In the current U.S. stock market, the stock price of GameStop is riding a roller coaster. The short-selling order of 10 million shares issued by Orange Financial has directly suppressed the stock price of GameStop.

However, this situation did not last long. After midnight, retail investors began to exert their strength, and the stock price that had already fallen rose again, and rose more violently.

The 10 million-share short-selling order placed by Xiangcheng Financial was completely wiped out by retail investors before 00:20.

The stock price of GameStop once again reached a high price of three hundred dollars.

The elites of Xiangcheng Financial were very uncomfortable, and they also realized that something was wrong.

The current situation seems to be that not only retail investors are targeting them, but also financial institutions should be hiding among the retail investors.

However, Xiangcheng Financial understood it too late!

The current stock price has exceeded US$300 per share, and a large number of retail investors have rushed in. The ultra-high stock price has given retail investors confidence, coupled with the cohesion brought by the retail investor forum, and some retail investors do not care about losses.

Considering all the circumstances, Xiangcheng Financial knew that it could only find a way to close the position, otherwise it might cause more losses.

When Xiangcheng Financial tried to cut the meat, it meant that the short side lost its main force, and it also meant the victory of the long side. GameStop's stock price could no longer be suppressed, from three hundred dollars per share in half an hour. It hit four hundred dollars and continues to rise.

Even if four hundred dollars is not the end, GameStop's stock price is still rising. This situation has amazed the entire industry.

It's obviously just a junk stock, but it can actually get to this point?

Although everyone knows that the stock price is not the actual value, it is also very shocking that the stock price can reach this point.

For GameStop, a share price of more than 400 US dollars per share is equivalent to a stock price increase of more than 20 times!

Isn’t this kind of increase too scary?

An Liang still has no plan to close the position and sell it. He is checking the relevant information of 23 million GameStop shares sent by Fan Ping. The average purchase price of these stocks is 105.45 US dollars, which is a high price for GameStop's previous stock price, but for the current situation It's a low price.

After all, the stock price of GameStop has exceeded 400 US dollars per share. How high is a price of just over 100 US dollars?

At three o'clock in the morning, close to the end of the US stock market, GameStop's stock price had risen to a height of US$480 per share, and the increase was already very weak.

An Liang ordered,"Lao Fan, Lao Li, start shipping, try not to cause the stock price to fall."


"OK Fan

Ping and Li Gang responded together.

In the U.S. stock market, GameStop's stocks only have buy orders, and there are no sell orders at all. Retail investors called on the forum to only buy but not sell, thus forcing Xiangcheng Financial and leaving Xiangcheng Financial helpless, even if they had already admitted defeat. I want to repurchase and close my position, but there is no sell order at all?

The next moment, Anxin Investment began to place sell orders on a small scale, placing 1.16 million shares through multiple accounts, and the price was randomly between US$478 and US$482. The distribution and the time of pending orders are not uniform, thus simulating the operations of multiple retail investors. After this batch of sell orders was released, Orange Financial was hesitant to buy because the price was too expensive! The last short selling order of Orange Financial before was A share price of 200 US dollars was placed. According to the short selling order placed by Anxin Investment, if Orange Financial took the order, they would suffer a big loss, so they were hesitant.

However, when Orange Financial hesitated, retail investors did not care at all. Scanning the goods directly, there are only 1.16 million shares, and retail investors swept them away in half a minute.

This situation makes Xiangcheng Financial extremely depressed! At such an expensive price, you actually have to scan the goods? Aren't you afraid of being deeply affected



According to the analysis of Orange Financial elites, the current stock price of GameStop cannot be sustained for a long time, no matter how retail investors support it.

As a result, under such circumstances, it is still being swept away?

How can the elites of Orange Financial Can you not be depressed?

Anxin Investment Company continued to place sell orders, each time for more than one million shares, and there were multiple accounts, and the prices were also random in a range. This situation lasted for nearly half an hour. A total of 23 million shares, All of them were actually sold!

Xiangcheng Financial snatched some high-priced stocks and closed their positions, but more were snatched away by retail investors. Retail investors were really like moths to the flames. They would rather hold on to Xiangcheng than sell them. Finance will die together.

Is it true that money is not important, but killing Xiangcheng Finance is the most important?

When An Liang invested in shipments, Anliang discovered that other financial institutions were also shipping.

Although the total share capital of GameStop was less than 70 million shares , but the trading volume today is estimated to be more than 100 million shares, right?

The rules of the U.S. stock market and the leek market are different. There are no restrictions on buying and selling in the U.S. stock market. It can be operated on T+0, not T+1. Operation.

In the T+0 mode, traders can buy, sell, and buy and sell again and again. Therefore, the total share capital of GameStop is less than 70 million shares, but the single-day trading volume can exceed 100 million shares.

"It seems that retail investors are not of the same mind!"An Liang sneered.

This repeated jump shows that some retail investors are also using GameStop to make money. After all, not every retail investor is willing to fly into the flames.

It's just a pain to those retail investors who really stick to GameStop.

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