Imperial City, Dongsandao Fire Center, training ground.

In the entire fire center, all fire fighters who did not have tasks were on the training ground to watch the test flight training of the long-endurance stable version of the flight platform.

When the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform was suspended stably at a height of 20 centimeters above the ground, the firefighters began to discuss in low voices.

Liu Yuanbin followed the instructions in the operation manual, holding the direction handle with his right hand and pressing the up button with his thumb.

The up button has a key travel of one centimeter and has damping from light to heavy. The rising speed is determined according to the strength of the press.

This piece of information is specially explained in the operation manual. If the ascending button is pressed directly to the bottom, the ultimate ascending speed of ten meters per second will be reached within three seconds.

Liu Yuanbin knew that he could not directly reach the maximum speed of ascent as soon as he came up. He tried to press the ascent button lightly, and the long-endurance stable flight platform responded immediately and rose steadily.

When it rose to a height of five meters, Liu Yuanbin stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the battery life was stable.The flying platform responded immediately and began to fly forward.

The maximum speed of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform is 100 kilometers per hour, and the time to zero is fifteen seconds!

Although the motor can reach maximum torque in an instant, flying in the air and driving on the ground are two different situations, so the zero-hundred-hour time of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform is relatively long.

Liu Yuanbin flew several times around the Dongsandao Fire Center training ground. He found that the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform was just as the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group explained. It was so simple to control, okay?

"It is indeed a flying motorcycle!"Liu Yuanbin said with a sigh.

Because the driving experience of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform is indeed as simple as a motorcycle, with just one more problem of rising and falling.


To be precise, the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform is better than riding a motorcycle. Motorcycles are simpler.

Because motorcycles also need to consider balance issues, but the balance issues of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform are automatically controlled. When the control is stopped, the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform will hover in the air. For a quarter of an hour Later, Liu Yuanbin began to control the long-endurance stable flight platform to perform fancy operations, such as sudden extreme speed rises, sudden rapid drops, spiral rises, and even cobra maneuvers.

Fortunately, the control system of the long-endurance stable flight platform is semi-intelligent. Interventional control system, for example, when performing a Cobra maneuver, when the long-endurance stable flight platform has the possibility of stalling or losing control, the semi-intelligent system will autonomously control the long-endurance stable flight platform to ensure that no unexpected situations occur.

The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is a fully intelligent control system.

For example, automatic navigation! Low-altitude flying does not have the complicated road conditions of driving on the ground. The deluxe version of the third - generation flying motorcycle is equipped with lighthouse-related technologies, including image recognition, laser ranging, etc., thereby achieving completely intelligent navigation.

The fire-fighting version of the long-endurance stable flight platform is not equipped with image recognition depth-of-field cameras and laser ranging radars. After all, their uses are different.

Half an hour later, Liu Yuanbin was already Can skillfully control the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform!

Yang Linhe waved his hands on the ground and shouted loudly,"Captain, you have learned it, now is it my turn?""

Liu Yuanbin only saw Yang Linhe waving. Although he didn't hear what Yang Linhe was saying, Liu Yuanbin could guess the answer by thinking with his toes. Although he had fully learned the driving skills of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform, he had not yet played. Enough!

But when Liu Yuanbin was about to play for a while, the Bluetooth headset he was wearing sounded an incoming call ringtone. He pressed the Bluetooth headset to answer the call.

Li Youde's voice came over,"Old Liu, there is an emergency!"

"I'll be down right away. Liu Yuanbin responded.

Li Youde stopped him,"No!" I see that you have learned how to drive a flying motorcycle, and there happens to be a difficult matter for you to deal with."

Li Youde continued,"There is a fire on the 29th floor of Building 3 of Feicui Community. The two people on the 30th floor did not evacuate in time and are now trapped in the fire scene. According to the alarm call, the other party is on the rooftop above the 30th floor."

"It is now the evening rush hour, there is traffic jam around Feicui Community, and the fire exits are blocked. The fire trucks on the scene report that it will take at least half an hour to enter the scene, and the height of the ladder is not high enough to rescue the trapped people in time."Li Youde added.

Liu Yuanbin had already set off when he heard about Feicui Community. He was very familiar with the surrounding terrain. The straight-line distance between their Dongsandao Fire Center and Feicui Community was only a little over five kilometers.

Because there was an emergency, Liu Yuanbin took off directly into the air at high speed. And speeding up the accelerator, a mere five kilometers away, it only takes a little over three minutes for the flying motorcycle to arrive at the scene.

As for waiting for the fire truck to arrive at the scene in half an hour?

I'm afraid...

When Liu Yuanbin drove the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform to Jade Community, he suddenly felt lucky to be fully prepared before the test flight. The long-endurance stable version of the flying platform was equipped with six fire extinguishers and four bundles of safety ropes.

With such a configuration, if there are no unexpected situations and only two people are trapped, it can be easily solved!

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