Bian Xiaogang explained in detail. The specific situation was that after one of his assistant graduate students consumed two ounces of peach gum, he played three league games with his girlfriend at night. His waist was not sore, his legs were not hurting, and he was still energetic the next day. Yiyi worked overtime until around nine o'clock in the evening.

After Bian Xiaogang learned about this situation, he judged that peach gum has the effect of restoring energy.

An Liang raised his eyebrows after listening to Bian Xiaogang's description. This effect was labeled by the Life Winner System as 'nourishing Qi', but An Liang preferred to call it 'Dragon Body Health'!

If holly is the plant version of 'A real man never lasts five seconds', then Peach Gum is the plant version of 'Dragon Body Health'. When the two are combined into one, it becomes the plant version of dual talent temporary buffs!

I see!

Peach gum actually has such an effect!

"Mr. An, I would like to do further research on peach gum, but the current samples are insufficient."Bian Xiaogang tentatively explained

"Didn’t I give you six kilograms before, and you used it up so quickly?"An Liang complained.

Bian Xiaogang said awkwardly,"The loss is too big, plus I ate some, so..."

"I will give you one more pound at most, and your monthly research quota is only one pound. An Liang explained.

Bian Xiaogang sighed and said,"It's too little, please give it a little more!""

"Just testing and research, I believe it will be enough. Professor Bian, you don’t want others to join in the research, right?"An Liang said half as a reminder and half as a threat.

"Well, I'll save."Bian Xiaogang said bitterly.

He was obviously reporting good news, but it was great news. As a result, the research quota dropped to one pound a month. This is simply outrageous!

Bian Xiaogang was unable to complain.

An Liang and Bian Xiaogang ended the call and immediately sent a message to Zhong Honglin, instructing Zhong Honglin to take strict care of the peach grove and to keep the harvested peach gum properly.

Peach gum is different from holly seeds. Holly seeds only mature in winter. Although it is most abundant in summer, peach gum is produced all year round, so Zhong Honglin needs to make proper arrangements.

After An Liang ordered Zhong Honglin, he sent a message to the Imperial Capital friends group

‘An Liang: @everyone: Are you guys asleep?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Can you believe that I failed the exam and am still studying hard at school?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Su hi, Su hi, Su hi!’

‘Li Cunyuan: We are at the bar, partying!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: [Location information: Yunpo Village, Liehuo Township, Daliang Mountain]’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I'm still in the mountains. Brother Liang, your little girlfriend is probably going to get rich. The value of this jujube forest is greater than imagined.’

‘An Liang: What's going on?’

‘An Liang: Could it be that wood grown in high mountains is better, equivalent to huanghuali or golden nanmu?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I’m curious!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Could it be the effect of Dongqingzi again?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @云海海: I vomited, Brother Haiyang’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I remember Brother Hai’s uncle seemed to have high blood pressure, right?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Yes. '

Yun Haiyang's uncle is the backbone of the Yun family and is the minister's minister. He is fifty-eight years old and inevitably suffers from high blood pressure.

‘Qian Xiaogang: Ordinary wild jujube kernels have the effect of relieving high blood pressure. The high-mountain wild jujube kernels we have discovered so far have a better effect of relieving high blood pressure. Professor Zeng is still conducting in-depth research. When we have the results here, I will give you You bring some back’

‘Li Cunyuan: I want some too. My cousin’s third uncle also has high blood pressure.’

‘Qian Xiaogang:...’

‘An Liang: My cousin’s third uncle is okay!’

‘Yun Haiyang: The relatives in Brother Yuan’s family have very good relations.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, will you protect the jujube grove at your little girlfriend’s house?’

‘An Liang: Nonsense!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: That’s fine, I’ll warn some people’

‘An Liang: Well, thank you!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: My brother, no need to be polite’

‘Li Cunyuan: Does Brother Liang have anything to do with us?’

‘An Liang: Let me first ask you about your summer vacation life. It seems that Brother Haiyang is the worst.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Please remove the appearance. It is indeed Brother Haiyang who is the worst. He is still taking the make-up exam. Isn’t it miserable?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Your school is toxic, it’s too strict!’

‘An Liang: In addition to caring about your summer vacation life, I have one more thing to do here’

‘An Liang: Another good thing was discovered in Shiliwan’

‘Li Cunyuan: A new holly tree?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Or the mutated Dongqingzi?’

‘Yun Haiyang: This time we must keep it a secret, keep it a secret, keep it a secret. Just keep it secret among the four of us brothers. Don’t reveal the news!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Seconded!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Haiyang is right! '

The hearts of these three guys are a little dark, mainly because the effect of Dongqingzi oral liquid is so good. They have all taken Dongqingzi oral liquid, so they naturally know the effect of Dongqingzi oral liquid.

If they find a new holly seed, they really want to devour it.

After all, if you devour this kind of thing, you can devour it to yourself. Even if you are discovered, it will still be an elegant matter in the end, rather than involving economic interests and causing public outrage.

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