An Liang is now a winner in life to a large extent.

For An Liang, money is just a number, and it is still an ever-increasing number.

Therefore, Anliang needs to turn money into actual benefits, whether it is resources, technology, or power.

In the field of life sciences, it is true that as Qian Xiaogang said, hundreds of billions may be invested, but in the end it will be in vain without any research results.

But Anliang is still willing to invest!

Not only because Anliang is rich, but also because Anliang has unique advantages.

Other people's research in the field of life sciences is like a blind man sailing, with no specific direction at all and no idea of ​​what is ahead. But Anliang is different. Anliang has the rewards provided by the winner system of life.

During a flight hijacking crisis, Anliang saved the lives of 226 people. The Life Winner System rewarded him with a thousand-year-old astragalus. The life-winner system divided the thousand-year-old astragalus into 226 parts, and each part can increase his life span by 30 days.

So what if we study the active ingredients of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus?

Will that be an important step in the field of life sciences?

This is Anliang’s advantage!

Millennium Astragalus is like a beacon in the dark, providing direction for life science research. After all, each piece of Millennium Astragalus has the effect of extending life by 30 days.

The significance of thousand-year-old Astragalus is very important to life sciences. It has completed a breakthrough from zero to one. This is the essential issue.

The breakthrough from zero to one is the most difficult. The subsequent progress from one to ten thousand or even one hundred million is the result of hard work after having a direction.

In view of this situation, Anliang is naturally willing to invest huge amounts of money in the field of life sciences.

But An Liang did not tell Li Cunyuan and the others in advance. He was waiting for Li Cunyuan and the others to make their own choices.

Li Cunyuan was the first to speak,"The four of us invest, or do we need to recruit others?"

"Let’s assume we have four investments."An Liang responded

"What is our maximum limit? Li Cunyuan asked,"How much capital will be invested in the initial stage?""

"If you want to join, the four of us can share it equally and invest one billion in the initial stage to establish a national research center and recruit talents in the field of life sciences from around the world. An Liang explained.

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively,"Our family voted!""

Yun Haiyang agreed,"Our family will also get on the bus. Qian

Xiaogang sighed,"Although I know that research in the field of life sciences will most likely go to nothing, but my buddies have all invested, so naturally I want to join in."

An Liang smiled and said," Share equally?""

"Um! Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively,"I want 25% to help Brother Liang bear the risk.""

"I want a quarter too. Li Cunyuan responded.

Yun Haiyang naturally seconded his opinion,"Of course I do too.""

An Liang said with a smile,"You made the right choice, but you can't get so much, there are others joining."

"ah? Li Cunyuan looked at An Liang in confusion.

Qian Xiaogang was also confused,"There are actually other people willing to participate?""

Is there anyone willing to invest for free?

"The four companies represented by Zhao Wanxi will definitely participate."An Liang explained,"This matter must be kept secret for now, including the club."

"good."Li Cunyuan agreed.

Yun Haiyang naturally agreed.

Qian Xiaogang thought about more things. He guessed whether An Liang had any trump cards?

But it was not the right time to ask. After all, they were in first class. In case the flight attendant heard it Secret, that is the more troublesome thing.

Imperial Capital International Airport.

The pick-up vehicle arranged by Renyi Security Company was waiting at the exit. An Liang and Li Cunyuan all chose the same car, and Qian Xiaogang was responsible for driving.

In the car, An Liang took the initiative and said,"Research in the field of life sciences, I have certain clues here. The specific situation is still under investigation. Just don't disclose it, including to Zhao Wanxi."

"Brother Gangzi, you also have to pretend you don’t know anything, do you understand?"An Liang reminded.

Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively,"No problem.

After answering, Qian Xiaogang asked,"Shall we celebrate tonight?" Brother Yili is covering the Heat, shall we go together? Yun

Haiyang was the first to respond,"Okay, okay, I like those hot girls in the Heat Bar, especially the ones from Ukraine. I was defeated by them before, and now I want them to know how good I am!" An Liang joked,"

Is the instant peach tape enough?"

Yun Haiyang nodded affirmatively,"Three cans!" Li

Cunyuan complained,"I think Brother Haiyang is giving away his life. There is no match between you two, okay?""

"I am bringing glory to my country! Yun Haiyang said seriously.

Qian Xiaogang asked,"Brother Liang, are you going?" Hot Bar is famous for its Western food, which is basically available from all over the world.

An Liang teased,"Do you want to drink chocolate milk?" I can’t stand it anyway, excuse me, I’ll go to Yunjing International later."

"Okay, let’s send Brother Liang to Yunjing International first." Qian Xiaogang responded.

Although Li Cunyuan and the other three tried to lure An Liang into the water every time, An Liang resisted the temptation every time. He is a good man!


Update time: March 15, 2021 01:05:55, you guys, don’t be dragged into the water, good night.

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