhao's condition comprehensively."

Zhao Dongliang agreed,"Yes, Dr. Sun, let's go to the ICU ward together."

In the ICU ward, Zhao Dongliang and Sun Jingye walked into the ward together. Zhao Dongliang spoke first,"Grandpa! Zhao

Zhuangkang looked at Zhao Dongliang and responded,"It's Dongliang. What's the situation now?""

Zhao Zhuangkang only remembered that he fainted. It was obviously a hospital environment, so he asked about the situation.

"You fainted at home and we took you to the hospital, now the ICU ward of the hospital."Zhao Dongliang explained simply.

Zhao Zhuangkang looked puzzled,"ICU ward?"

"Is my condition that serious?"Zhao Zhuangkang now only feels that he is comfortable all over, and there is no problem at all.

This feeling...

It seems like it hasn’t been there for decades, right?

It was as if the huge boulder that I had been carrying for decades was suddenly let go, and I naturally felt relaxed.

Sun Jingye took the initiative to ask,"Mr. Zhao, how do you feel now?"

"Never felt so good!"Zhao Zhuangkang said angrily.

Sun Jingye looked at the relevant parameters of the life monitor. Judging from the vital sign data, Mr. Zhao's condition is indeed very good.

"We now need to give Mr. Zhao a full body examination. Mr. Zhao, please cooperate with me." Sun Jingye explained.

Zhao Zhuangkang responded affirmatively,"The inspection is fine, but I am very hungry now and I want to eat something.

When Zhao Zhuangkang responded, Zhao Xingguo returned to the observation room in the ICU ward. He naturally heard what Zhao Zhuangkang said. He looked at An Liang and asked,"Can my father eat now?""

"Uncle Zhao, it would be more appropriate for you to ask Dr. Sun for his opinion. This test was not involved in our experiment."An Liang responded conservatively.

But in fact, An Liang knew clearly that Mr. Zhao was in very good condition now, and the thousand-year-old astragalus had completely restored his body functions!

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