Surprise Bar.

Li Xiyan clung to An Liang. She secretly observed the three female companions of Li Cunyuan and commented on them one by one. Li Xiyan felt that the three female companions of Li Cunyuan were not bad and they were all quite beautiful.

She couldn't help but lean into An Liang's ear and asked in a low voice,"An Liang, are these girls?..."

An Liang also bit Li Xiyan's ear,"They are members of the atmosphere group. The specific situation is more complicated. There are gold turtle fishers, autumn wind hunters, and even wine sitters. Anyway, there are everyone."

"But..."Li Xiyan hesitated for a moment before continuing,"They are also quite beautiful, why do they do this?"

How can a beautiful woman like you be a thief?

However, how could Li Xiyan, a little fool, know that money is a resource and beauty is also a resource?

It’s just a resource exchange!

Money will most likely continue to increase over time, but beauty will fade over time and eventually fade away.

However, An Liang did not tell Li Xiyan these truths. He truly loved Li Xiyan and did not want to reveal the cruel side of the world.

"Okay, baby, everyone has their own choice. We may not like it, but there is no need to blame others for their choices. An Liang said with relief.

Li Xiyan nodded obediently,"Yeah.""

While Li Xiyan and An Liang were communicating in low voices, the girls in the atmosphere group were also observing Li Xiyan. Their eyes were full of envy, because they had completely different fates from Li Xiyan. It was just Li Xiyan's left wrist. That watch was beyond their reach.

When it was close to eleven o'clock, Liu Ling called again, this time directly to An Liang.

An Liang picked up the phone and shook it at Li Xiyan," Baby, you can't escape!"

Li Xiyan drank a little wine, her face was slightly red, and she was a little tipsy. She was held in An Liang's arms, and when she saw Liu Ling's call, she hummed and said,"Oh, it's time again, it's still early.! An

Liang swiped the screen to answer the call and responded proactively,"Auntie, we'll be back soon."

Liu Ling responded,"Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

After ending the call, An Liang put away his cell phone and said to Li Cunyuan and the others,"Brothers, I'm sorry, our Xiyan's mother is urging her to go home again. I'll send her back first.""

Li Cunyuan waved his hand,"Okay, Brother Liang, you go first, Brother Haiyang will foot the bill today!

Qian Xiaogang seconded,"Brother Haiyang should indeed foot the bill today.""

Yun Haiyang did not refute. He has gotten rid of his stingy habit. In addition, he was hit by a Lamborghini Urus today. Naturally, Yun Haiyang should pay the bill to celebrate.

An Liang did not refuse. For them today, no matter who pays the bill, Even if they ordered two big dragons, there was still no difference.

It was less than 200,000 yuan, who would care about the four of them?

An Liang left with Li Xiyan, and the security personnel of Renyi Security Company were responsible for driving for An Liang.

Late at night There was finally no traffic jam in Shengqing!

It took only 20 minutes to arrive at the underground garage of Fanhuayuan Building 1. Before getting off the car, An Liang thought for a moment and picked up Louis Vuitton's messenger bag.

An Liang got off the car first, and then He pulled Li Xiyan, who was a little tipsy, out of the car and helped Li Xiyan walk to the elevator.

"Baby, you are a little drunk today. You are not allowed to drink next time. Do you understand?"An Liang said remindingly.

"Um!"Li Xiyan nodded lazily.

Two or three minutes later, An Liang helped Li Xiyan to the door of Room 3006. He chose to knock on the door instead of using the smart home system installed in Li Xiyan's mobile phone to open the door.

Liu Ling gave An Liang opened the door and glanced at Li Xiyan, who was a little tipsy. She frowned and said,"Drinking?"

"She drank two glasses of champagne, which was relatively low in alcohol content, but she was a bit weak in drinking." An Liang explained while helping Li Xiyan into the room, and then sent Li Xiyan into her own bedroom.

"Xiyan, can you wash yourself?"An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan was a little confused.

Liu Ling happened to follow, and she took the initiative,"I'll handle it!"

"Well, I'll sit in the living room for a while."An Liang responded.

An Liang waited in the living room for nearly ten minutes before Liu Ling came out. An Liang took the initiative to ask,"Did Xiyan sleep?"

"She just lay down and fell asleep directly. Next time you take her out to play, remember to let her drink. Liu Ling said with instructions.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"No problem." Don't worry, Auntie, Xiyan doesn't have the chance to go to the bar at school. She is very busy with her studies."

Liu Ling didn't respond. She changed the subject,"I'll get you a glass of water. An

Liang smiled and said,"No, Auntie, I'm going back. You should rest early.""

Liu Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The so-called pouring a glass of water for Anliang is actually the modern version of serving tea to see off guests.

When Anliang walked to the door, he stopped and said,"By the way, Auntie, I have a gift for you. you."

Hearing that An Liang had a gift for her, Liu Ling was a little nervous because An Liang didn't bring a gift, right?

Does Liu Ling know some internet jokes, such as ancestral gifts?


Humble author: Yesterday I drove 300+ kilometers, used a Billionaire No Return Card, squeezed the juice again, and kept it updated. I love you!


Update time: 08:15:58, February 24, 2021, good morning.

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