Muling Mountain, sky realm.

An Shengyu was awakened by the ringing of the phone. He glanced at the caller ID and it was Wu Zhengfeng, so he swiped the screen to answer.

"Hey, Lao Wu, what happened so early in the morning?"An Shengyu asked

"Not up yet? Wu Zhengfeng teased with a smile.

An Shengyu blushed and changed the subject,"What on earth is going on?""

"The weather is nice today. How about we go fishing in Fengyuan Reservoir?"Wu Zhengfeng said invitingly

"day off?"An Shengyu asked back.

Today is only Friday!

Wu Zhengfeng responded,"Ansheng has made everything in order in the Xicheng development plan. If you don't go there for a day, it won't be a big problem. An

Shengyu asked suspiciously,"Old Wu, you have something to say. I don't know you yet?""

An Shengyu knew that Wu Zhengfeng's work was his top priority. For more than 20 years, every time they had a fishing appointment, they had never gone fishing on a working day.

Wu Zhengfeng coughed dryly, and he responded without concealment,"Old An, you guys I heard that the peach gum from Shiliwan is very effective? An

Shengyu laughed,"Your nose is very good. I just got it last night. You got the news today. Do you want it too?""

"Who doesn’t want this?"Wu Zhengfeng complained

"Then I’ll give you five bottles!"An Shengyu responded

"No, no, no, no, Lao An, you're not interested anymore. Xiao An's allotment is ten bottles, why do you only have five bottles?"Wu Zhengfeng complained.

An Shengyu hesitated for a moment,"Then the boy allocated so much?"

"People are in the world! Wu Zhengfeng responded,"Lao An, how much did you get?" An

Shengyu sighed,"I can get a total of 400 bottles. My wife reserves 90 bottles and I reserve 90 bottles. The surrounding partners must allocate some.""

"For example, Magistrate Yun, Magistrate Han, Chief Inspector Song, and Minister Wu are all very close together. Plus you, old guy, and Old Liu from Mingde, as well as the old brothers in the company, I don’t have enough points here.."An Shengyu sighed

"Lao Wu, I will give you 20 bottles, and you can ask for 10 more bottles from An Liang. An Shengyu made a decision.

Wu Zhengfeng responded with a smile,"Okay, thank you.""

As for asking An Liang for 10 more bottles?

Wu Zhengfeng has no such idea!


In Anliang's suite, he was instructing the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to deliver instant peach gum to the imperial capital.

According to An Liang's distribution, 43 members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club are eligible for distribution. Each member has 10 bottles, which is 430 bottles here.

An Liang used his share to make up for 30 bottles, leaving him with only a quota of 145 bottles.

An Liang prepared a quota of 20 bottles for Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang each.

Liang Xue was also in the imperial capital. An Liang thought about it and finally decided to give Liang Xue a fair treatment. He also prepared a quota of 20 bottles of instant peach gum for Liang Xue.

Although Liang Xue was very clear about her position and An Liang also knew what Liang Xue was thinking, An Liang did not treat her differently.

Peach gum is not a one-time product, it is produced throughout the year, and Anliang decided to keep more of the peach gum produced later.

Who named Anliang has more girlfriends?

Is the system there?

The production of peach gum is too small and there is simply not enough for distribution. Please give me more!

The rewards given by the Life Winner System are indeed very impressive, whether it is holly seeds, peach gum, or golden Tai Sui, all of them are very impressive.

But the problem is that the output is too small, right?

An Liang is happy to share.

The winner system of life still ignored An Liang and became mute again.

An Liang only hopes that he will trigger the task of the winner system in the future and get the reward of increased production! a quarter past eight.

Sun Xia knocked on the door and asked Anliang to have breakfast. Today's breakfast was polenta, mixed with cold side dishes, fried eggs and ham.

While having breakfast, An Shengyu asked casually,"Has the news about instant peach gum been exposed?"

An Liang nodded,"Yeah!"

"Do you have enough points there? An Shengyu asked.

An Liang shook his head,"It's not enough, so dad wants to give me some?""

"I don’t have enough here either."An Shengyu sighed

"Nothing can be done to help! An Liang responded negatively, and then took the initiative to ask Sun Xia,"Mom, did you drink instant peach gum?" Sun

Xia responded,"I drank a bottle last night and felt okay. I woke up refreshed this morning.""

"That's good!"An Liang responded.

In fact, in the distribution plan of ready-to-eat peach gum, An Shengyu and Sun Xia were allocated the most. Even the three of Li Cunyuan were beaten by various autumn winds. They were allocated 200 bottles, but whether they could keep 20 bottles was still one Big problem.

After all, they also have families and their own interpersonal network, plus the friendship with the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, they really can't let go.

This is people in the world!

"When will our instant peach gum be delivered?"At the end of breakfast, An Shengyu asked.

An Liang responded casually,"It will be delivered today, directly to home. At this point ,

An Liang added,"Dad, you robbed me of 12 bottles yesterday and returned them to me today. Is that okay?""

"Are father and son still calculating so clearly?"An Shengyu said with a hum.


Update time: February 25, 2021 08:44:43, good morning.

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