307 dormitory.

An Liang came back with four bottles of Feizhai happy water. He greeted,"Sons, dad brought you happy water." The three people who were studying raised their heads and called daddy together without restraint.

When An Liang finished distributing Fat House Happy Water, the three of them suffered from collective amnesia and forgot about what they had just called daddy.

"Brother Liang, have you been drinking?"Shen Shizhong asked

"Well, I just drank a little. An Liang responded casually, and then asked teasingly,"Why are you studying hard again?""

Lu Wenshan responded on behalf of Shen Shizhong,"It's been exposed that he has two boats. Now it's a turning point. In the School of Health, the reputation of gentlemen is ruined, right? An Liang raised his eyebrows,"

What happened on Nurses' Day before?" Ma Long answered,"

Yes, the car still overturned!""

19"I remember I told you the solution, but you still fell over?"An Liang gave Shen Shizhong an idea at that time.

Shen Shizhong complained,"I'm so unlucky, really, Brother Liang, I'm so unlucky!"

"what's the situation?"An Liang asked curiously.

"As you said, I made an appointment with one person at noon and one person in the evening. Everything was fine originally. But when I made an appointment with someone in the evening, I actually met the one I had made an appointment with at noon. It turned out that it was the Shura field at that time."Shen Shizhong complained

"Can we meet together?"An Liang was speechless.

"What bad luck!"Shen Shizhong responded,"I'm still waiting for the next class of junior high school girls. Next year I will also go to the Normal College opposite to squat for a while. There should be a lot of junior high school girls at the Normal College."

"I think it works."An Liang responded with a smile.

"Brother Liang, don’t you look forward to the school girl?"Shen Shizhong asked back

"hehe. An Liang stared at Shen Shizhong with death,"Am I the kind of scumbag who has two legs?""

"You are! Shen Shizhong responded directly,"Who doesn't know about you and those two sisters?""

Ma Long seconded,"Yes, yes, Brother Liang, both our school and the school opposite know that you are no longer discussed in the Puyuan Wall, and everyone has lost the sense of freshness.

Lu Wenshan sighed,"I'm so surprised!""

"You three little sons, hurry up and study, be careful not to fail!"An Liang complained, and then took out Bai Yue's"Mathematical Analysis II" and notebooks from the messenger bag to study.



After the first group members of the Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Overseas Affairs Department, and Fourth Investigation Division were repatriated to Neon, they immediately reported the situation in Xia Country.

The head of the fourth investigation section is Tamura Sokora. He called the members of the first team to the office to inquire about the situation.

Tamura Sozora did not make a fuss about separating the members of the first group for interrogation and investigation, because he knew that if there were problems with the members of the first group, they had already jointly confessed before they came back, so how could such a flaw be left?

In Tamura Sokora's office, he looked at Asakura Kaito,"Kaito-kun, tell me about the situation. Why did the other party let you go?"

Tamura Sokora had already read Asakura Kaito's report. According to the report, They were caught by Anliang's security personnel, handed over to Xia State's National Security Investigation Bureau, and finally sent back.

Neon's Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did receive a notice from Xia State's National Security Investigation Bureau, stating that it would send back four members of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

It is precisely because of this that Asakura Kaito could not deny the fact that they were sent back, so he naturally reported the situation truthfully.

"Section Chief Tamura, our information about the target is completely wrong. The target controls a huge amount of energy in Xia Country."Asakura Kaito explained.

Asakura Kaito continued to add,"According to our analysis, there are security personnel around the target 24 hours a day, and the other party's security personnel hold certificates from the Xiaguo National Security Investigation Bureau. It is okay. Use the identity of a patrol officer.

Tamura Cangkong hesitated,"Is the other party from the Xia Kingdom's court?""

"According to our investigation, the other party is not, but the other party's partner is very deeply involved with the Xia court."Asakura Kaito added

"So, is the matter of the second group related to the goal? Tamura Sokora asked.

Asakura Kaito hesitated,"Based on the current investigation, we cannot be sure." Tamura

Sokora asked,"I want to know your judgment. Do you think the affairs of the second group are related to the other party?""

This question is difficult to answer!

If it is related, 543 should we continue the investigation?

When An Liang was investigated for the first time, they had already been caught by An Liang. The other party sent them back mercilessly, which was to deliberately let them go..If we continue to investigate the other party, who knows if the other party will let them go again?

As for it doesn’t matter...

If there is a connection later in the investigation, wouldn't it be cool?

In view of this situation, Asakura Kaito was in a dilemma.

Tamura Sokora was obviously aware of Asakura Kaito's predicament. He added,"You only express your own opinion. No matter what your opinion is, it will not affect your evaluation or the investigation of the case."

Asakura Kaito Dou breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a moment before responding,"I don't think the target has anything to do with the car accident of the first group."

Asakura Kaito added,"Through the reverse analysis of our situation, the other party It is not difficult to deal with us, and the other party is not that strong in our country, right?"

"unless..."Asakura Kaito hesitated. _

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