The next day, Thursday, summer time, 9 a.m.

Ysela once again arrived at the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on behalf of Apple. It was Zhao Wanxi who still negotiated with the other party, but An Liang and Zhao Wanxi had already discussed countermeasures in advance.

In the conference room of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Isela asked straight to the point,"Ms. Zhao, we at Apple are willing to cooperate with your company. Are you willing to cooperate?"

"certainly!"Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively.

Ysera was stunned for a moment. Yesterday, Tim privately told her that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group should confirm the cooperation today. Ysera didn't quite believe it. After all, it was such an important cooperation. , the discussion should take longer, right?

Zhao Wanxi added,"But our cooperation has corresponding conditions!"

The specific conditions are listed below:

1. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will only provide graphene batteries to Apple in 550 countries and regions in Greater China;

2. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will supply 1 million pieces of graphite suitable for Apple mobile phones in the first phase. ene batteries;

3. It is prohibited to batch transfer the graphene battery version of Apple mobile phones out of the mainland of Daxia. If the investigation finds that, each unit will be fined US$1 million;

4. Apple has any suspicion of Xia Guo and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group In the event of slander, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has the conditions to unilaterally terminate cooperation without compensation;

5. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group currently only supplies graphene batteries for Apple mobile phones, and other products require further discussion;



One condition after another was stated by Zhao Wanxi. There were as many as 22 restrictions in total, which restricted all aspects of Apple and refused exclusive supply.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is just cooperating with Apple according to An Liang's instructions to make a quick buck in the US stock market. Is the cooperation serious? impossible!

Faced with the harsh conditions proposed by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Iselagen did not hesitate. She also understood what the chef CEO meant, and she even participated in the plan to cut leeks. cooperate?

How much money can you make through cooperation

? Harvesting leeks is the best way to make money!

"We accept such a cooperation plan. What is the price of each graphene battery?" Ysera asked.

When Zhao Wanxi heard Ysela agreeing to all her requests without any conditions, she knew that Anliang had won again, because Anliang had told Zhao Wanxi in advance that Apple's top management would definitely have a tacit understanding. Cooperation, both parties tacitly cut leeks

"In terms of price, we give you the best price. The price of each iPhone ll Pro Max battery is 900 yuan, and the price of iPhone ll Pro is 700 yuan. For lower-level mobile phones, you should have no plans to make graphene batteries, right?"Zhao Wanxi asked back.

This price is very cheap and expensive!

This statement is not contradictory, because cheap and expensive are relative issues, just like the theory of relativity. It is said that the price is expensive because the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group sells The graphene battery capacity of Huaban Company is 7000 mAh, and the price is 200 yuan.

Apple’s iPhone ll Pro Max graphene battery has a capacity of 6200 mAh, but the price offered by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is 900 yuan. Isn’t it expensive? Is it?

In fact, the cost of a 7000 mAh battery is only about 40 yuan. It was still an initial experimental production cost. Now after scaling up, it has dropped to about 30 yuan, which is equivalent to the cost of 1wh battery capacity equal to 1.16 yuan.

If After the second phase of the 120Gwh production base is put into use, the production cost will drop to about 1 yuan 1wh.

Waiting for the completion of the third phase of the 1Twh production base, the production cost will drop by 10%. iPhonellProM, ax graphite The graphene battery capacity is 6200 mAh, which is converted to 22.94wh. The equivalent cost of a battery is 26.57 yuan.

Comprehensive comparison, whether it is compared with the purchase price of Petal Company or the production cost, Apple’s purchase price of graphene batteries is It’s so expensive.

After all, the sales price is a little more than 33 times the production cost. Even white noodles don’t have such terrifying profits, okay?

As for the price being cheap, that’s compared to Apple itself.

The data displayed on Apple’s official website, replace one piece The battery price of iPhone ll Pro Max is 519 yuan. A mere ordinary battery can cost 519 yuan.

Now the graphene battery provided by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group not only has a longer life, but also has a 5% increase in capacity. More than ten, the more important thing is that the charging speed is greatly improved, and the heat is low and other excellent features.

Even for ordinary batteries with the same capacity, Apple has to lower the replacement price by 800 yuan, right?

So An Liang is guiding the sales of 900 yuan behind the scenes. The price is actually not expensive.

Faced with the price proposed by Zhao Wanxi, Ysela still did not refuse, because Apple has already studied the graphene battery version of the Huapal b40Pro+ mobile phone, and they know the power of graphene batteries. Powerful.

Besides, isn’t this price included in the selling price? _

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