National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

After Huang Guoxiang and An Liang ended their exchange, although An Liang did not admit it, Huang Guoxiang had already made a judgment in his mind. He felt that Renyi Security Company was involved in the Krishan incident, and the motive was Millennium Huangqi.

There's just no evidence.

But there is no evidence, which makes it more clear that it is Renyi Security Company.

Because Renyi Security Company can mobilize enough resources!

‘Millennium Astragalus...’Huang Guoxiang secretly thought, 'Does it really exist? '

Huang Guoxiang has to assume that the thousand-year-old Astragalus does exist.

Because the Millennium Astragalus is the core of the Krishan incident, Renyi Security Company will only be involved if the Millennium Astragalus exists or Anliang believes in the existence of the Millennium Astragalus.

Huang Guoxiang pondered for a few minutes. He called Shi Feng and waited for the other party to answer. Huang Guoxiang spoke first.

"Shi Feng, please verify the relevant information about that item as soon as possible. Huang Guoxiang ordered.

Shi Feng responded affirmatively first, and then asked,"Did he admit it?""

"No."Huang Guoxiang didn't hide it,"You try your best to investigate the situation, especially the information on the deep web, and see if you can find any clues. By the way, arrange for field personnel to go to the local area to inquire about the situation and see if there are any clues there."

"OK Shi Feng responded.

Huang Guoxiang hung up the phone. Although investigations have been arranged, Huang Guoxiang did not think these investigations would be fruitful.

After all, according to the capabilities Renyi Security Company has shown in the past, they will not leave any clues.

The only hope A few traces were found through local investigation.

After Huang Guoxiang arranged for Shi Feng to conduct the investigation, he contacted Professor Zeng Bojun. He knew that Professor Zeng Bojun had participated in the Shiliwan Holly subproject and was currently studying the situation of alpine wild jujube trees in Daliang Mountain.

Waiting for the call When the call was connected, Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"Professor Zeng, are you still in Daliang Mountain?"

"Yes. Zeng Bojun responded affirmatively,"We are planning to set up a permanent research station here."

"Having trouble with your research? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"There is a little trouble. According to preliminary research, there is indeed a different situation in the wild jujube trees here. We are ready to study it in depth. Zeng Bojun responded.

Huang Guoxiang changed the topic,"Professor Zeng, I once consulted you about something. Do you remember it?"

Zeng Bojun responded affirmatively,"Of course!" Did you discover that kind of thing?"

Zeng Bojun was also very cautious and did not directly say the name of the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus.

"From a theoretical perspective, is that really possible?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Can't deny it."Zeng Bojun responded,"There are clear records of the situation being in the early 100s, but it cannot be ruled out that the situation does exist for thousands of years."

"So it is possible? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"In extreme cases it is indeed possible. Zeng Bojun nodded affirmatively,"The magic of nature is always beyond human imagination. For example, animals that were once thought to be extinct have reappeared.""

"Another example is the holly tree in Shiliwan. If the An family had not arranged for someone to take care of the old house, I am afraid that the secret of the holly tree would not have been discovered. Another example is the wild jujube tree we are currently studying. According to the botany knowledge I have learned, it is not May grow at an altitude of 2368 meters."Zeng Bojun continued.

"I also discovered a kind of black potato in Daliang Mountain. In the high mountains, these potatoes have also been changed to obtain a better taste. Zeng Bojun sighed

"So it is indeed possible that that kind of thing has existed for thousands of years!"Zeng Bojun's confirmed answer.

Hearing Zeng Bojun's answer, Huang Guoxiang secretly sighed,"Okay, I understand, thank you Professor Zeng"

"Mr. Huang, if you really find that kind of thing and it exists for thousands of years, please be sure to contact me. I want to research it." Zeng Bojun added

"Don't worry, I will!"Huang Guoxiang responded. After the two parties ended the call, Huang Guoxiang once again confirmed the situation. He was even more certain that An Liang was the mastermind behind the scenes.

There was just no evidence.

At this moment, Mr. An, the mastermind behind the scenes, was leading the Imperial Capital Big Cats to participate in the league game. Chen Siyu was an old player. She and An Liang cooperated closely.

The only pity was that Chen Siyu's combat power was too weak and he could only play one alliance game.

After one alliance game, Chen Siyu began to betray his best friend and sent An Liang to No. 8805 without hesitation. room, let her best friend take the blame.

Ning Ruoshuang, who had just escaped, could not escape this time!

Although Ning Ruoshuang is also an old player of alliance games, every time Ning Ruoshuang and An Liang participate in alliance games, Ning Ruoshuang always Very shy, An Liang likes this shy attitude.

However, Ning Ruoshuang is also a scumbag.

There is a saying that the combined fighting power of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang is not as good as that of the little vixen.

The little vixen is the strongest combat power!

At least in When facing An Liang, the little vixen always fought repeatedly and never gave up.

In room 8805, Ning Ruoshuang nestled in An Liang's arms.

An Liang picked her up and walked to room 8806. Now It's getting late, and An Liang is ready to take a rest. Just so he can't favor one thing over another, right?


Update time: March 17, 2021 00:23:45, good night.

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