National Security Bureau headquarters, Huang Guoxiang's office.

Huang Guoxiang looked at Li Fei and asked the other party if he had any evidence.

Li Fei fell into silence. He was considering whether to tell the truth because Li Fei suspected that Huang Guoxiang had a secret agreement with An Liang. After all, Huang Guoxiang had repeatedly helped An Liang solve troubles.

On the surface, Huang Guoxiang seems to be targeting An Liang, but looking at the essence from the phenomenon, Huang Guoxiang has always properly protected An Liang many times.

This situation made Li Fei secretly worried.

Huang Guoxiang seemed to see through Li Fei's worries. He said with certainty,"Chief Li, please rest assured. As long as there is definite evidence, even if I don't accept the case, you can still go to your Director Lu."

Li Fei relaxed a little. After taking a breath, he responded affirmatively,"We have evidence!"

"What evidence?"Huang Guoxiang asked back.

Li Fei responded,"In view of the fact that the security department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group reported it in a timely manner, we also followed up on this matter in a timely manner. Although the other party deleted the social and public safety monitoring system, and... The video records of the traffic safety surveillance system are recorded on the road, but the private non-networked security surveillance records along the route still exist."

"The other party did not have time to delete this record, so we collected relevant monitoring records along the way and found two suspicious persons."Li Fei added

"According to our analysis, two suspicious persons disappeared in a security surveillance blind spot near West Third Avenue. Because the missing location is a security surveillance blind spot, we don’t know what exactly happened."Li Fei added

"However, through big data analysis, we centered on the approximate range of the disappearance and expanded it to a three-kilometer range, and then comprehensively analyzed the entry and exit records of the vehicles, and finally determined that three vehicles were suspected. We are tracking the three suspicious vehicles. Li Fei added.

Huang Guoxiang asked,"What was found?""

"No final results yet, we are still tracking. Li Fei said while observing Huang Guoxiang,"If we find out, should we arrest the other party?"

Huang Guoxiang nodded," Of course!""

"What if the other party resists?"Li Fei asked again

"Try to subdue the opponent! Huang Guoxiang explained,"If it is really what you guessed, there should be only two results.""

Li Fei looked at Huang Guoxiang with a puzzled look.

Huang Guoxiang continued,"If it was really Renyi Security Company that did it, either they would have already dealt with the aftermath by the time you tracked them down, or the other party would have caught them without any help and would not have anything to do with you. conflict"

"Will they be captured without mercy?"Li Fei hesitated.

Huang Guoxiang said with certainty,"Yes, not only will they be captured without mercy, they are even members of the security department of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. This is the final answer."

"Can..."Li Fei just wanted to speak.

Huang Guoxiang interrupted Li Fei,"You go to Director Lu to report this issue."

Li Fei wanted to speak, but Huang Guoxiang had already lowered his head to deal with the documents.

Li Fei had no choice but to return to the Operations Department. He came to the door of the office of his immediate superior, Lu Yuewen, and knocked again. After getting Lu Yuewen's response, he walked into the office, and then recounted what he had just explained in Huang Guoxiang's office.

After Lu Yuewen listened to Li Fei's report, he greeted with a smile on his face,"Xiao Li, sit down, what would you like to drink?"

Li Fei's heart thumped.

Lu Yuewen asked him what he was drinking instead of communicating what he just reported. This shows that Lu Yuewen didn't care at all about what he just reported!

"I recently found a batch of good wild tea, and Xiao Li came to taste it!"Lu Yuewen personally made tea for Li Fei.

Under normal circumstances, if his immediate superior helped make tea, his subordinates would take over the task with a wink, but Li Fei was confused. He clearly discovered a very serious matter, but Neither his direct boss nor the management boss directly responsible for the corresponding affairs seemed to care?

Lu Yuewen glanced at the confused Li Fei, and he made the tea himself without caring. When the tea was brewed, Lu Yuewen handed him a cup. To Li Fei

"Try this wild tea and rate it."Lu Yuewen once again set the topic on tea.

Li Fei blew on the tea cup and took a sip carefully to avoid being burned. He didn't like drinking tea, and he couldn't taste the quality of tea. He could only talk about old things again. He said,"Boss Lu, the information revealed in this matter is very sensitive!"

Lu Yuewen still didn't answer, he said casually,"Xiao Li, do you remember Lao Yang?"

"Yang Jun in the second subject? Li Fei asked back

"Yes. Lu Yuewen responded,"He is a field investigator. He had an accident while performing an offline mission overseas and is currently in a vegetative state. Do you know this?""

"Um!"Li Fei nodded affirmatively.

"Do you know the pension standards?"Lu Yuewen asked again.

Li Fei frowned.

Lu Yuewen continued without waiting for Li Fei's response,"According to our pension standards, being in a vegetative state is equivalent to death in action, but because of the offline mission, Yang Jun cannot get any publicity. honor, and no written record could be made, and we could not even recognize him as one of us."

Li Fei clenched his fists

"Of course, we will definitely provide compensation, but according to our compensation standards, you should know what they are, right?"Lu Yuewen looked at Li Fei


Update time: March 5, 2021 10:31:38, belated good morning.

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