On Weibo, in addition to the heated discussion about the fire-fighting version of the long-lasting stable version of the flight platform, there is also a video reprinted from an overseas Youtube video website that also caused heated discussions.

The video that caused a lot of discussion is called"My Little Angel!" 》.

An Liang clicked on the corresponding video to check the situation.


"This is my little angel, her name is Angela, she is nine years old."A middle-aged man said in English, and the reprinted video was specially added with subtitles.

The little girl named 'Angela' was wearing a white chiffon gauze skirt. She looked quite cute, but her eyes had no focus.

"My little angel experienced a car accident, which resulted in blindness, but my little angel was very strong and she worked hard to adapt to the dark world."The middle-aged man continued.

In the video, Angela is on the lawn of the yard, holding a guide stick in her right hand, and slowly trying to use the guide stick. Her movements are a bit jerky and immature, but they are also satisfying. People feel sad

"Watching my little angel walking in the dark, my heart was bleeding. I blamed myself very much. If I had driven slower, if I had..."The middle-aged man's voice was already sobbing.

The screen fell into darkness. Three seconds later, the screen lit up again. In the video, Angela had already put on the lighthouse helmet. Because she was too young, the lighthouse helmet was a bit too big for Angela and looked a bit funny.

"Welcome to use the lighthouse, I will illuminate your dark world and protect your safety."

The English version of the lighthouse welcome message sounded in the video. Angela had given up the guide stick. She was running freely on the lawn of the yard wearing a lighthouse helmet. Her laughter filled the video. The middle-aged man's voice came again. Appears,"This is a lighthouse, an assistive device for the blind that can alert Angela to situations she is about to encounter through voice."

As the middle-aged man explained, the English voice of the lighthouse appeared again.

"Please turn right in three seconds, 1,2,3, turn right."The sound of the lighthouse reminded Angela.

Angela, who was running, turned right and hit the wall about one meter ahead of her.

This safe distance is not fixed, but based on Comprehensive data settings such as the current moving speed of the visually impaired person wearing the beacon and the reaction speed of the visually impaired person wearing the beacon through scene learning.

For example, Angela's reaction speed is slower after hearing the voice, and her running The faster the speed, the safer distance will be larger, for example, to two meters or more.

"Angela's learning ability is very good, and her spatial understanding ability is also very good. She can determine the specific location just through the distance description of the voice."The middle-aged man continued.

To prove this statement, the video showed Angela playing football in a small yard, and the voice prompts of the lighthouse also appeared.

"14 o'clock, 2.7 meters."

The voice prompts of the lighthouse are very simple. There is only a time positioning representing the direction and distance information. The time positioning of the lighthouse is centered on the user. No matter which direction the user is facing, the user's direct front is the 12 o'clock direction, so Directional positioning.

This time positioning method is easier to understand, rather than how many degrees to the left or how many degrees to the right, which is a more abstract narrative method

"Thank you very much to Lighthouse, thank you very much to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group from Xia Guo, thank you for giving Angela light!"The middle-aged man said gratefully.

After thanking Angela, he joined Angela to play football. The laughter of Angela and the middle-aged man filled the video.

At the end of the video, the lighthouse's welcome message sounded again:"Welcome Using a lighthouse, I will illuminate your dark world and protect your safety"


This video was posted by the big blogger [Overseas Observation], who has more than 12 million fans.

However, An Liang felt that the fans of this big blogger were fake.

Because his fan activity is very low, and quite a few of his replies look like repeated machine comments.


Overseas observation:

People are in Bald Eagle, the lighthouse is priced at US$3,999, which is equivalent to more than 25,000 Xia Guoyuan.

This price is also very expensive in Bald Eagle Country!

Please tell me when @DreamFuture Graphene will enter the Bald Eagle market in person?

May I ask when @DreamFutureGraphene’s lighthouse charity project will be launched in Bald Eagle Country?

Public welfare should not have national boundaries!

Love should not have national boundaries!

Angela is lucky. Her family can afford a $3,999 lighthouse, but there are thousands of families who cannot afford a lighthouse. May I ask @DreamFutureGraphene to feel at ease?


Although the followers of this big overseas observer blogger are fake and their activity level is quite low, his Weibo posts successfully landed on hot searches with the help of caring people!

In this situation, there is obviously someone behind the scenes targeting the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

However, these masterminds seem to have forgotten one thing?

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