Xiji Shrimp Dumpling Shop.

Li Xiyan continued,"Yu Qing doesn't like him at all. Yu Qing also told him, but this fat man is very thick-skinned. He doesn't care what he says and always stalks him."

For Li Xiyan That being said, An Liang was not surprised at all.

Because when An Liang and Ma Yingjun exchanged just a few words outside the store, An Liang discovered this situation.

Although he could enter the store and wait, Ma Yingjun insisted on staying outside the store.

Is this a drama of bitterness or affection?

An Liang once thought Ma Yingjun was pretty good, but after further contact, An Liang could only shake his head at Ma Yingjun. deep feeling? no problem!

Stalking? has a problem!

If you like someone and you know you are not good enough for them, you should work hard on your own instead of begging them to lower themselves.

Love is not something you can ask for, only pity.

You can be as humble as dust for the sake of love, but no one likes the love of a dust.

The only way is to make yourself stronger!

If it was true love, wouldn’t you even have the courage to become stronger?

"Okay, okay, we don’t have to worry about other people’s affairs."An Liang shook Li Xiyan's little hand.

Li Xiyan hummed,"I don't like that fat guy anyway."

"What do you want to eat?"An Liang picked a booth and signaled Li Xiyan to choose his favorite flavor first.

Li Xiyan looked at the menu. The menu of Xiji Shrimp Dumplings had a stylish introduction, indicating that the shrimp used in Xiji Shrimp Dumplings were used. The fresh Jiwei shrimps also have the shrimp lines removed to ensure the quality of the shrimp dumplings.

Li Xiyan ordered three shrimp dumplings. One dumpling contains three shrimps.

After reading the menu, An Liang felt a little disappointed.

Because too It only has Jiwei shrimp dumplings. It has a good reputation among ordinary consumers, but in the field of high-end catering, it is completely basic.

For example, the crystal steamed dumplings provided by Yunjing International Apartment use Boston lobster, although every The price of the cage is as high as 888 yuan.

And Yunjing International Apartment provides customized reservation services.

If Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang want to eat something, such as steamed dumplings with king crab meat, or steamed dumplings with crab roe, as long as they have ideas, You can directly make an appointment through the housekeeper app.

An Liang ordered pork and cabbage dumplings without interest.

As for the leek stuffed dumplings?

It must be unethical to accompany his girlfriend on a date to eat leek stuffed dumplings! It

’s almost half past nine. At that time, An Liang and Li Xiyan's dumplings were already on the table. An Liang first picked up a three-shrimp dumpling from Li Xiyan and tried it. The taste was very ordinary, which was the standard level of shrimp dumplings.

Li Xiyan also said with a hint of disappointment"I thought it was delicious, but it turned out to be so ordinary!"

Li Xiyan continued,"It has fish roe in it, and I don't like it!"

An Liang nodded in agreement,"It's indeed quite average." Baby, can you try my pork and cabbage stuffing?"

"Well, I'll try."Li Xiyan tried a dumpling stuffed with pork and cabbage. After swallowing it, she complained,"I think the dumpling stuffed with pork and cabbage tastes better.""

"I feel so too! An Liang seconded,"My dear, do you like dumplings?""

"I quite like it, but the filling needs to be delicious."Li Xiyan responded

"Then let's exchange."An Liang and Li Xiyan exchanged dumplings.

An Liang has picky tastes, but he does not waste. When he was at Tianfu School of Economics, he often had lunch and dinner in the school's second cafeteria.

Li Xiyan and An Liang had just exchanged Dumplings and Yao Qi finally walked in and walked over to An Liang's table. The booth An Liang chose was suitable for four people, but there were five of them.

In the end, a compromise was adopted, and An Liang and Ma Yingjun sat in a row. Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing sat in a row.

When Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing sat down to order, Li Xiyan started to complain,"Don't order the three shrimp dumplings, this is the signature The dumplings are really unpalatable!"

Both Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing listened to Li Xiyan's reminder. Ma Yingjun specially ordered three shrimp dumplings. When it was served, Ma Yingjun enthusiastically invited Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi to taste the three shrimp dumplings.

However, no matter whether Both Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing refused directly.

Ma Yingjun's operation is simply dog ​​licking among dog lickings!

How to define dog licking behavior?

The so-called dog licking behavior is not about buying, buying, giving or giving, but communicating. and feedback.

Take Li Xiyan and An Liang as an example. An Liang buys, buys, buys for Li Xiyan, and Li Xiyan is willing to give feedback to Anliang. That is normal communication between the two parties. There is always a group of people who think that buying, buying, buying, giving, giving, etc. It is the so-called dog-licking.

For this kind of hanging thread, An Liang can only say that they have low self-esteem? The real dog-licking is to give gifts, but there is no feedback.

For example, the other party receives the gift and sends it to Moments, but does not say Whoever gave it to you, and then continues to lick it and continue to give it away, is licking the dog.

Take the current example, Li Xiyan doesn’t like to eat shrimp dumplings, An Liang can change with Li Xiyan, and Li Xiyan is also willing to change with An Liang , she would also thank An Liang, she understood that An Liang was taking care of her.

But as for Ma Yingjun, even though Li Xiyan had warned that the three shrimp dumplings were not delicious, Ma Yingjun still ordered the three shrimp dumplings, just to make Guo Yuqing Let's taste the taste with Yao Qi.

In the end, neither Yao Qi nor Guo Yuqing were willing.

This kind of doing something knowing that it cannot be done is called dog-licking!

While eating dumplings, Guo Yuqing deliberately provoked the topic,"Master An, wait a minute Is there anything you want to buy while shopping?"

An Liang glanced at Guo Yuqing. How could he not understand Guo Yuqing's intention of calling Ma Yingjun over?

Carrying a bag?


Ma Yingjun was thinking about Rainbow Peach?

Guo Yuqing obviously wanted to use this shopping trip to give Ma Yingjun some money. Iron fist education, so that Ma Yingjun retreated when faced with difficulties.

An Liang also didn't mind cooperating.

"I'll see when the time comes and I should buy some gifts for Xiyan's mother. An Liang said casually.

Guo Yuqing smiled and asked,"Are you starting to please your mother-in-law?""

"It’s okay to please your mother-in-law, right?"An Liang asked back.

After all, what bad intentions could An Liang have?


Update time: February 5, 2021 02:33:57. The schedule has been adjusted recently. If it is not updated late at night, it should be updated during the day.

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