Faced with the conditions expressed by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, Shi Feng was not surprised at all!

In this kind of secondary transaction, if the other party has no conditions, it would be strange, right?

‘Unknown: My conditions are very simple, I need you to pay first. '

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 sent messages in English in the chat room built on the deep web, and used 'Unknown Person' as the codename to avoid being associated with the ID in the Gray Castle.

This kind of detail makes Shi Feng believe even more in the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"Boss Huang, the other party asked us to pay first." Shi Feng explained

"What are the risks of paying first?"Huang Guoxiang asked back.

Shi Feng responded,"The biggest risk is that the other party takes the money and runs away. We can only suffer a loss. At most, we can publicize the other party's second transaction and run away with the money, thus blocking the other party's future second transactions."

"There's no way we can find each other? Huang Guoxiang asked.

Shi Feng shook his head in the negative,"It's unlikely.""

"How confident are you that the other party will give us information after receiving money?"Huang Guoxiang asked again

"I don't have any certainty, but we can only take a gamble. If we are not willing to trade, we will never get the confidential information. If we give the money, there is at least a little hope."Shi Feng expressed his opinion.

There is no problem with this logic.

If they don't give money, it is indeed impossible for them to get the information.

"Then take a gamble!"Huang Guoxiang made the decision

"OK"Shi Feng immediately started operating.

In less than two minutes, Shi Feng sent a message

‘No.6: We have paid, as per your request, virtual currency equivalent to 2 million US dollars.’

‘Unknown: I have received the remittance. Please wait for three minutes. I need to transfer the virtual currency before I will give you the information.’

‘No.6: Okay. Shi

Feng waited anxiously and patiently.

Because Shi Feng knew in his heart that the other party would probably not default on the debt. If he did, he would leave the deepnet chat room directly after receiving the virtual currency and would not waste any more nonsense.

In less than three minutes, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan transferred the virtual currency

‘Unknown: I need an encrypted email address’

‘Unknown: After you give me your encrypted email address, I will exit the chat room and send the information after three minutes to avoid your tracking.’

‘No.6: No problem’

‘No.6: [Encrypted E-mail Address]

After Shi Feng sent the encrypted email address, the other party actually exited the chat room. After another three minutes, Shi Feng received a letter in the reserved encrypted email address.

"Haha, Boss Huang, the other party sent the encrypted information, and it seems that the transaction went smoothly. Shi Feng explained.

Shi Feng is not afraid that the other party will send false information, because it is completely unnecessary.

After all, you want to defraud money, and the other party has already got the money, so why bother?

Huang Guoxiang also breathed a sigh of relief,"Hurry up and take a look." What information."

Shi Feng opened the encrypted information and checked it, and Huang Guoxiang also checked it together. This encrypted information was recorded in Xia Mandarin, English, Russian, and Spanish. The content was about the cooperation between the three countries in developing the Silia Iron Mine. Information.

Huang Guoxiang was inexplicably shocked because the three countries were indeed discussing cooperation in developing the Silia Iron Mine.

However, Shi Feng discovered a problem!

Huang Guoxiang only looked at the content of the information, while Shi Feng was looking at the certification information to verify the information.

"Huh?"Shi Feng discovered the problem.

Because the verification information of this document turned out to be a record of intrusion into their National Security Investigation Bureau's internal network.

This is wrong!

Shi Feng is self-aware, and he knows that his technology cannot be the best in the world. , but he is also an expert, and more importantly, he is backed by the National Security Investigation Bureau and has a large amount of computing resources.

Under such circumstances, if someone can silently invade the internal network of the National Security Investigation Bureau, just think about it. It feels very scary, okay?

After all, they have entered the National Security Investigation Bureau, why only take this piece of information?

However, Shi Feng soon discovered the problem.

There is a problem with the certification information of this verification information!

On the surface, this A proof that there is nothing wrong with the information is that it has indeed broken through the security firewall of the National Security Investigation Agency, but Shi Feng still discovered a subtle difference. The security firewall of the

National Security Investigation Agency is a dynamic defense, and specific signatures are hidden every day.

It proves that there is a problem with the National Security Investigation Agency firewall dynamic defense signature in the information.

That signature should be a signature more than two months ago, but the Xia Kingdom, the North Bear Kingdom, and the Western Hemisphere cooperated in iron ore resources. The information only started to become apparent in July.

When the two are combined, a problem arises.

The guy who stole the information more than two months ago obtained the intelligence information more than two months later?

A time traveler?

That is impossible Yes!

The only answer is that the information is false.

Shi Feng hesitated for a moment, then said,"Boss Huang, we were deceived, this information is false!"

Facing Shi Feng's statement, Huang Guoxiang sighed,"No, it is true. The information recorded in this document is indeed true. The natural resource departments of our three countries are negotiating secretly, and there are also rumors from the outside world. news."


Shi Feng had a question mark on his face, what's going on?

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