"Anliang, Xiyan, get ready for dinner!"Liu Ling's voice came.

Li Xiyan stretched out her right hand as fair as green onion to An Liang, and An Liang pulled her up smoothly.

"Go wash your hands."An Liang pulled Li Xiyan toward the bathroom.

Li Xiyan practiced yoga completely by paddling, and she didn't even sweat during yoga!

Yoga doesn't seem like a lot of exercise, but in the process of yoga, the human body needs to release a lot of heat. , naturally sweating a lot.

But Li Xiyan didn’t sweat at all.

Although Li Xiyan turned on the air conditioner while doing yoga, she didn’t sweat at all, which is enough to prove that Li Xiyan was definitely paddling.

This little fool Have you promised to lose weight?

An Liang used the interpersonal scanning system to take a look at Li Xiyan's weight data. It was 56.3kg. It seemed to have dropped by 0.3kg, but it should be because he didn't eat dinner, right?

In the restaurant, Liu Ling Toast is being placed on three white plates. One of the plates has two pieces of toast, and the other two plates have only one piece. The toast is brown whole wheat toast.

When toast After the placement was completed, Liu Ling began to place the shrimps again. On the two toast plates, Liu Ling placed ten shrimps, while the other two plates only had five shrimps.

Finally, there were three small bowls of fruit and vegetable salads, including Avocado, apple, lettuce, carrot, and wheatgrass.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Ling has processed the shrimps, not only peeling them, but also processing the shrimp threads.

Although the dinner prepared by Liu Ling is very ritualistic, and It was also very beautiful, with a sense of exquisite petty bourgeoisie life, but An Liang suddenly felt that he should sympathize with Li Xiyan. He was obviously from Shengqing, but he ate so lightly?

Liu Ling took the initiative to say hello,"An Liang, our dinner is relatively simple. Also hope you like it. An Liang responded with a smile,"

It looks pretty good."

Li Xiyan hummed,"It's fruit salad and toast again, ugh!""

Liu Ling reminded,"Your weight is a bit high recently, you need to control it well!"

Li Xiyan sat helplessly next to An Liang, and then ate the petty bourgeoisie-style dinner prepared by Liu Ling.

Liu Ling continued,"The portion of this thing is just right. It won't make your stomach bloated after eating it, and it can supplement enough. Vitamins and calories, we'll go swimming on the rooftop later."

Swimming exercise is very effective in losing weight!

Because swimming requires the whole body to work together, the amount of exercise is very large, and it is very healthy. Before Li Xiyan came back, Liu Ling also often swam for exercise.

"Later, I will take you to do yoga together. Liu Ling added.

Li Xiyan stabbed the white porcelain plate with a fork, showing her unhappiness.

An Liang was not involved. He only thought about swimming later. Can he also participate?

Thinking of this, An Liang She looked at Liu Ling.

Liu Ling seemed to be sensing something and also looked at An Liang. She quickly avoided An Liang's gaze this time to avoid her blushing and being noticed by Li Xiyan.

However, even so, Liu Ling's face was also Slightly red.

Fortunately, Li Xiyan was dealing with a 'shabby' dinner, so she didn't notice anything unusual about Liu Ling. An Liang also ate his dinner calmly.

In less than ten minutes, all three of them finished their dinner, mainly because the portions were real. A little less, even if An Liang's portion was double the amount, it was still not much.

After eating, Liu Ling cleared the table and said proactively,"Xi Yan, go get An Liang's swimsuit.""

"Know it!"Li Xiyan said a little impatiently, obviously still unhappy about the dinner.

An Liang led Li Xiyan and left the restaurant.

Liu Ling took the white porcelain plate and salad bowl to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. She silently Sighing.

Seven or eight minutes later, An Liang, Li Xiyan, and Liu Ling came to the rooftop garden.

Li Xiyan was wearing a bikini suit with very little fabric. An Liang only allowed Li Xiyan to wear this kind of bikini suit in private. To put it more bluntly, An Liang only allowed Li Xiyan to wear it for him.

Liu Ling's swimsuit is more conservative and belongs to the category of one-piece swimsuit, but her fair, slender and straight legs are still exposed to the air.

If An Liang walked behind Li Xiyan and Liu Ling. Judging only from his legs, An Liang felt that he couldn't tell who was Liu Ling and who was Li Xiyan.

Because they were so similar!

An Liang quickly entered the swimming pool because If he doesn't enter the swimming pool, Anliang feels that his flaws will be exposed, okay?

After all, who can withstand such a scene?

Anyway, Anliang feels that he can't stand it!

In the swimming pool, Liu Ling took the initiative to swim to the other side, while Li Xiyan swam He circled back to An Liang.

An Liang made a small move under the water and hugged Li Xiyan's waist. He leaned into Li Xiyan's ear and whispered softly,"Baby, it would be great if Auntie wasn't here now!""


The other way around seems to be good too?

Li Xiyan naturally understood what An Liang meant. She rolled her eyes at An Liang and hummed,"Don't make bad ideas, mom is still here!""

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