The capital of the western half of Spain, YATAI Market in the center of Madrid.

When Lenore pointed to a small shop in Xiaguo Night Market next to Anliang and asked, Anliang felt a faint sense of danger.

Through the danger premonition ability, An Liang discovered that this time the danger was not aimed at him, but at Lenore or the Spanish royal family, so is it worthy of being a royal family?

An's mind flashed through the plot of the film and television drama. Could it be that some criminals wanted to threaten the royal family members?

If there really are such criminals...

The corners of An Liang's mouth turned up slightly, so he had to be a hero to save the beauty, because Renyi Security Company had purchased a large number of advanced equipment from the North Bear Country, and ordinary lawbreakers were no match for the security personnel of Renyi Security Company.

The cooperation between Anxin Investment Company and Beixiong Country 19 has repeatedly failed, but the cooperation between Renyi Security Company and Beixiong Country has gone smoothly. Beixiong Country prefers to cooperate with Renyi Security Company. Both parties pay the money and deliver the goods. The two sides are cleared, everyone can rest assured.

As for the cooperation with Anxin Investment Company?

The North Bear Country always feels that Anxin Investment Company is not well-intentioned!

In fact, Anxin Investment Company always uses sideways to make money. Anyone who is targeted by Anxin Investment Company will never end well, so Beixiong Country prefers to cooperate with Renyi Security Company.

"That is indeed a stew restaurant."An Liang responded

"I want to taste it. Lenore spoke.

Anliang refused,"Your mother doesn't allow it." Lenore showed a helpless look. As a member of the Spanish royal family, for safety reasons, Lenore was prohibited from eating outside to avoid food poisoning.

After all, the royal family is the spiritual symbol of Spain!

Looking disappointed Lenore, Anliang added,"If you want to try it, I can help you"

"Um?" Lenore was confused.

An Liang walked directly to the stew shop. Philip VI and Queen Lydia had already seen An Liang's movements, but they glanced at Lenore and made sure that Lenore was not following, so they didn't say anything.

+At the entrance of the Maizhu shop, An Liang ordered braised pork in Puyuan dialect with a hint of the imperial capital.

However, the store owner is an authentic Imperial City person.

"Are you not from the imperial capital?"The owner of the stew shop looks about thirty years old.

Be careful.-."Well, I am from Shengqing, but I have been in the imperial capital for a long time.

"The imperial capital is actually quite bad. There is too much pressure, especially the pressure of buying a house."The owner of the stew shop complained,"I just felt that the pressure in the Imperial Capital was too great, so I simply came to Madrid from the Imperial Capital.

An Liang answered casually,"How is the environment here?""

"Apart from the worse public security, the problem is actually not that big. I have no intention of settling down here and waiting to make money here before returning to the imperial capital."The owner of the stew shop explained.

An Liang was curious,"Is it easy to make money here?"

"For locals, it is quite difficult, but for us foreigners, it is actually quite easy. For example, braised braised pork is usually between 25 and 40 euros in the Imperial Capital, but it is 30 euros here. One serving."The owner of the stew shop explained.

A portion of braised stew costs 30 euros....

After settling according to the exchange rate, it has exceeded 230 Xia Guoyuan.

This price is poisonous!

But you should know that the per capita annual income in Madrid does not exceed 20,000 euros, and the average income will be driven up by high incomes. If the median income is probably lower, I am afraid.

In an environment with such an income, it actually sells for 30 euros a piece. An Liang doubts whether he can sell it?

An Liang asked with such suspicion.

The owner of the stew shop also responded generously,"Our main customers are tourists from China in Madrid, followed by tourists from other countries. There are quite few local customers in the Spanish half."

That's it!

An Liang understood what the other party meant.

After a while, a braised stew was prepared, and An Liang paid 30 euros. The other party did not give any discount because An Liang was a compatriot and they had a good conversation.

After all, Anliang is the other party's main consumer group, so why should he give a discount?

An Liang walked towards Lenore with the stewed stew. He tasted it as he walked. The only consolation was that this stewed stew was very authentic, and it really tasted like the old imperial capital.

Whether it is fat intestines or pig lungs, they are all processed just right, without any peculiar smell, and are braised to taste.

This is more or less a bit of comfort, right? ,

An Liang came back with stewed stew, Lenore looked at An Liang eagerly, Lydia and Philip VI also looked at An Liang with some surprise, because they knew An Liang's situation very well, and the other party had a very high status in Xia Kingdom , and holds huge wealth.

Under such circumstances, are you so lax about your personal safety?

Queen Lydia even thought, isn't Anliang afraid that someone will poison the stew?

If An Liang knew such thoughts, he could only say that it was impossible to happen.

Do you want to know about danger premonition ability?

In the surprised eyes of Lydia and Philip VI, An Liang directly picked up a piece of sausage and fed it to Lenore.

What's more important is that Lenore didn't refuse!

According to the court etiquette education of the Spanish royal family, Lenore should refuse food from outside, let alone food fed by a man. This is completely the opposite of the court etiquette education.

However, Lenore just didn’t refuse!

This situation made Queen Lydia and Philip VI look at each other in confusion..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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