Vienna local time, close to ten o'clock in the evening.

An Liang is playing the piano in the living room of the executive suite of the Royal Palace Hotel. In order to facilitate Chen Siyu's piano practice, the hotel An Liang chose naturally has a piano.

When Chen Siyu came out of the shower, she walked up to An Liang and asked casually,"When are you going to Xibanya?"

An Liang stopped playing the piano, and he moved a position, motioning Chen Siyu to sit on the piano bench, and then hugged Chen Siyu

"You will compete on the 4th. I will go there tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow, just in time to watch you compete."An Liang explained

"This time, we mainly negotiated wine imports. If there are no accidents, the magnitude of this cooperation will be between 2 billion and 3 billion, and the profit may be around 15%."An Liang added.

An Liang continued to explain the arrogance of Da'ao, as well as its monopoly on the channels for importing red wine from Da'ao, and the suspension of the import of red wine from Da'ao.

Chen Siyu hummed 19,"I'm just asking, I don't have Something else"

"Yes, yes, you just ask."An Liang laughed.

Chen Siyu hummed again.

An Liang picked up Chen Siyu and returned to the bedroom. This big cat in the imperial capital was a little untidy, and An Liang was ready to take care of her.

After more than half an hour, Chen Siyu nestled in An Liang's arms. She used the five fingers of her right hand to Moving gently on An Liang's chest, An Liang recognized that Chen Siyu was playing"Our Love".

An Liang pulled Chen Siyu up, and the two returned to the living room, and then played"Our Love" with four hands together.

This piece is An Liang's repertoire, and he played it very well.

Chen Siyu praised,"If you only look at the piece"Our Love", you are considered to be in the middle and upper reaches of our school.""

However, An Liang is only specialized in this one piece of music.

After the two of them finished playing the four-hand combination, An Liang kissed Chen Siyu on the face, and Chen Siyu pushed An Liang in disgust,"I will continue to practice, you go and shuangshuang , I want to practice the piano more today"

"All right!"An Liang responded helplessly.

Chen Siyu is perfect in every aspect. She is tall, has a good figure, and plays the piano very elegantly. The only problem is that every time she is defeated by An Liang, she will be like a former best friend. Secret.

Ning Ruoshuang is playing games with Hu Xiaoyu, Song Qian and the others in the suite next door. She also lives in the suite here. The suite here has two bedrooms and one living room, but she is just playing games there at the moment.

An Liang When they came to the suite next door, Hu Xiaoyu and the others were playing games on their mobile phones. An Liang took a look and saw that it was not the pesticide for the dead, but Chicken Tonight.

Ning Ruoshuang also joined in. An Liang sat next to Ning Ruoshuang, but he didn't It occurred to me that Ning Ruoshuang's gaming level is quite high and she is the absolute main force of the team.

But if you think about it, it's normal. After all, Ning Ruoshuang is a dancer, has good physical coordination, and is talented in shooting games, so it doesn't seem to be a problem. ?

About twenty minutes later, Ning Ruoshuang finally defeated her opponent one-on-two and successfully won the chicken tonight.

Hu Xiaoyu cheered, and then took the initiative,"It's getting late, I'm going back to the room first, we'll go there tomorrow How about visiting Pamhagen Zoo and visiting the lakefront? Zhou

Linlin seconded,"Okay, I checked on the Internet. Many of their animals are free-range and we can feed them."

Luo Mandie also agreed,"Yeah, I think it's okay.""

Wen Jingshu added,"The day after tomorrow we can go to the Poktordorfheide Nature Reserve in the Alps for a hike and a picnic.

Everyone agreed again. An

Liang reminded on the side,"Pay attention to safety. I will send someone to go with you, but don't run around." Hu Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly,"

Okay, thank you, Brother Liang.""

An Liang took Ning Ruoshuang back to his suite.

Ning Ruoshuang's face turned a little red. Although she had been with An Liang for a while, Ning Ruoshuang was still easily shy, especially when An Liang had just taken her away in front of her sisters. , making Ning Ruoshuang even more shy.

An Liang likes Ning Ruoshuang's shy character. Maybe it has a different kind of stimulation? It's approaching late at night and early in the morning.

An Liang carries Ning Ruoshuang to Chen Siyu, who is lying down playing with his mobile phone. , An Liang took her mobile phone, locked it and put it down, and reminded,"It's almost early in the morning, including the time difference, we haven't slept for almost 20 hours, so hurry up and get some rest."

Chen Siyu was already sleepy. She was just waiting for An Liang. She took the initiative to snuggle into An Liang's arms and fell asleep after a while. The night was rushing.

The next day, An Liang woke up at nearly nine o'clock in the morning. Chen Siyu was still sleeping. Ning Ruoshuang didn't wake up either. After all, due to jet lag, everyone hadn't slept for almost twenty hours. It was normal to sleep for a while. An

Liang yawned and got up first. He checked the email reply from Queen Lydia..Since

Lenore was underage, An Liang naturally could not contact Lenore directly, so he contacted Queen Lydia and briefly explained the cooperation in importing wine and that he would go to the Spanish Peninsula in person.

Queen Lydia was in The email expressed a warm welcome, and also stated that a welcome banquet would be held for Anliang, as well as corresponding telephone contact information to facilitate Anliang's contact.

Looking at the message replied by Queen Lydia, he smiled._Feilu reminder You: Three things about reading-∪Collect, recommend, and share!

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