Li Xiyan's house, living room.

An Liang was sitting on the sofa, and Liu Ling was sitting on the sofa next to him. The two were communicating about the loan for Ansheng Construction to develop the sail power production base.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Liu Ling shook his head hesitantly,"President Song did not stipulate any loan limit."

An Liang smiled, this Song Yi is indeed a genius!

If Song Yi himself stipulates a loan limit for Liu Ling, should the stipulation be more or less?

If there are too many regulations, if An Liang is upset, wouldn't that mean there will be no chance of cooperation?

But with fewer regulations, their benefits will also decline.

Therefore, we simply did not stipulate the loan limit and let Liu Ling negotiate with An Liang on his own. According to An Liang's willingness to give Liu Ling the bottom line, this choice is the one that maximizes benefits.

Liu Ling also guessed Song Yi's thoughts. She reminded,"An Liang, you don't have to consider my problem. Everything will be carried out according to your Ansheng Construction plan."

An Liang nodded slightly,"The annual interest rate is 4%, right? ?"

"Yes. Liu Ling responded

"Wait a moment, I'll contact my dad." An Liang did not make a decision immediately. He was going to ask An Shengyu about the situation first.

An Liang put on a wireless headset to contact An Shengyu. After waiting for the connection, An Liang asked directly,"Dad, you are home from work. ?"

It's almost six o'clock now. An Liang thinks An Shengyu should have gotten off work, right?

An Shengyu responded negatively,"I'm still at the construction site. What's going on?"

"Or regarding the development of a sail power production base, what is the attitude of Chengyuan and Mingde?"An Liang asked

"I haven't contacted them yet. According to my relationship with Lao Wu and Lao Liu, if I open my mouth, they should invest more or less, but developing a large comprehensive commercial center is risky. I think we can find Bank loans, what do you think?"An Shengyu explained.

Large-scale comprehensive commercial centers may not necessarily be developed.

Commercial office buildings may not necessarily be developed.

In view of such risks, An Shengyu does not want to attract fishing friends, lest everyone lose their profits. alienation

"That’s no problem! An Liang said with certainty,"According to our relationship with Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank, we should be able to get a loan with an interest rate lower than the standard." An

Shengyu responded affirmatively,"So I think it's more appropriate to use the bank's money. If I really lose money, even Lao Wu and Lao Liu don't care, but I feel it's a shame.""

"That's no problem, I'll handle the loan."An Liang responded

"Well, you should contact your girlfriend's mother and try to build a good relationship with her."An Shengyu said jokingly

"Dad, have you heard anything new about Shiliwan?"An Liang asked casually.

"What's new?"An Shengyu was confused.

"Then I suggest you get to know it, you will definitely be interested."After An Liang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At the construction site of the Xicheng Development Plan, when An Liang hung up the phone, An Shengyu immediately called Huang Song. After waiting for the connection, An Shengyu asked first,"Huang Song Second child, what's going on over there at Shili Bay? Huang

Song was stunned for a moment, and then responded,"Don't Mr. An know?""

"Do not talk nonsense!"An Shengyu hummed.

Huang Song immediately explained about peach gum.

After Huang Song finished speaking, An Shengyu wondered,"What is the effect of peach gum? Huang

Song explained quickly,"Professor Bian is doing research. I don't know the specific situation. I heard that it has a refreshing effect. Professor Bian stayed up late and got up early before, and he was still very energetic.""

An Shengyu didn't ask Huang Song again. He also knew that Huang Song was just fishing. An Shengyu contacted Bian Xiaogang directly. He naturally had Bian Xiaogang's contact information.

When An Shengyu and Bian Xiaogang were communicating , When the glue came into play, An Liang was dividing the cake for Liu Ling at Li Xiyan's home.

An Shengyu said that he hoped to get a bank loan to develop a sail power production base instead of attracting partners. In fact, he lacked confidence in large-scale comprehensive commercial centers.

There is such a It is very normal to worry.

After all, there are many large-scale comprehensive commercial centers in Shengqing that have not been developed. An Shengyu is naturally worried about whether the large-scale comprehensive commercial center developed at the Fengfan Power Production Base can be developed.

Liu Ling watched An Liang take down the Wireless earphones, An Liang did not avoid Liu Ling when she called just now. Although Liu Ling did not hear what An Shengyu said, she heard what An Liang said. She guessed that An Shengyu was more inclined to borrow a loan from the bank.

In this situation Liu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

An Liang took the initiative and said,"Auntie, I have good news. My father is more inclined to seek a loan from your Beiyu branch. Liu

Ling smiled, and An Liang looked a little dazed,"How much loan do you need?" Facing Liu

Ling's inquiry, An Liang asked in turn,"How many loans can Auntie have the maximum authority to approve?"

Before Liu Ling could answer, Li Xiyan's voice came,"Mom, what should we have for dinner?""

Liu Ling first responded to Li Xiyan,"Fruit salad and toast, I bought some Jiwei shrimp by the way, and I can eat some white water shrimp at night."

"ah?"Li Xiyan looked at An Liang pitifully.

An Liang laughed,"I think it's pretty good!

Li Xiyan responded aggrievedly,"Why don't we go out to eat?""


The author of the humble fight on the street: I encountered continuous fighting, and my body was getting exhausted day by day, alas!


Update time: February 18, 2021 08:08:53, good morning.

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