Imperial Capital First Hospital, a high-end ward.

Zhao Dongliang came back with two doctors, one of whom was Sun Jingye and the other was a young doctor.

After the three of them entered the advanced ward, Sun Jingye took the initiative to introduce the young doctor,"Mr. Zhao, this is Sun Keshou, a junior of my family who has taken the traditional Chinese medicine route. His grinding skills must be fine."

Sun Keshou hurriedly Greetings,"Hello, Mr. Zhao!"

Zhao Xingguo looked at An Liang,"Xiao An, what do you think?"

Sun Jingye looked at An Liang curiously, Zhao Xingguo actually let An Liang make the decision?

An Liang said in response,"Grinding medicinal materials is a very simple job and does not require much skill. It is a physical job, and panning pills is a craft job, so it is no problem to leave the grinding to young people."

Sun Keshou looked gratefully. Xiang Anliang.

An Liang looked at Sun Keshou and reminded him,"Dr. Sun, we have very high requirements for grinding. You have to grind this piece of astragalus into fine pieces as much as possible so that it can be fully integrated into the water. We have to use atomization to send it into the water." Inside the patient's body, understand?"

"clear! Sun Keshou responded affirmatively,"I will try to grind it as finely as possible.""

Zhao Xingguo handed the thousand-year-old astragalus slices to Sun Keshou.

Sun Keshou used traditional grinding methods and began to grind the thousand-year-old astragalus slices by hand. Everyone watched, making Sun Keshou feel a little cautious.

Nearly half an hour later, a small piece of thousand-year-old astragalus The slices are ground into fine powder. Although the fineness and uniformity of manual grinding are certainly not comparable to the results of ultra-fine grinding equipment, just a small slice of thousand-year-old astragalus slices cannot make up for the machine loss of ultra-fine grinding!

Besides, Well, the powder made from these thousand-year-old Astragalus slices needs to be blended into water for atomization treatment, so the problem is not too big.

Zhao Xingguo has already ordered Sun Jingye to mix the powder made from thousand-year-old Astragalus slices into water for atomization treatment. He simply did not There is no question whether slices of thousand-year-old astragalus are harmful.

Zhao Xingguo believes in An Liang not only because of trust, but also because Zhao Xingguo knows that An Liang will not cause trouble for him. Why did An Liang assassinate his father just for no reason?

Sun Jingye has already said that Mr. Zhao's situation is very bad. Even if An Liang wants to assassinate Mr. Zhao, wouldn't it be better to just wait a little and let time become the murderer?

So even if the thousand-year-old Astragalus does not have a very good effect, at least it will not have any effect. Question.

It is precisely because of this that neither Zhao Xingguo, Zhao Dongliang, nor anyone else jumped out to question An Liang.

After all, we are all smart people, how can we ask like a brainless person: 'Does Millennium Astragalus have any effect? How do you prove' and so on?

"Dongliang, follow me and check out the situation." Zhao Xingguo ordered

"OK"Zhao Dongliang personally carried the grinding equipment and went to the atomization treatment under the guidance of Sun Jingye.

Zhao Xingguo said to An Liang,"Let's go to the ICU to see the old man."

Everyone followed Zhao Xingguo to the observation room of the ICU ward. In the ICU, Mr. Zhao was asleep, and various equipment showed Mr. Zhao's condition. At this moment, even if Zhao Xingguo, a man whose face collapsed, his expression remained unchanged. Xingguo also showed a sad look.

An Liang took the initiative to speak on the side,"Uncle Zhao, please rest assured. According to Grandpa Zhao's situation, the effect of thousand-year-old astragalus should be very good, and according to experimental analysis, the effect of thousand-year-old astragalus is also very fast."

Zhao Xingguo put away his sad expression, nodded and said,"Yeah!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhao Dongliang followed Sun Jingye into the ICU ward in a white coat. He watched Sun Jingye connect the atomization equipment to his grandfather's breathing mask.

After the processing was done, Sun Jingye and Zhao Dongliang exited together. ICU ward, and then came to the observation room next door.

Sun Jingye first said,"Mr. Zhao, the atomization time I set is one hour, a little slower, so that Mr. Zhao has time to absorb the effect of the medicine."

Zhao Xingguo looked at An Liang again, intending to ask An Liang's opinion.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"No problem. By the way, Dr. Sun, you should keep an eye on Mr. Zhao’s condition at any time."

"OK Sun Jingye said affirmatively.

After Sun Jingye answered, everyone fell silent, patiently and anxiously paying attention to the situation in the IUC ward.

An Liang was the most confident. After all, it was a reward given by the winner system in life. How could he not be without it? Confidence?

Zhao Wanxi was vaguely anxious. She walked back and forth in the ward.

Zhao Dongliang paid attention to the parameters of various instruments. He had learned to check the readings of those instruments and what the changes in the readings meant.

Zhao Xingguoan Sitting quietly on the rest chair, he forced himself to calm down.

Liang Yudie sat next to Zhao Xingguo. She held Zhao Xingguo's left hand, obviously very anxious.

Almost ten minutes later, Huang Guoxiang arrived at the observation room of the ICU ward. , he did not come in immediately, but looked at An Liang.

An Liang walked to the door of the observation room, and the two came to the corridor.

Huang Guoxiang took the initiative to ask,"How is the situation? An

Liang said in response,"I have just atomized Astragalus for about ten minutes. I estimate it should take effect in half an hour. Now I am just waiting for the miracle to happen!""

"Are you sure? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

An Liang smiled....

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