Dark core technology has indeed poached two core technical teams from Xiongzhang Company. An Liang does not deny this.

As for the issue of immorality...

In the business field, it is important to be wary and never tire of deceit!

Besides, dark core technology does not violate the law, so what does it matter?

An Liang took the initiative to contact Hanzhenglong of Dark Core Technology.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Han Zhenglong said politely,"Hello, President An."

An Liang said jokingly,"In our Xia country, you should call me President An.""

"Sorry, Mr. An, I will remember it." Hanzhenglong responded

"Well, for your own safety, you have to integrate into our country, okay?""690" Anliang reminded

"clear." Han Zhenglong's grateful reply

"By the way, Lao Li personally called me to ask about the two core technical teams you poached from Xiongzhang Company. He sounded very unhappy. An Liang asked.

Han Zhenglong explained,"We hired two core teams of their autonomous driving system, one is the depth of field pattern recognition team, and the other is the lidar comprehensive team.""

"The job of the depth-of-field pattern recognition team is to recognize image information through depth-of-field cameras, such as identifying vehicles, pedestrians, road signals and traffic signs on crowded and busy streets, as well as various stationary things, including guardrails, curbs, Tree trunks, street lights, etc." Han Zhenglong added.

"Depth of field pattern recognition is one of the core basic technologies of the autonomous driving system!"Hanzhenglong laughed.

"Another core basic technology is the application of lidar. Through lidar, the autonomous driving system can accurately determine the distance between the vehicle and the object, thus avoiding the limitations of depth-of-field cameras."Hanzhenglong added

"Tesla's autopilot system has frequent accidents. In fact, it only has a depth camera and no lidar ranging, so it cannot accurately judge certain stationary objects."Hanzhenglong stepped on Tesla by the way.

Tesla's bad habit of cost-saving is so bad. In order to save the cost of lidar, Tesla still refuses to admit the flaws of the depth-of-field camera."

"No wonder Lao Li is angry, you poached someone else's property...Hey, isn't there a non-compete agreement?"An Liang asked

"Yes, the two teams are prohibited from entering areas related to in-vehicle autonomous driving technology for five years."Han Zhenglong responded.

An Liang raised his eyebrows. If this is the case, doesn't it mean he poached two useless teams?

"Then what?" An Liang asked.

If it is really useless, Hanzhenglong shouldn't poach it, right?

Hanzhenglong responded,"The non-competition agreement can be bypassed. We can apply the two technologies to the flying motorcycle. As for drones, none of them are onboard autonomous driving technologies."

There's nothing wrong with that!

Flying motorcycles are not cars, so that's no problem, right?

UAVs are also not cars, so what's the problem with using depth-of-field pattern recognition technology?

No wonder Li Hongyan feels a little angry. It turns out that he knows there are people here. Ways to bypass non-compete restrictions

"One more thing."Hanzhenglong added

"Um? An Liang was confused.

Han Zhenglong explained,"I envision using depth-of-field pattern recognition technology and lidar ranging technology to develop a hardware device specifically for the visually impaired.""

"Hardware equipment for the visually impaired?"An Liang was confused.

"Yes. Han Zhenglong said affirmatively.

Han Zhenglong added,"Mr. An knows about the new Apple iPad Pro.".?"

"iPadPro2020?"An Liang asked back.

"Yes. Han Zhenglong explained,"There is a lidar on the iPad Pro 2020. I plan to use this lidar and combine it with a depth-of-field camera to make a professional auxiliary hardware device for the visually impaired..........."

An Liang responded,"Using lidar ranging and depth-of-field cameras to determine specific image information, so as to provide comprehensive feedback to the visually impaired?"

Han Zhenglong responded affirmatively,"Yes. In daily life, depth-of-field pattern recognition The system, combined with laser ranging radar, will solve 99% of the difficulties faced by visually impaired people."

"Whether it is passing through Malone, passing obstacles, or going up and down stairs, or in complex and unfamiliar environments, all can be easily solved by two technologies." Han Zhenglong added.

"But the only problem is..."Hanzhenglong hesitated for a moment

"what is the problem?"An Liang asked back.

"The comprehensive contradiction between cost, selling price, profit, and sales volume."Han Zhenglong said with a sigh.

An Liang understood what Han Zhenglong meant. The vast majority of visually impaired people are disadvantaged groups and cannot afford such high prices. In addition, the overall number of visually impaired people is far lower than normal. People.

The overall problem is that the sales volume of this product will not be very good. If it is developed into 2.7 copies, it will be relatively high. It must be equipped with a graphene battery to have long battery life.

In the end, there is a contradictory profit issue!

How about the profit? Guarantee?

An Liang was silent for a few seconds before responding,"Ignore the profit issue for the time being and let the two teams start the research and development of assistive equipment for the visually impaired. I hope this matter will be completed as soon as possible."

"OK!" Hanzhenglong responded,"Thank you."

"Hang up now and contact me if you have any news."An Liang responded.

Just after finishing the call, the Winner of Life system sounded a prompt....


Update time: January 22, 2021 02:13:22, night. _

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