Yunjing International Apartment, Room 8806.

An Liang first decanted the 1990 Vega Sicilia dry red wine, then poured it into a glass, and then added ice sprite.

"No class tomorrow?"An Liang asked Chen Siyu.

Tomorrow is the last day of June, and the day after tomorrow is the day when Chen Siyu will go abroad to participate in the international piano competition. An Liang was thinking that there should be no class tomorrow, right?

Chen Siyu shook his head,"I will also have class tomorrow."

"this..."An Liang complained,"Teacher Sun is a bit cruel!"

Chen Siyu responded with a smile,"Teacher Sun said that it is precisely because he will go abroad to participate in the international piano competition the day after tomorrow, so he will have class tomorrow, and finally check and fill in the gaps."

"All right! An Liang sighed helplessly,"Have you packed your luggage?""

Chen Siyu nodded,"Yeah, I've basically packed it up. Except for the personal care supplies, everything else has been prepared."

An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang also nodded,"I'm ready too. We made a list and checked each item one by one. We checked it twice. There should be nothing missing."

"That'll do. An Liang responded.

Chen Siyu added,"Shuangshuang and I also packed your luggage. Now, I sent you the list. You can see what is missing.""

An Liang checked the list sent by Chen Siyu on his mobile phone, including everything from clothes to trousers to backpacks and shoes.

"As for personal care products, just use ours when the time comes. You usually use ours anyway."Chen Siyu added.

An Liang nodded confidently in agreement. He had previously used Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang's facial masks, moisturizing essences, facial cleansers, etc. At that time, Chen Siyu also said, no wonder she used up her skin care products so quickly. It turned out to be An Liang too. It was in use.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and a bottle of 750 ml wine was finished by three people. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were both a little drunk, and they leaned on An Liang's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Master An, do you love my water?"Chen Siyu said drunken words

"What do you think?"An Liang asked back.

"I want you to say it."Chen Siyu responded.

An Liang looked at Chen Siyu seriously,"Little fool, I love you."

"snort!"Chen Siyu hummed.

Ning Ruoshuang also asked drunkenly,"What about me?"

"I love you too."An Liang responded

"You are indeed a big bastard!"Chen Siyu hummed again

"Oh, since I am a big bastard, then you are finished." An Liang responded, since you have gained a bad reputation, how can you be unjustly accused in vain?


The next day.

At 7:30 in the morning, Chen Siyu opened her eyes lazily and asked casually,"Hey, Siri, what time is it now?"

"It's 7:31 in the morning."The phone's smart voice assistant responded

"ah? Chen Siyu was stunned for a moment,"Oh no, no, no, we're going to be late!"

An Liang also woke up and responded,"Why are you late?""

"We have class today too!"Chen Siyu responded

"Don't worry, you can make it in time. It'll be fine if you arrive before 8:30, right?"An Liang responded.

Chen Siyu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that if he arrived before 8:30, it would be fine. He let Mu Xinmei play in the previous time, so she could go over and pick up Mu Xinmei and it would be fine!

Ning Ruoshuang played A yawn,"I'm also going to school to see. Today is our last day and we have vacation starting tomorrow.""

Before eight o'clock, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang went to school together, and An Liang also got up and washed up. During breakfast, the Imperial City friends group notified that there was information.

Li Cunyuan: @安梁.Brother Liang, are you in the Imperial City?

An Liang: Well, I arrived yesterday evening. I was busy and didn’t tell you.

Li Cunyuan: I understand!

Yun Haiyang: Envy!

Qian Xiaogang: I suspect that Brother Liang secretly hid Dongqingzi Oral Liquid, but I have no evidence.

Qian Xiaogang : After all, Brother Liang has a lot of girlfriends, what do you think?

Yun Haiyang: It suddenly dawns on me!

Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, are you honest?

Li Cunyuan: Brother Gangzi’s analysis is so right! Li

Cunyuan: Brother Liang, what you once said , we are closer than brothers, so does Holly Seed Oral Liquid count as our share?

An Liang: One thing to say, I really don’t need Holly Seed Oral Liquid.

An Liang: I really didn’t keep Holly Seed Oral Liquid either.

An Liang: I Are you envious of being so powerful to begin with?

Qian Xiaogang: Vomit!

Yun Haiyang: Add one more person!

Li Cunyuan changed the topic and sent a message.

Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang will go abroad tomorrow?

An Liang: Yeah! Are you going? ?

Li Cunyuan: I want to, but Brother Haiyang can’t go, so I can only accompany Brother Haiyang. Qian Xiaogang: I want to go, but I have to inspect the property at home, which is a big tragedy.

An Liang: @云海( Wang's): What's wrong with Brother Haiyang?,

Li Cunyuan: Smile

Qian Xiaogang: Smile

Yun Haiyang:...,

Anliang:? ? ?

Li Cunyuan: Our school is an independent one. The exams are a bit difficult and the rules are a bit weird. If you fail the exam, you have to stay and make up the exam. Er

Anliang: Hahahahaha!

An Liang: Brother Haiyang died?

Li Cunyuan: I failed three subjects.

An Liang: So cruel?

Qian Xiaogang: In fact, Brother Haiyang has already performed exceptionally well. Under normal circumstances, he should have passed five or more subjects.

Yun Haiyang: Don’t kill, don’t kill, I’m almost crying! Shu

Yunhaiyang: Who knew that AB mode would suddenly be enabled this semester? _

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