Two days of exams passed by in a hurry, June 24th, 11am.

Tianfu School of Economics has announced the results on the campus website. You can check your results by logging in to the campus website.

An Liang logged into the campus network and checked his grades.


An Liang, Class 3, Department of Finance, Class 2019:

Mathematical Analysis II: 92 points,

Programming and Application: 61 points,

Accounting: 85 points,

Macroeconomics: 99 points


Passed all four subjects!

However, An Liang thinks that the school should give a thumbs up to the programming and application exam?

Because An Liang didn't study this course at all, he just looked at the general content, and then purely relied on his feelings during the exam.

The course Programming and Application is of no significance to Anliang. It is an employment course, and it is more about helping with work. However, does Anliang need a job?

Feel sorry!

An Liang is self-employed!

"Dog boys, have you passed the exam?"An Liang asked in dormitory 307.

Lu 630 Wenshan responded龸Dad passed the exam and packed up his things to go home. Goodbye, sons!"

"No, Wenshan, are you just leaving?"Shen Shizhong complained.

Lu Wenshan responded affirmatively,"Well, what are you going to do if you don't go home after passing the exam? I'm going back to my hometown. I forgot to tell you that my blind date has already checked the results. With a score of 578, he should be able to enter Xichuan. School of Finance and Economics"

"I vomited!"Shen Shizhong complained.

Ma Long complained,"I vomited too, are you too beastly to step on the horse?"

"Sorry, my blind date is an adult, and we have made an appointment to travel during the summer vacation. Sons, don’t envy your dad, I’ll take the first step!"Lu Wenshan quickly packed up his things and ran away impatiently.

An Liang shook his head speechlessly,"There's a saying, the most beastly guy in our dormitory is definitely this bitch, Inshangshan! Shen Shizhong seconded,"

Our team thinks Lu Wenshan is the scumbag!"

Ma Long sighed,"I think Wen Shanxi is pretty good."

? ? ?

An Liang and Shen Shizhong looked at Ma Long together.

Ma Long said seriously,"Brother Wenshan has always been pretty good. I'm going to go play with Brother Wenshan during the holidays."

That's it!

An Liang and Shen Shizhong both looked at Ma Long with contempt.

Shen Shizhong even joked,"Brother Champion, you have failed before, and now you are going to hit the wall?"

Ma Long responded,"I think I can still try harder. Brother Wenshan's girlfriend should have other close friends, no. I told you, I'll give Brother Wenshan a call."

Ma Long immediately called Lu Wenshan and explained what he was going to do there. However, after a moment, Ma Long put down the phone and started to complain,"Lu Wenshan is a piece of shit. He is simply not a human being. I will drink him to death after I start school!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Killing me!"

Such a true attitude in the world made both An Liang and Shen Shizhong laugh. They knew without asking that it was Lu Wenshan who rejected Ma Long. Lu Wenshan was really a bitch who forgot his friends after seeing sex.

"Brother Liang, Brother Champion, I’m leaving too. I still have to go back during the summer vacation. Alas, it’s so difficult for me! Shen Shizhong sighed,"By the way, if you come to Jinling, remember to call me. I am not Lu Wenshan." An

Liang couldn't help but responded with a smile,"I beg you to be a human being and give Wenshan a knife. It's not easy for Wenshan. During the summer vacation, I was worried that Wenshan, who was already thin, would lose another 20 pounds after returning home.".

Shen Shizhong looked at An Liang speechlessly,"You are still more ruthless!""

"Brother Champion, when will you go back?"An Liang asked

"I will leave today and fly back today during the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow, which is just right. Ma Long explained, and then asked,"Where is Brother Liang?" Continue to stay in Tianfu with your two girlfriends?"

"No, I'm going home. The company at home has things to deal with."An Liang said simply.

Ma Long didn't ask any more questions,"Okay, then I'm going to leave too. I'll bring you jujubes and peanuts when school starts. Those are the specialties over there."

The members of Dormitory 307 disbanded on the spot. An Liang did not go to Tianfu International Airport immediately. He made an appointment with Bai Yue first, and the two of them walked under the shade of the trees.

"Classmate Baiyue, when will you go home? An Liang asked.

Bai Yue thought about it for a moment before shaking her head,"I want to stay and deal with the Animal Star Rescue Foundation first. In addition, during the summer vacation, I will promote the Animal Star Rescue Foundation to go out of the campus and take root in the entire Tianfu." An

Liang shook his head,"You should have a good rest during the holidays. Why don't you go back and see your mother?""

"Let me tell Manager Feng that the next time you go to Yunpo Village to purchase goods, they will take you back with them. Your village has changed now. The mobile phone signal there is very good. Do you know?"An Liang asked.

Bai Yue nodded. She often has video calls with her mother. How could she not know the changes in the village?

It is precisely because of the changes in the village that Bai Yue is more determined to stay and manage the animal rescue for An Liang. Foundation affairs, so as to live up to An Liang’s efforts

"Classmate An, I really want to stay and deal with the affairs of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation. Bai Yue said seriously.

An Liang responded with a smile,"But I don't allow it!""_

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