On the way to Fudan University, Qin Tianxiang drove a BMW X5, and An Liang sat in the back seat to read the report sent by Fan Ping.

Currently, the U.S. stock market is becoming more and more chaotic. The hot money in Xia Kingdom and the financial institutions in Bald Eagle Kingdom are fighting like crazy. Both parties have gradually lost their minds.

What’s worse is that retail investors from Bald Eagle Country have also joined in!


That's not the worst thing!

What's even worse is that the retail investors in Bald Eagle Country have chosen to join Xia Guo Hot Capital's camp, and they have chosen to work with Xia Guo Hot Capital to fight against the financial institutions of Bald Eagle Country.

This is simply a fantasy, right?

However, the real world is so unreasonable and illogical. What happens happens, what logic and reason is needed?

Retail investors in Bald Eagle Country have been suffering from financial institutions for a long time.

Now that a war has broken out between Xia Guo Hot Money and Bald Eagle Country's financial institutions, Bald Eagle Country's retail investors naturally choose to join the war.

As the saying goes: The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily a friend, but it is definitely not an enemy.

Xia's hot money cannot be friends with Bald Eagle's retail investors, but the two sides can join forces to target Bald Eagle's financial institutions.

Because of the participation of retail investors in Bald Eagle Country, the current chaos in the US stock market has further intensified.

Taking the stock of BHP Billiton as an example, both BHP and BBL triggered the circuit breaker mechanism due to the three-party competition between Xia Guo Hot Money, Bald Eagle Country financial institutions, and Bald Eagle Country retail investors.

The so-called circuit breaker mechanism has relatively complex judgment conditions for specific rules. Stocks in the U.S. stock market must be classified, and stock prices above one dollar or below one dollar are also treated differently.

The detailed explanation is rather cumbersome. To put it simply, if it is BBL or BHP, if the price fluctuation reaches 10% within five minutes, trading will be suspended for five minutes.

This trading suspension mechanism is the circuit breaker mechanism.

There is also a special condition in terms of time. If it is after 14:35 local time in Bald Eagle Country, the circuit breaker mechanism will be canceled and transactions will continue.

In the equivalent of the last 55 minutes of a single trading day, the protection of the circuit breaker mechanism failed, and the struggle between financial capital became more cruel.

The current situation is that the Xia Kingdom's hot money, Bald Eagle Nation's private retail investors, and Bald Eagle Nation's financial institutions are fighting to the death, with no one willing to give in.

For Xia's hot money, taking a step back is not a vast ocean, but a cliff.

The same is true for financial institutions in Bald Eagle Country.

If both parties bet on each other, one party will definitely lose.

As for the retail investors in Bald Eagle Country?

An Liang couldn't understand their operations for the time being. They seemed a little emotional?

Just to target financial institutions in Bald Eagle Country, not to make money?

After An Liang read the report sent by Fan Ping, he sent a message to Fan Ping.

‘An Liang: We still haven’t gotten on the bus?’

‘Fan Ping: Lao Li and I both feel that now is not a good time to get on the bus, especially now that retail investors from Bald Eagle Country have also joined in.’

‘Fan Ping: The current U.S. stock market is a powder keg’

‘Fan Ping: BHP and BBL have become a fuse, and they have been lit. It depends on whether one party takes a step back to extinguish the fuse.’

‘An Liang: Judging from the current situation, it is indeed not a good time to get on the bus.’

‘An Liang: Be careful’

‘Fan Ping: Got it. '

This time the war, promoted by An Liang behind the scenes, gradually escaped An Liang's control. Obviously at the beginning, it was just to suppress the price of iron ore in Da'ao.

Who knew it would develop into this now?

Can I only say that life is full of surprises?


The traffic in Magic City is only slightly better than that in Shengqing and Imperial City, but it is also very bad. Traffic jams at around five o'clock in the afternoon are common.

An entire hour later, An Liang arrived at Fudan University.

In the open-air parking lot of Fudan University, An Liang contacted Li Xiyan

"Honey, I have arrived at your school, in the parking lot on the west side of the main entrance of the school. An Liang said proactively.

Li Xiyan responded,"Wait a moment, we'll be right over."

An Liang answered,"Yeah!""

An Liang ended the call. Just three minutes later, Yao Qi came to the parking lot. She looked at An Liang with burning eyes.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"Yao Qi took the initiative to say hello.

Today, Yao Qi is wearing a silk double-breasted skirt, just like a lady in ancient times.

Looking at Yao Qi's dress, a look of surprise flashed in An Liang's eyes. Is he sure that An Liang likes her in ancient clothes?

"It doesn't seem like that long?" An Liang responded casually.

Yao Qi did not dwell on this issue. She changed the topic,"Are you going to take Xiyan back to Shengqing?"

"Um!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

"Can I travel to Shengqing?"Yao Qi asked.


An Liang looked at Yao Qi warily, what is this guy going to do?

An Liang knew that Yao Qi had a strong character and was self-reliant, so An Liang did not provoke Yao Qi, because if he provoked Yao Qi, this Yao Qi would definitely Stand up and fight.

Now Yao Qi says she wants to travel to Shengqing. What does that mean?

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