Yue Sijun is the deputy manager of the credit department of Shengqing Commercial Bank. Naturally, he cannot be a fool who knows nothing. When Liu Ling asked about sensitive issues such as the bottom line, Yue Sijun immediately understood that Liu Ling might have channels.

Liu Ling would have no problem asking directly about the bottom line price.

Because there is no way around this issue anyway, there is no difference between asking directly and beating around the bush. Once the bottom line issue of price is involved, Yue Sijun will react.

In addition, Liu Ling has obtained enough information, including the import and export trading company's quotation of 28 million for a package of 22,000 motorcycles.

‘Liu Ling: I have an idea. We have 43,000 motorcycles and you have 22,000 motorcycles. Together we can sell them at a higher price.’

‘Yue Sijun: How much do you bid?’

‘Liu Ling: Let’s add another 2 million’

‘Yue Sijun: Too few!’

‘Yue Sijun: The normal selling price of this batch of motorcycles is 100 million!’

‘Liu Ling: Manager Yue, we all know the specific situation. This batch of motorcycles does not meet the emission standards of the Environmental Protection Act. How can we calculate the price at 100 million? '

If there are no problems with this batch of motorcycles and they meet the emission standards of the Environmental Protection Act, they can be valued at 100 million.

Otherwise, if it does not meet the emission standards of the Environmental Protection Act, it can even be described as a pile of junk!

Yue Sijun naturally understood this truth.

The import and export trading company is only willing to give a quotation of 28 million, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

‘Yue Sijun: It’s a little less, Manager Liu, please add a little more!’

‘Liu Ling: There is really no way to add more. Manager Yue, I believe you understand this. You just said it, transportation costs, distribution costs, and customs duties at the destination, etc.’

‘Liu Ling: Manager Yue, please think about it carefully.’

‘Yue Sijun: Okay, let's discuss it here. Whether I agree or refuse, I will reply to Manager Liu. '

That's good!

Regardless of whether you agree or refuse, you will be notified.

No news is the most disgusting thing!

‘Liu Ling: Okay.

After Liu Ling communicated with Yue Sijun, she contacted Ji Yunjie, the credit department manager of Xiaguo Bank Beixin Branch.

‘Liu Ling: Manager Ji, is there any new news about Fengfan Power?’

‘Ji Yunjie: It’s still the same, we are actively filing for bankruptcy. It is expected that each of our companies will take their own collateral, and they will liquidate the remaining assets, give priority to repaying the wages owed to employees, and then allocate the rest to suppliers.’

‘Liu Ling: Then the supplier will be in trouble!’

‘Ji Yunjie: We are also miserable, especially you two’

‘Liu Ling: Who would have thought that the power of the sail would be technically fake?’

‘Ji Yunjie: Yes, who would have thought?’

‘Liu Ling: How are you going to deal with your land use rights?’

‘Ji Yunjie: Does Manager Liu have any ideas? '

Ji Yunjie didn't think Liu Ling wanted the land use rights of the Sail Power Production Base. He thought Liu Ling wanted to cooperate, for example, by binding the collateral of both parties together.

If a third party wants to purchase the land use rights of the Fengfan Power production base, it will need to take over the 43,000 motorcycles owned by Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank

‘Liu Ling: Isn’t it difficult to sell the land use rights of the Fengfan Power Production Base?’

‘Ji Yunjie: It’s really hard to take action. Ji

Yunjie smiled while replying to the message.

It is indeed difficult to sell the land use rights of the Fengfan Power Production Base, but is it easier to deal with than the motorcycles of the other two banks?

Ji Yunjie knew very well that sail-powered motorcycles did not meet the emission standards of the Environmental Protection Act. Under such circumstances, if there were only one or two, or even ten or twenty, it would not be a big problem to deal with them.

But for the other two banks, one holds 22,000 vehicles and the other holds 43,000 vehicles. With such a huge scale, there is no way to handle it privately.

‘Liu Ling: If we take over the land use rights of the Sail Power production base, what price does Manager Ji think is appropriate? Ji

Yunjie looked at Liu Ling's proposal and further suspected that Liu Ling wanted to tie up the deal.

Even if there is a way to deal with 43,000 motorcycles individually, it will be very troublesome, and the price will be very low, but if the two are bundled, it will be easier to deal with.

Ji Yunjie thought he had seen through Liu Ling's thoughts, so he replied to the message

‘Ji Yunjie: We are willing to transfer at a fair price’

‘Ji Yunjie: The estimated price of this land use right is a full 220 million. I believe Manager Liu should understand that a fair transfer is a good result, right?’

‘Liu Ling: I think it can be cheaper’

‘Liu Ling: The functionality of Fengfan Power’s production base is too single and it can only produce motorcycles.’

‘Liu Ling: The motorcycle manufacturing industry is already a sunset industry. No one should be willing to take over now, right? '

Ji Yunjie didn't reply to the message immediately because Liu Ling was right, but the more this happened, the more Ji Yunjie felt there was something wrong.

‘Ji Yunjie: What is Manager Liu’s quotation?’

‘Liu Ling: 140 million’

‘Ji Yunjie: Impossible!’

‘Liu Ling: [Evaluation Chart]’

‘Liu Ling: Fengfan Power also came to us to evaluate the land use rights of the production base. The final evaluation we gave was 200 million, and then the loan was based on 70% of the evaluation price.’

‘Liu Ling: The assessment from Shengqing Commercial Bank is the same.’

‘Liu Ling: Your Xiaguo Bank's appraised price has increased to 220 million, and the loan is based on 77% of the appraised price. This ratio is very exaggerated.’

‘Liu Ling: Our loan is based on 70% of the appraised price, which is actually very accommodating. '

The problem raised by Liu Ling does exist. The land use rights assessment price given by the Xiaguo Bank Beixin Branch to the Sail Power Production Base is too high, and the loan ratio is also too high.

We are all loan professionals, so we naturally understand the tricks involved!


Update time: 07:16:50 on February 10, 2021. Good morning.

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