An Liang prefers pragmatism, and fancy operations are meaningless.

After a while, the aging equipment processed ten pounds of peach gum and added natural honey to blend the taste.

Wang Anfeng introduced the situation,"In the ripening process, we added mineral water and natural honey to make instant peach gum similar to instant bird's nest in the ripening equipment."

"According to the information provided by Professor Bian, the minimum effective amount of Shiliwan selected natural peach gum is 50 grams. In order to ensure the even distribution of peach gum, our ripening equipment will also completely crush the peach gum when it is matured. Wang Anfeng added.

Anliang only needs the final result. As for how to handle it, it is something that professionals like Wang Anfeng need to consider.

With the completion of the processing of the maturation equipment, Shiliwan’s selected natural peach gum enters the aseptic filling equipment. Filling is carried out in filling equipment and filled with nitrogen to preserve freshness.

The entire production process of instant peach gum is automatically controlled, thus eliminating the problem of secondary pollution.

In just over two hours, the first batch of instant peach gum was produced Off the assembly line.

The color of the first batch of instant peach gum is light beige, a bit like white fungus soup. It is packaged in transparent PET bottles. The size of the bottle is slightly larger than Yakult. The total capacity is 120 ml, but It is not full, and the inside is filled with nitrogen.

The bottle mouth is double-layered, including aluminum foil packaging and plastic packaging to ensure that there is no problem with air tightness.

Wang Anfeng reported to Anlianghui,"Mr. An, the first batch of peach gum cans After filling 100 bottles, less than one bottle was left in the equipment."

An Liang nodded. A total of 5,051 grams of peach gum was invested, and 29 grams of impurities were separated. Theoretically, there are 5,022 grams. According to the minimum effective dose of 50 grams, the output should be 100.22 bottles.

However, the filling equipment and ripening equipment have losses. Even with losses, 100 bottles were actually produced. It must be said that Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company’s production losses are very low.

"All the remaining 150 pounds were disposed of!"An Liang ordered.

Zhong Honglin brought 160 kilograms of Shiliwan's selected natural peach gum. He had just produced ten kilograms, and now naturally he has to produce the remaining 150 kilograms of peach gum into ready-to-eat peach gum.

If there are no accidents, according to Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company With low loss, 160 kilograms of peach gum can produce 1,600 bottles of finished product, right?

Otherwise, 1,590 bottles are also acceptable!

According to the discussion between An Liang and Li Cunyuan, the four of them want one-half, which is a share of 800 bottles. An Sheng Yu allocated 400 bottles, and the remaining ready-to-eat peach gum was allocated to Tianshang Bai Yujing Club

"How do we divide these one hundred bottles? An Liang looked at Li Cunyuan and the others.

Li Cunyuan responded,"Each of us could have been allocated two hundred bottles, right?"

An Liang nodded affirmatively," That's right.""

"Then we'll divide it equally. Each person will get 25 bottles first. Today is a good time to test the effect."Li Cunyuan showed a smile that all men understand.

Qian Xiaogang responded in agreement,"I think it's okay!

Yun Haiyang said supportively,"I think it will work!"

An Liang shook his head helplessly,"I'll take it home and give it to my dad!""

"Brother Liang is so miserable?"Li Cunyuan joked

"Li Xiyan is at home, and Yang Maoyi is doing a charity live broadcast in another place. Do you understand? An Liang complained.

After distributing one hundred bottles of instant peach gum, Li Cunyuan continued to ask,"Is there a prescribed time to take this instant peach gum?""

The instant peach gum is made into a small bottle like Yakult. Although it is a little larger than Dongqingzi oral liquid, it can still meet the convenience of carrying around.

"should not. An Liang responded,"However, I recommend drinking another bottle before something good happens. It will be more effective, right?""

"Well, I guess so!"Li Cunyuan seconded the proposal.

Qian Xiaogang said in agreement,"I'll drink one bottle before starting the fire anyway, and I'll test it tonight. Brother Liang, is this still Surprise Bar?"

"certainly! An Liang responded,"But you can play by yourself. I will bring Li Xiyan over for a walk in the evening and then leave.""

"OK! Qian Xiaogang replied with a smile,"We will pay attention.""

At five o'clock, An Liang first took the three of them to the Mulingshan Peak Hotel, arranged the presidential suite for them, and then took them to taste the Shengqing delicacies.

An Liang did not ask Li Xiyan to come out for dinner. Because Li Xiyan wanted to lose weight, An Liang also supported Li Xiyan's weight loss.

It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that An Liang called Li Xiyan

"Baby, we are going to the bar today, can you come out today?" An Liang asked proactively.

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"No problem. I just finished swimming and washed up. I'm ready to go at any time."

"Well, you change clothes first, and I'll pick you up. I'll arrive in about twenty minutes."An Liang explained

"Okay, I'll change clothes first, call when you arrive, and I'll take the elevator down by myself."Li Xiyan responded

"OK!"An Liang responded and hung up the phone.

"Brothers, you go to the bar first. I have already reserved a seat. Marketing Xiao Sun also knows you. I will push his WeChat to you."An Liang explained.

Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively,"No problem! I have Xiaosun’s WeChat account. Let’s go there and wait for you and your sister-in-law."

"You guys should restrain yourself later, lest our Li Xiyan loses her temper."An Liang said remindingly.

"Don't worry, we will pay attention."Yun Haiyang was the first to respond.

Li Cunyuan nodded,"We understand.

Qian Xiaogang laughed,"Brother Liang is indeed a good man!""

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