Facing An Liang's instructions, Professor Bian Xiaogang naturally agreed,"Okay, I'll handle it right away.""

"One more thing!"An Liang said remindingly.

"What?"Bian Xiaogang asked

"In addition to studying peach gum, I hope Professor Bian will study the entire Shiliwan plant from beginning to end to see if there is anything missing. An Liang reminded him.

Bian Xiaogang responded with a wry smile,"Okay, I will handle this matter." But Xiao An, don’t get your hopes up. The probability of similar benign mutations is very, very, very low."

"I didn't hold out hope, I just wanted to see if anything slipped through the net." An Liang responded casually.

The two parties communicated for a while before ending the call.

When An Liang took off his headphones, Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing all looked at An Liang curiously.

An Liang explained briefly.

Li After Xiyan listened, she said with interest,"After we return to Shengqing, I want to go see"

"OK"An Liang said in agreement.

Yao Qi brought up old things on the side,"Xi Yan, I'm planning to travel to Shengqing during the summer vacation."

"OK, welcome! Li Xiyan said enthusiastically,"You can stay at our house when you come over." Yao

Qi glanced at An Liang first, and then responded with thanks,"Thank you, Xi Yan. I will definitely bother you then.""

An Liang sighed secretly, this little fool hasn't realized that Yao Qi has a problem?

As the saying goes, three women have a show, Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing, the three of them were discussing the final exam for a while. , while discussing tomorrow's shopping.

An Liang would interject a few words from time to time.

After a while, grilled oysters, grilled scallops, and salt-baked razor clam king were brought up. An Liang found that the salt-baked razor clam king was actually delicious. Salt-baked cooking The method retains the fresh and tender taste of the razor clam king, which is indeed very delicious.


‘The host tasted the eye-catching food and received a random gift package. '

It's actually a long-lost food reward!

As Anliang tasted more and more delicacies, ordinary delicacies could no longer easily impress Anliang. Anliang had not received a food reward for a long time.


‘Congratulations to the host for opening the random gift pack and receiving the [Special Formula] reward’


Special formula:

If the host collects the peach gum from the peach forest, and then collects the peach blossoms from the peach forest, extracts the essence of the two, and makes a peach gum flower essence facial mask, it will obtain a special beauty, freckle, skin tightening effect.


Is the effect of the special formula actually beautifying, removing freckles, nourishing and firming the skin?

This reward should be a matching reward of the peach gum reward, right?

However, the flowering period is now past, and it seems that we can only try the specific effects next year.

An Liang accepted the reward happily. If this reward was really effective, An Liang felt that its value would even exceed that of Dong Qingzi.

After all, women’s spending power on beauty, freckle removal, skin tightening and so on cannot be underestimated.

Since the Salt Baked Razor Clams King brings food rewards, Anliang is looking forward to whether other dishes can bring new food rewards.

But An Liang obviously thought too much.

Except for the salt-baked razor clam king, neither the garlic Boston lobster, nor the charcoal-grilled king crab, nor the freshly grilled octopus received any food awards.


Shengqing, Shiliwan.

When Zhong Honglin received the message from An Liang, he immediately adjusted the security arrangements and dispatched part of the security patrol force to the Taoshu Forest area to prepare for all-night patrols.

Tomorrow, during the day, security monitoring systems, infrared gratings, motion detection systems, etc. will be installed around the peach forest.

Bian Xiaogang established a simple research laboratory here in Shili Bay. He took some peach gum from the peach forest. In the simple laboratory, Bian Xiaogang tested the condition of the peach gum and found that the peach gum looked different. It looks very ordinary and seems to be nothing special at all?

Seeing that there was no problem in the initial test, Bian Xiaogang cut a piece of peach gum and threw it to a patrolling dog.

Under normal circumstances, dogs of any breed will not eat raw peach gum.

However, a magical scene appears!

The dog actually ate the peach gum thrown by Bian Xiaogang and wagged its tail, apparently waiting for Bian Xiaogang to throw more peach gum.

Bian Xiaogang did not continue to throw peach gum away. The dog's desire to eat raw peach gum had proved a problem. There must be abnormalities in these raw peach gums that Bian Xiaogang had not discovered yet.

Canine creatures have a sense of smell that is more than a million times more sensitive than humans!

Bian Xiaogang suspected that the dog smelled the smell of a special substance in raw peach gum, which stimulated the dog to eat raw peach gum. However, Bian Xiaogang could not accurately judge it in the simple laboratory.

In order to verify his guess, Bian Xiaogang called Zhong Honglin. He was going to do a small experiment to verify his guess.

If the verification passes, Bian Xiaogang is ready to report it to Anliang, so as to try to return the peach tape to the laboratory of Shengqing University for more accurate testing.

Bian Xiaogang is very active in the research on these peach gums. He always feels that these peach gums are not simple!

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